Saturday, April 27, 2013

Assad Calls Obama's Bluff

Looks like Bashar al-Assad, the hereditary dictator of Syria, has taken the measure of U.S. President Barack Obama, and isn't impressed.

A while ago in the two-year-old Syrian uprising, Obama announced a “red line.” The “line” was the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime. Obama in effect was saying, you better not cross this line. You can bomb your own people, you can shell your own towns, you can slaughter civilians indiscriminately, you can institutionalize rape as a weapon of repression, you can torture and execute people, and all I'll do is “demand” that you “step down.” (And prohibit you from having a bank account in an American bank. And we won't sell you arms, which we don't do anyway.) But you better not use chemical weapons! Because then you'll have to deal with the righteous wrath of the mighty U.S.A!

Well, Israel, and Britain, and France, now all say Assad has crossed the line. At first the Obama regime, including in the person of War Secretary Chuck “Wagon” Hagel, said there was no proof. Now, however, they've reluctantly conceded it seems to be so. (A British lab had samples of something to test, blood or soil.) But doubt has been cast on the claims of sarin use. [1] No surprise that Israel might try to instigate U.S. involvement, just as its American agents helped instigate the Iraq invasion and wants the U.S. to bomb Iran.

Assuming sarin use is confirmed, the question is: So now what happens? Nothing much, probably. Some verbal backing and filling and “clarifying” and more hollow warnings, most likely. A slight increase,maybe, in the dribble of “non-lethal” and “humanitarian” aid to the rebels (equipment and food and medicine, no guns or bullets or other stuff that shoots or explodes).

The U.S. “security” establishment now says sarin was probably used. So Obama is stalling. This is reflected in New York Times headlines, on the “World” page of its website, “Obama Not Rushing To Act on Signs Syria Used Chemical Weapons” (no, he sure isn't “rushing,” in fact he's dragging his feet) and a similar headline in the 4/27 print edition. ("Obama Avoids Swift Response to Report on Syria Arms." Love that mealy-mouthed Timesese, "Avoids Swift Response." Sounds so much better than "ducks" or "dithers" or "stalls" or "is indecisive.") 

The website version thumbnail of the story says:

         The president said he would respond “prudently” and “deliberately” to evidence
         that Syria has used chemical weapons, tamping down any expectations that he would
         take swift action.

In other words, don't rush me,I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

The first paragraph spells things out even more clearly, that Obama, by his words, was:

        tamping down any expectations that he would take swift action after an 
        American intelligence assessment that the Syrian government had used 
        the chemical agent sarin on a small scale in the nation’s civil war.

The NYT says that Obama's “remarks”

        laid bare the quandary he now faces. The day after the White House, in a letter to 
        Congressional leaders, said that the nation’s intelligence agencies had assessed “with
        varying degrees of confidence” that the Syrian government had used sarin, the president
        said he was seeking further proof of culpability for chemical weapons attacks. It is a
        laborious process that analysts say may never produce a definitive judgment. But Mr.
       Obama is also trying to preserve his credibility after warning in the past  that the use of
       chemical weapons would be a “game changer” and prompt a forceful American response.

      “Knowing that potentially chemical weapons have been used inside of Syria doesn’t tell

       us when they were used, how they were used,” Mr. Obama told reporters in the Oval Office. 
      “We have to act prudently. We have to make these assessments deliberately.”
      “But I meant what I’d said,” the president added. “To use potential weapons of mass
       destruction on civilian populations crosses another line with respect to international norms
       and international law. And that is going to be a game changer.” [Obama's use of the future   
       tense emphasized by me.]

What a bunch of doubletalk. He's stalling as hard as he can, then he repeats his empty threat, as if nothing has happened. And what the NYT means by Obama's “quandary” is that he painted himself into a corner with his bluffing. But they're too genteel and “respectful” to U.S. “authority” to ever be so blunt.

The UK Independent reports thusly:

         Obama, in his first comments about the new intelligence disclosure, said yesterday
         [April 26] : "For the Syrian government to utilize chemical weapons on its people
         crosses a line that will change my calculus and how the United States approaches
         these issues." "I've meant what I said."

