Thursday, January 02, 2025

When it comes to Israel, the U.S. is a totalitarian society.

That is, dissent from the official pro-Israel anti-Palestinian propaganda is actively suppressed. There is no tolerance whatsoever for the "free speech rights" of anyone who wants to describe the agonies of Palestinians under Israeli rule, Israeli aggression, or the actual history of Israel.

Here's a video from 2015, which sounds like what's happening today. This video describes the kind of repression of dissent from Zionist propaganda, and the forbidding of truth about Israel's repression and the Palestinian people, and the activities of Israel's fifth column in the U.S., the so-called "Pro-Israel lobby." 

The speaker, Dr. Alice Rothschild, is Jewish. She details numerous incidents, some personally experience, of the overt repression of dissent from Israeli propaganda in the U.S. Her examples come from the school system, academia, and medical institutions. 

The campus institution of organized Zionist Jews, Hillel, claimed that Dr. Rothschild's mere presence to give a talk made "Jewish students feel unsafe." Exactly the same bogus claim shouted today by agents of Israel in the U.S. and politicians in Congress and elsewhere. 

Mere facts are taken as "anti-Semitic" when the facts show the reality of life under Israeli oppression. For example, a photo in a poster of the wall Israel built to imprison the entire Palestinian population is evidence of anti-Israel "bias."

The New York City school system unofficially bans any mention of actual history, as one of Dr. Rothschild's anecdotes illustrates.

Dr. Rothschild traces the forceful suppression of deviation from Israel's propaganda creation story to 1948.

Today we see University presidents purged after being accused by reactionary Republican politicians of being insufficiently repressive towards any expression of sympathy in their institutions for the Palestinian victims of Israel. Such sympathy is referred to as "anti-Semitism." Thus regarding Palestinians as human beings entitled to human rights is twisted into a form of bigotry against Jews. 

What a vile and grotesque political transmogrification! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ignore The Fake Election Cliffhanger Bullshit- The Republicans Will Still Rule The House Of Representatives

 As of this writing, the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) has won 215 House districts, the Democrats 206. That leaves 14 districts where the votes are still being counted. There are 435 House seats. 218 constitutes a majority. So the Republicans just need to win just 3 of the remaining 14 districts to retain their control of the House.

This is over.
Given that the Republican Party now is a cult with a Leader, Trump, who has virtually total domination of the party, the U.S. government as of January will be in Trump's hands. The Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Republican Judiciary. Even when he was out of office, that Judiciary bent over backwards to shield him from prosecution for his crimes. His hand-picked Federal District Judge, the lawless Aileen Cannon, had control over the criminal case arising from his theft of a large quantity of classified documents. This criminal judge delayed the case for years, then suddenly this year dismissed the charges on the spurious grounds that the special prosecutor was illegally appointed. (A completely ridiculous assertion with no basis in law or precedent.) This meant that there would be no trial (assuming the prosecutor got the charges reinstated in the Trump-aligned judiciary). Federal Judges at the Appeals Court level and the Supreme Court dragged their feet on ruling on appeals (spurious ones by Trump's lawyers, meritorious ones by special prosecutor Jack Smith) and threw up roadblock after roadblock to bringing the criminal Trump to justice.

The Republican Supreme Court even issued a gratuitous and shocking ruling, out of the blue, that presidents are IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION for ANYTHING they do in office "in their official capacity." A meaningless qualifier, since all presidents always claim that everything they do is part of their official duties.

Some people, both establishment types and some aspiring to be establishment types, not unreasonably fretted that a president could order a Navy SEAL team to murder a political opponent and be immune. But that sort of thing already happens. It just happens to people that "respectable" bourgeois types don't care about. Trump sent a U.S. Marshall's death squad to murder Michael Reinoehl, an Antifa activist who shot and killed a fascist stormtrooper type. [1]

And under Obama the government murdered journalist Michael Hastings in California and Black Lives Matter commentator Sandra Bland in Texas. Obama ordered weekly murders of "terrorists," and we are supposed to believe all were overseas. Many were by no reasonable definition "terrorists." such as farmers, peasants, and children.

