Monday, April 01, 2013

Obama Tops Kafka

86 prisoners in the U.S. military gulag at Guantanamo Bay (an illegal U.S. Base embedded seemingly permanently on Cuban soil, a country that the U.S. has committed numerous terrorist attacks on for over 50 years) have been “cleared for release” by the U.S. Government, its military, and its various secret police agencies. (Sixteen U.S. repression organizations in total have signed off on their release, with none objecting.) But Obama apparently intends to imprison them at Guantanamo Bay for life anyway. His State Dept. has now closed the office that arranges their “transfer” to other countries.

So even after your captors say you're cleared for release, the U.S. won't free you. Not even Kafka dreamed up a scenario like that.

By the way, 86 is a majority of the remaining 166 prisoners. At the peak, there were 750 prisoners in”Gitmo,” “the worst of the worst” in the false words of the mendacious Donald Rumsfeld. We know now that the Bush regime's top members cynically, cruelly, and cold-bloodedly knowingly locked up large numbers of innocent men sold for bounty money to the U.S. in order to appear effective in response to the 9/11 attacks. (Funny how they weren't blamed for the attacks, as a Democratic regime would have been blamed.) These hapless victims, including Algerian Red Crescent worker Lakhdar Boumediene, seized in Bosnia (where he lived as a naturalized citizen), were used as human props in the Bush regime's War On Terror political theater production. (Boumediene was deported in chains to France after seven years in the U.S. gulag, following a lengthy court battle.)

The Obama regime also wins this year's George Orwell 1984 Memorial Prize For Creepy Surveillance. Currently there's a show “trial” going on within the military prison camp at Guantanamo of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the “mastermind” of the 9/11/01 kamikaze airliner crash attacks, and co-defendants. The military has a censor in the court who cuts off the audio/video feed to the reporters held in another room. (Reports from the reporters to the outside world are “monitored.”) But this week some ghost in the machine cut off the feed from outside the room. The military officer “judge” was startled by this as he had been kept in the dark about the secret spying/censorship overlord. Apparently it was the CIA, because they threw their cloak of darkness and silence over the proceedings as one of the defense lawyers was starting to describe the torture of one of the prisoners. Surveillance equipment was also discovered in the “private” rooms where “privileged” attorney-client meetings are held between the prisoners and their defense lawyers. Joe Stalin would be proud.

So we have a fake “court” holding a fake “trial” with a fake “judge” (military officer following orders with no independence whatsoever) who doesn't even control his own “courtroom.” The U.S. is trying to fool people into believing that this ridiculous, sick charade constitutes “justice.”' It would be less disingenuous to cut the bullshit and just summarily execute the “defendants.”

Obama, you get the prize.

The “judge,” later in the week, ordered whoever was doing the secret monitoring and censorship to stop. Good luck with that, you hapless puppet. And the defense lawyers started worrying about the privacy of their communications. Right. As if they have any. The FBI, for one, has bugged and tapped attorneys defending leftist defendants for decades. What chance is there of defense lawyers for “Gitmo” prisoners not being totally covered with surveillance by multiple secret police and military “intelligence” organizations? How about zero?

People need to stop upholding the establishment's propaganda illusion that the U.S. is a “free” country and not a police state. Has been, on an organized basis, since Woodrow Wilson, really. And once again, back then, war was the excuse, rationale, justification, and cover for it.

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