        Some lawmakers voiced concern that if Obama doesn't make good on his promise
        to respond aggressively if it's shown that Assad used chemical weapons, his inaction
       could send a damaging message to the world. [2]

Namely the “message” that the U.S. is a paper tiger, whose bluff can be called. But I think the U.S. has a long enough record of savagery that it would be foolhardy for other nations to test it. and the U.S. has a history of sneaky attacks using cyberwarfare, SEALs, financial sabotage, and so on. For example, a number of Syrian undercover officers were bumped off in retaliation for the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon during the Reign of Reagan.

At the same time, UK Prime Minister David Cameron says a “very clear warning” should be sent. He forgot to say the word, “again.” Well, he's just fulfilling the now-traditional role of a UK Prime Minister as a parrot sitting on the shoulder of the U.S. Emperor. (A recent exception to that role was Margaret Thatcher. Reagan, under the influence of the loathsome Jeane Kirkpatrick and Al Haig, tried to talk Thatcher out of a military response to the Argentine junta's invasion and conquest of the Falkland Islands, which were and are inhabited by British people. Thatcher was having none of it.)

Obama's minions are also using the lies about WMD that the Bush regime used to gin up war fever to invade Iraq as an excuse to inaction. Which of course continues to promote the lie that what happened prior to that invasion was a case of “faulty intelligence,” not BALD FACED LYING by the U.S. Government and the entirety of the corporate media. The- the establishment- have since constructed this myth that the CIA “got it wrong” somehow, that they made mistakes. In fact, they were fabricating “intelligence,” as has been extensively documented. All the history is being systematically ignored by the U.S. establishment in foisting this lie on the public, that the lies weren't lies, but were honest mistakes.

Let's briefly review a few salient points on that score. There was the man the Egyptians tortured into saying what the CIA said they wanted to hear, that there were Al-Qaeda links to Saddam Hussein. This “confession” was used by Bush and Powell as part of their “proof.” (Later the victim was handed over to Qaddafi for disposal. Jane Mayer of The New Yorker has described the details of this case.)

The con man code named “Curveball” by his German secret police handlers was a known liar, and the Germans told the CIA this, but his bullshit about “mobile chemical weapons vans” was a key part of Colin Powell's lies to the UN.

The Niger yellowcake hoax was exposed as false BEFORE the war by the man tasked with investigating it, Joseph Wilson. You might remember what the Bush regime did in retaliation- they publicly blew the cover of his CIA officer wife, Valerie Plame.

The NYT was part of the mendacious propaganda campaign designed to lead to war. It assigned the egregious reactoinary Judith Miller (who already had a long history of dubious propaganda disguised as “news” for that paper) to act as a conveyor belt for the disinformation of the con man and embezzler Ahmed Chalabi.

The corporate media was so solidly behind the Bush regime's aggression that MSNBC canceled its top-rated show, Phil Donahue, because he refused to drink the Kool-Aid and presented dissenting views from the rush to war propaganda.
I could go on, but it would fill (another) book.

The point is, it is particularly disingenuous for the establishment media (and no doubt much of academe will follow along) to pretend that the U.S. made an honest error about Iraqi WMD, that the phone “intelligence” was honest but “flawed,” “mistaken,” not deliberately fabricated on orders of Cheney and Rumsfeld. This is reminiscent of how they rewrote the history of the Vietnam War, to present it as well-meaning, even noble, but impractical (because the U.S. couldn't “win,”), a “mistake,” not criminal and vicious. (A “mistake” that killed several million Vietnamese, devastated their country, left a land poisoned by dioxin which produces birth defects and disease to this day, killed another million in Laos and Cambodia and led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge, who killed another million plus Cambodian, and oh yes, killed a bunch of foolish Americans who consented to being used as instruments of crime. That's quite a “mistake.” A real whopper, you could say. And part of what so upsets the establishment about it is that it caused powerful resistance movements inside the U.S. But they managed to cool that all out. Now they're busily going back in time to the 1950s, at least- the 1920s if the GOP and their rich scum backers get their way.)