Obama gifted Trump and all future presidents with the power to imprison American citizens in the Guantanamo Bay torture center or any secret site without charges and with no legal recourse. He did this by attaching a new legal authority to the "Defense" budget one year. Some leading dissidents brought a lawsuit, which they won in a Federal district court. The Obama regime filed an "emergency" appeal the same or next day and got the Federal Appellate court in New York  City to throw out the case entirely, claiming the dissidents didn't have "standing," - because they hadn't yet been rendered to a secret torture center! (Of course once they are, they'll be helpless to communicate with the outside world. How's THAT for a Catch-22?)

Obama fatuously reassured the public not to worry about this new anti-human law, because HE wasn't going to use it. What about future presidents, asshole? What a loathsome jackass. 

1]  Trump was very briefly asked about this assassination by a reporter, and Trump said something like "You had to do it," kill Reinoehl. That answer was considered the end of the matter by the murderous corporate propaganda system.

Saturday, November 02, 2024





Some necessary explanatory notes, and a correction to what the woman panelist said.
Matt Miller is the chief U.S. State Department propagandist ("spokesman"), a completely immoral creature who covers for the U.S.-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people, parrying questions, creating a fog of gaslighting. He's not even a human being, but an ANTI-human being.

Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi who wrote op-ed columns for the Washington Post, a major media organ of the ruling class. Khashoggi occasionally criticized the Saudi dictatorship run by "Prince" Mohammed Salman. Salman found this intolerable, so Khashoggi was lured to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2018, where he was murdered, his body sawed into pieces, and the pieces smuggled out and made to vanish. After the Turkish government exposed this crime, there was a period where U.S. politicians waved their arms and waxed indignant, proclaiming the crime to be "unacceptable." Eventually the furor blew over. The Saudi dictator scapegoated some hapless government operatives and that was the end of it.

The woman on the panel attributes the U.S. abandonment of Americans under Israeli bombardment in Lebanon to the Biden regime being  "rudderless." That's not it. The reason is callousness for the victims.

The U.S. government has an ingrained habit of siding with Israel whenever it murders Americans. The reason is that the U.S. political system at the highest levels has been colonized by Israel through its fifth column in the U.S., which includes organizations like AIPAC, the ADL, Christian Zionists, with the establishment media long acting like they are Israeli propaganda mouthpieces.

The callousness of U.S. politicians and government for American victims of Israeli violence has a long history, going back to the attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967, and even earlier to Israeli secret police bombing U.S. facilities in Egypt in the 1950's under "false flag" operations designed to lay the blame on Egyptians, and forward to the murder of Rachel Corrie, who was run over by an Israeli bulldozer when she tried to stop the demolition of a Palestinian family's home, the murder of a passenger on a relief convoy in international waters by Israeli commandos to stop it reaching Gaza, and the murder of star Al Jazeera reporter by an Israeli army sniper in May 2022, in Jenin, West Bank, Palestine. And just to show they had total impunity to murder journalists, two weeks later the Israelis murdered another journalist. They didn't have to wait for a scandal to blow over. They wanted to make it clear to reporters who covered their crimes that their lives could be snuffed out at any time with no consequences to Israel.

Here's the link to the episode of Sam Seder's "The Majority Report" from which this is excerpted.

Here's an interesting example of youtube political interference. I searched on youtube the title of the show, and it only came up with some shit about Israeli terrorist prime minister Menachem Begin. I had to search OUTSIDE of youtube to get the youtube URL link! Not the first time I've had to do that. I knew when Google bought youtube it would spoil it. Google, now under the corporate umbrella of Alphabet, was a joint project of Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and the NSA and CIA at Stanford University. And it shows.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Brown University Affirms Support For Genocide

 The "Corporation of Brown University" voted to retain its investments in companies supporting Israeli crimes and Israeli companies.

The University's chancellor and president issued this statement in justification:

University Chancellor Brian T. Moynihan and President Christina H. Paxson said that with a majority vote to accept ACURM’s recommendation, the Corporation — Brown’s highest governing body — stated its clear position opposing divestment, and accordingly, the University will not divest.

“In particular, Corporation members noted ACURM’s finding that Brown’s exposure to the 10 companies identified in the divestment proposal is de minimis, that Brown has no direct investments in any of the companies targeted for divestment and that any indirect exposure for Brown in these companies is so small that it could not be directly responsible for social harm, as defined in ACURM’s charge,” they wrote in an Oct. 9 letter to the Brown campus. “These findings alone are sufficient reason to support ACURM’s recommendation.”

The Brown officials claim the investments are "de minimis," meaning of very slight size and value. Which means the financial sacrifice of selling the shares would be insignificant! But they wouldn't sell nevertheless.

Because they are stubbornly IN SUPPORT of Israeli genocide. They won't even take the MOST MINOR STEP to mollify people suffering the emotional pain of witnessing Israel's genocide, and caring.

Meanwhile numerous other U.S. "institutions of higher learning" are repressing and persecuting students and faculty who try to protest the Israeli-U.S. genocide of the Palestinian people.

What callous scum run U.S. "institutions of higher learning." These assholes need to learn about morality and basic human decency.

Brian T. Moynihan. He plays rugby, he wants you to know!
Christina H. Paxson. And she looks so NICE! 
[The University statement is at]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

You're In Luck: In Most States, Your Vote Against Trump Doesn't Matter

That means you are free to vote for whomever. In CA, NY, NJ, CT, and other non-"battleground" states, there is no contest. Kamala Harris is going to win 100% of the Electoral College vote in those states. Every single Electoral College vote. 

In states that are a lock for Trump, the same logic applies. Trump will win no matter what, so voters there need not feel trapped inside the two-party straitjacket. Especially for people who would vote Democratic, which is futile.

In 2016, Donald Trump got 62,979,879 votes, but Hillary Clinton got 65,844,954 votes, 2.9 million more than Trump. So how did Trump become president? He won in the Electoral College, 306 to 232. Hillary Clinton got more votes than any other losing presidential candidate in US history. 

In 2000, George Bush got 50,456,002 votes, Al Gore got 50,999,897 votes, 543,895 more than Bush. Bush became president, elected by the Electoral College, 271 to 266. (Ralph Nader received 2,882,728 votes nationally, but ZERO Electoral College votes. That's fair, right?)

Except for Nebraska and Maine, every state gives ALL their Electoral College votes to the winner of the "popular" vote in the state. They do NOT divide their Electoral College votes among the candidates in proportion to how the PEOPLE of the state voted. 

So your vote for Harris does NOTHING to defeat Trump. Harris is going to get ALL the Electoral College votes in your state, the votes that actually elect the president.

You don't have to vote for an accomplice to genocide and horrific crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Yemen, where Israel is attempting to create another mass starvation by bombing the sole port through which food enters Yemen that is the difference between life and death for the people there.

For as long as I've been alive, the Democratic Party has practiced a politics of extortion. You "have" to vote for them or you get something worse, the Republican. It has worked for decades to force people to vote for them, and then the Democrats most often turn around and betray the promises they made. 

We live in a two-party dictatorship, a cartel controlled by two parties that on the basic fundamentals are in agreement- support corporate oligarchy (each party has its billionaire supporters) and imperialism as foreign policy. Breaking the stranglehold on power this political cartel has is an uphill struggle. But for people in non-"battleground" states, the choice to break free is actually easy. YOU WON'T BE HELPING ELECT TRUMP IF YOU DON'T SUBMIT TO EXTORTION BY A SUPPORTER OF MASS MURDER.

I recommend you go on youtube and watch interviews of Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. Stein and the Green Party represent decent human politics, which neither of the two parties of the establishment's political cartel do. An alternative can only be built slowly, with persistence.

[Five times in U.S. history, so far, the loser got to be president: 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, 2016. The U.S. is unique in the world. Yet it constantly boasts that it is the World's Best Democracy, indeed stands as the very SYMBOL of democracy.]