Anyway, now Obama the Ditherer is once again on display. Oh well. He can always kill some more poor Yemeni villagers as compensation, to feel powerful. And now there's a 19 year old prisoner to execute, the surviving Boston Marathon bomber. (Well, why not? If you can kill innocent children, and even target a 16 year old American because you'd just killed his dad two weeks ago and are afraid the son might try to not let it be forgotten- the al-Awlakis, of course- why not a guilty 19 year old bomber, an impressionable young fool under the malign influence of a zealous older brother?)

But Obama is slippery. Like Bill Clinton, a very similar Democratic Party political con man and dangerously intelligent operator, Obama is careful to plant weasel words and trapdoors and outs in his various speeches. So for example when he first laid down the “no chemical weapons, OK Assad?” marker back in August, he qualified it with a lot. Just don't use a lot of chemical weapons. I'm not sure that will get Obama off the political hook now. Senator John McCain has started beating his intervention drum again.


                                         Obama explaining complex matters to the less intelligent- us. April 26.

I think the U.S. should help the Syrian people with small arms, and maybe a no-fly zone, or at least taking out some Syrian aircraft. A brief reminder: 70,000 people are dead, hundreds of thousands are refugees, and thousands have experienced traumatic loss of loved ones, homes, livelihood.  Many are maimed, others have survived torture and rape. Cities and towns are being systematically reduced to rubble.

 I realize morality is irrelevant to our rulers, so I won't bother going over at length my moral reasons for why the U.S. should intervene. I believe that might should be used to defend right, instead of the operative principle of might makes right, that says power is its own justification, which is completely amoral. But here's an argument U.S. rulers might understand: politically it makes sense for the U.S. to try and head off jihadi influence in Syria by helping the bulk of the rebels succeed or at least strengthen their position. Instead, fear of jihadis seems to be a key reason the U.S. refuses to do this. Also, if the U.S. really cares about winning support from the Syrian people and Arabs and Muslims generally, supporting the uprisings of oppressed Arabs and Muslims is the best way to do this. Instead the U.S. is stubbornly sticking to its policy- a global policy- of wanting people to be controlled by dictatorships, and dealing with dictators, who are their kind of people. That is, people who are into power and rule. The U.S. figures it can just keep conning people with its cynical blather about how much they love freedom and democracy and human rights, and the ludicrous claim that these are “our values” and “principles,” that this is what the U.S. “stands for.” An empire founded on genocide and slavery, with a long record of conquest, aggression, subversion, destruction of democracies, and support for death squad dictatorships, saying this with a straight face. Wow, that is discipline, to be able to say that without cracking a smile. I guess repetition makes it easier.

There are two habitual U.S. practices that are principles- namely basic principles of propaganda: The Big Lie, and Repetition. Just keep repeating the lie, in this case, a Big Lie. These are well-established principles of modern propaganda practice, consciously understood by their practitioners.

1) Some of these doubts are summarized in the British Independent, excerpted below:

The picture which is emerging from accounts given by Western and Middle Eastern officials and members of the Syrian opposition is this:  the test so far have not yielded conclusive results; they have been based on blood, hair and soil samples as well as photographs and video footage; the samples have not been collected independently by Western investigators inside Syria but handed over by the rebels or, at least on one occasion, by Turkish intelligence; some of the footage may have been faked; the tests had been carried out at the UK's Defence Science and Technology Laboratories ( DSTL) and multiple locations in America: conclusions on them vary within US intelligence agencies and the experience of 'Iraq and WMD' is a very present source of caution among officials in Washington and London.

Dr Sally Leivesley, a chemical and biological analyst, a former scientific advisor to the Home Office who has worked for a number of western governments, said "There are things here which do not add up. A chemical attack using Sarin as a battlefield weapons would leave mass fatalities and very few people alive. From what one hears about the symptoms it's possible that a harassing agent rather than a nerve agent was used".

See article and video of hospital patients allegedly exposed to sarin at “HasAssad crossed ‘red line’? Graphic video footage emerges claimingto show victims of nerve gas attack in Syria, but doubts cast onevidence of use of chemical weapons”-, 27 April 2013.

President insists chemical attacks are still a 'red line'” -Independent, 27 April, 2013.

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