Friday, October 25, 2024



Yes, 2005. What we're seeing today in 2024 is nothing new. Israel's American supporters and unregistered agents of influence are constantly working to ban anyone who is not fond of Israel's crimes against humanity from colleges and elsewhere. 

Then as now, the pattern is well-honed and easily recognized. A Jewish student indoctrinated in Zionist ideology and brought up on the story of Jewish persecution for millennia culminating in the Holocaust, thus having a persecution complex, will deliberately sign up for a class by a Palestinian professor or a professor targeted as unfriendly to Israel, and bait the professor with outrageous remarks designed to emotionally upset the professor. Then the student, backed by outside organized Jewish Zionists, brings a complaint to the university administration claiming the professor is anti-Semitic. 

Obviously this is a plot hatched in advance. Students don't naturally sign up for classes they expect to dislike, with professors they are hostile to. The premeditation is obvious.

The way these things unfold is the university administration doesn't defend the targeted professor, but lets him or her twist slowly in the wind. At a minimum, the targeted educator suffers some reputational damage. When you hurl mud at someone, some of it sticks, no matter the untruthfulness of the smears.

I'm reminded of an anecdote about Lyndon Johnson. Johnson wanted to make an outrageous accusation against a political opponent. One of Johnson's minions said he couldn't do that, it wasn't true. "But let the son-of-a-bitch deny it," Johnson evilly replied. In other word, get the smear out there, put the victim on the defensive. Denying a vile accusation is what people expect a guilty person to do, same as an innocent one. As long as some people believe it, or are merely influenced by it subliminally, the tactic can be effective. Richard Nixon is a politician who rose to power by smearing people he ran for Congress against as Communist "fellow travelers" or tainted with socialistic tendencies.

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Biggest Lie Politicians Tell

 That they care about you.

Think about it. How much do YOU care about total strangers? And how much do you care about millions of them? You care primarily about yourself, your family, and your friends, mainly in that order. Then there's acquaintances, work colleagues, and various people you deal with on a regular basis.

That's not to say you never care about other people, in particular strangers. If those strangers are "humanized" for you, if personal stories of their plight are brought to your attention, that evokes a sympathetic response in you. You are capable of empathy. (I'm assuming you are a normal human. There are pathological humanoids who are classified by biologists as the same as us, homo sapiens, that are incapable of empathy.) But you don't have a burning concern for strangers, most of the time.

What makes you think politicians are different from you?

In fact they care LESS about strangers than you do. (Most of them, with a small minority of exceptions, which I will come to.)

What they care about is POWER. What the hell do you think politics is about? It's about POWER. And politicians want to get and keep power.

YOU are an INSTRUMENT, to be used both to GAIN power, and to exercise power OVER.

That's pretty obvious, isn't it?

So how do politicians get away with it?

I guess people don't think, so they don't see the obvious.

But oftentimes people become "cynical," as the politicians like to say as a putdown, that is, too many false promises by the politicians are broken, too many pipe dreams are spun like so much political cotton candy, that people stop believing the bullshit.

All that I said above isn't just about the U.S. It's true in all countries.

Now there are some people who go INTO politics because there is something they care about, something about the world they want to change. If it's something to make the world better for humans, let's call them progressives. They want progress. If it's something to make things worse, call them reactionaries. Like wanting to take away hard-won rights, as the right to abortion.

Don't make the mistake of equating the word progressive with left, or reactionary with right. The terms Left and Right are used in very broad senses to encompass in both cases a variety of people with various agendas, ideologies, and attitudes. Some of the people and movements lumped in them are wholly inappropriate, especially in the case of what is "left." Two examples: environmentalism and abortion. Environmentalism is simply a rational concern with the fitness for human habitation of the world we live in. What's "leftwing" about THAT? As for abortion, that it should be identified as "leftist" is absurd. There are progressive Catholics who are anti-abortion, and Republicans who favor abortion rights, as the recent smashing success of pro-abortion rights referendums in states where GOP legislatures and Governors outlawed abortion proves. Having the right to control one's own body doesn't seem to be a left-right issue.

The reason environmentalism and abortion rights are associated with leftism is because reactionary propagandists (which includes the corporate power establishment media, the so-called "mainstream media," have made them shibboleths tied to leftism, and decades of indoctrination has branded leftism as bad, evil, socialist, communist.

So to recap: The Biggest Lie politicians tell is that they care about you.

"Smiling faces, smiling faces, tell lies." [The Undisputed Truth - "Smiling Faces Sometimes" (1971)]

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why Indonesia Should Declare War On Israel Now


 The Israeli army has been attacking the UN peacekeeping force stationed as a buffer in southern Lebanon for several weeks now. The so-called "Israeli Defense Force," IDF, the official name of "the most moral army in the world," as Binyamin Netanyahu insists, is gunning down soldiers serving under the UN flag.

In Israel's first act of war against Indonesia, two Indonesian soldiers as part of that UN contingent have been shot by Israeli soldiers. That is an act of war against Indonesia, as well as a violation of international law.  More have been shot since.

Israel has been firing on UN watchtowers. Its army invaded a UN camp and rampaged inside it.

As always when Israel commits some violent outrage, its propaganda machine, starting with the mouth of Binyamin "Mad Dog" Netanyahu, the long time prime minister of that demented nation, spouts the lines that the UN force are "human shields" for Hezbollah. When Israel calls someone a "human shield," as they do with Palestinian and Lebanese civilians that is a prelude to murder. Israel's other whine is that the UNIFIL [1] troops aren't fighting Hezbollah! And as usual, the Israeli puppet government of the U.S. goes along with this.

This latest crime by Israel is backed by Israel's guarantor of utter impunity, the U.S. In particular, U.S. government, politicians, and the awful propaganda system ("the media"). It is the U.S. that makes Israel's rampages and crimes possible, thus it is the U.S. that bears ultimate responsibility.

Unless other nations start forcefully opposing the mad dog state of Israel, there will be no limit to its ravages against civilization.

1] UNIFIL stands for United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Will Netanyahu Bomb Iran's Oil Facilities To Help His Ally Trump Retake The U.S. Presidency?

 He may well. He's ruthless enough. This is a man who exterminates babies. How would that help Trump? It would cause a sharp (temporary) rise in oil prices, which in turn raises gasoline prices. And Americans hate nothing more than paying more for gasoline. They would hold the Biden-Harris regime responsible. Trump would loudly scapegoat the Democratic regime for his own benefit in the presidential election less than a month away.

Americans are stupid people who think the president of the U.S. controls the economy and controls the prices of products. And Trump has harped on blaming the Biden regime for inflation. The Democrats have been lame in reaction. Instead of refuting that nonsense, they squirm under the barrage of false accusations and point to this or that they did to lower the price of this or that (such as the handful of medical drugs that Medicare is now allowed to negotiate the prices they pay for).

Kamala Harris made it worse by promising to lower grocery prices- something the president has no power to do. The U.S. isn't a socialist nation. The Government cannot dictate the prices that eggs or milk sell for at retail, for example. By doing this, Harris tacitly agreed with Trump that presidents have such power, and by implication the Biden regime is responsible for inflation.

Inflation has various causes, and inflation of particular products can be effected by all kinds of events- a shortfall in crop yield, a disease that wipes out chickens, and so on. These are not under the control of the White House. Maybe sometime a politician might want to tutor the moronic American public about this- if the totalitarian corporate media will let them, that is.

There's an irony here, in that Biden has been 100% behind Israel's genocide in Gaza, pogrom in the West Bank, and terrorism campaign against Lebanon. But he supposedly fulminates against Netanyahu in private, to his own staff. That's enough to make Netanyahu favor Trump. And when he was president, Trump couldn't have been more Zionist. The fact that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is a fanatical Zionist, and Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism to be allowed to marry Jared, can't hurt. Oh by the way, when Jared was a boy, Netanyahu used to stay at the Jared family home in New Jersey! So with those kind of tight personal connections, it would be surprising if Binyamin Netanyahu DIDN'T favor Trump!

And by the way, Israel has a long and complex record of interfering in U.S. politics and U.S. elections. The details take a book to describe. Just trust me on this, and do your own research if you want to learn more. 

Tough Guy!

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Israel Invades Lebanon Yet Again

  U.S. Sending Thousands MORE Troops To Middle East To Support Israel's Invasion of Lebanon

The U.S. has now joined Israel in bombing undefended people in Syria and Yemen.

The U.S. has been increasing in stages its military forces for aggression for the purpose of further intimidating Iran to sit on its hands. And if the U.S. joins the Israeli invasion on the ground, it won't be the first time the U.S. has invaded Lebanon. Eisenhower invaded Lebanon in the 1950s. Reagan invaded Lebanon in the 1980s. And the way U.S. elites "remember" THAT invasion is through the twisted prism of the U.S. was the "victim" of a "terrorist attack." Namely, a truck bomb was driven into a U.S. Marine base, killing several hundred Marines. This prompted Reagan to pull the troops out, and punish the Lebanese by having a U.S. battleship lob 16" diameter cannon shells on Lebanese villages. (Reagan had taken World War II battleships out of mothballs for such purposes. Battleships have no role in naval warfare today, as they are easily sunk by aircraft, missiles, and torpedoes. Their only purpose after World War II is to murder defenseless people in the "Third World," that is, the NON-"WHITE" areas of earth.)

The resistance strike on the Marines' is considered a terrorist outrage, the same as the Nazis considered resistance attacks on their occupying armies "terrorism." They also responded with revenge murders of random civilians as well as any resistance fighters they could find. 

The recent assassination by Israel of a Lebanese commander blamed for the Marines' deaths was noted with satisfaction by the U.S. media.

Meanwhile the Lebanese are the victims of actual terrorism. There is the mass terror attack when Israel detonated 3000 booby-trapped pagers and radios, killing at least 37 and blowing off the fingers of victims and blinding many. Some of the victims were medical personnel. Lebanon's medical system is already crippled by years of economic depression. Lebanon's "government" is simply a collection of different factions and cliques of thieves. Israel and the U.S. over the years have succeeded in making Lebanon a dysfunctional state. (The vile Syrian regime of the Assad crime family also played a malign role)

Lebanon is being subjected to an aerial blitz by Israel, targeting apartment buildings and other civilian targets. Much worse than the Blitz London suffered in World War II, because BRITAIN HAD AN AIR FORCE THAT SUCCESSFULLY FOUGHT BACK. LEBANON HAS NO AIR FORCE, NO ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS, NO "SHIELD" LIKE ISRAEL HAS TO SHOOT DOWN THE INEFFECTIVE ROCKETS HEZBOLLAH FIRES AT ISRAEL, WHICH HAVE KILLED NO ONE.

Yet U.S. media and politicians keep wringing their hands about the danger ISRAEL is exposed to! What if Hezbollah escalates!

Escalates how?

When Hezbollah fired a single rocket in the direction of Tel Aviv, WHICH ISRAEL SHOT DOWN, this was presented as equivalent to the ongoing bombardment of Lebanon by Israel, and the non-stop assassination of Hezbollah "commanders," which just included the long time head of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah. (Reminiscent of the murder of Yasir Arafat on the orders of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, by radioactive polonium poisoning.)

A big reason Israel is always murdering the leadership of its opponents is to completely eliminate the "danger" of negotiations. Negotiations are poison to Israel. They wish only to conquer by force. 

Which is to say, Israel is an imperialist state, back by the world's most powerful empire, the most powerful empire in history, the U.S. Whose political class, media, and government Israel has colonized, like a brain worm.

The Grinning Gargoyles of U.S. Imperialism

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

U.S. Senator John Fetterman "Loves" Blinding and Maiming People

Thousands of them at a time, in fact.

That's was his reaction to the mass terrorist attack by Israel on thousands of Lebanese people whose pagers and radios were booby-trapped by Israel and simultaneously caused to explode on September 16 and 17.

Fetterman is one of the two U.S. Senators from Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania's governor, Josh Shapiro, is also an ardent Zionist, like Fetterman.

What is with these Americans with their fanatical devotion to a foreign country?

Children were among the victims.

The Iranian ambassador was one of those wounded. That's yet another in the numerous Acts of War Israel has committed against Iran in the last few decades. And so much for the Big Media Lie that ALL THE THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS ARE "HEZBOLLAH"! And since Hezbollah is a "terrorist organization," anything you do to "terrorists" is justified.

You wouldn't know it from the smug U.S. media, satisfied with the terrorism, but the UN, and human rights organizations, have properly condemned the attacks as war crimes and human rights violations.

When are the "non-white" peoples and nations of the world going to learn that "the West," the white racist imperialist nations- the U.S., its master Israel, and the stooge nations of Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, are their enemies? Five hundred years of murder and mayhem and oppression. Buy Chinese is the solution. I don't like China, but they probably won't let Israel plant explosives in their products. Just make sure Chinese ships and planes deliver the products.

Fetterman, like Israel the country he loves so much, and like the U.S. media, pretends that everyone maimed, blinded, and murdered was a "member" of Hezbollah. Which in their twisted minds justifies it. Of course that's false. Fetterman said on the NBC Sunday morning political propaganda show Meet the Press September 22, of the mass terror attack that traumatized everyone in Lebanon, since they couldn't know what other common device might suddenly explode: "I absolutely support that. And in fact, if anything I love it. And Israel has demonstrated that they will not allow terrorists not to be held accountable, and I fully support that." Even if the "terrorists" are children, apparently. What an immoral, despicable, bloodthirsty creep.

This is the face of the Democratic Party. So by his logic, members of that party should be assassinated.

                                  EVIL 6'7" DUDE JOHN FETTERMAN

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Failed Assassination Attempt" On Trump Gives Trump Big Boost, And Democrats Immediately Rush To Undercut Themselves. Trump All But Clinches Election.

 A 20-year-old registered Republican opened fire with a rifle at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, killing one MAGA-head and wounding two critically, but merely grazing Trump's ear, who benefited from a very photogenic streak of blood on his face. Not missing a beat, he defiantly raised a fist for the photographers. (The shooter was also said to have given a small donation to a Democratic-Party-linked organization.) 

Conveniently, the Secret Service executed the would-be assassin on the spot. So no Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray or Sirhan Sirhan, left alive to complicate the propaganda story for the spinners of the legend that will be planted around this event and become official "history." (Just saying.)

The shooter was obviously not trained as a sniper. If he had been, he would have known not to go for a headshot. Heads are a smaller target than torsos, and move around more. (This I learned from a youtube video, which the shooter could have easily done too, had he made a decent effort to prepare himself. I have a lifelong interest in military matters, which is how I came to watch such a video.) The young shooter was probably misled by entertainment industry garbage featuring make-believe assassins. Then again, Trump may well have been wearing a bullet"proof" vest. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an absolutely bulletproof vest. Such protective devices come in various levels of protection, depending on the type of projectiles they are designed to stop. Still, the shooter would have been wiser to aim just below the throat, or make for himself copper-tipped bullets, for example, which have greater penetrating power than the soft lead that most bullets are made from. (Bullets made from harder metals are outlawed for the public, under pressure from police, who branded them as "cop-killer" bullets.)

The Democrats immediately made things worse for themselves by spewing hysterical rhetoric, as if Trump was their beloved grandmother. Instead of issuing pro-forma "expressions of concern" and stuff like "of course we condemn violence," they went into overdrive, as if to prove their loyalty to Trump. Top Democratic politicians fulminated that they were "shocked" and "horrified" and condemned the attack in the strongest terms. Contrast that with how Republicans would respond to a violent attack on Biden. They would issue lukewarm, milktoast expressions of concern, while some of them, and especially their various fascist auxiliaries, would blame Biden and the Democrats for bringing the attack on themselves. In the shooting at the Trump rally, the despicable J.D. Vance has already blamed the DEMOCRATS for the shooting, because of their rhetoric. Vance, a totally amoral hustler, parlayed a book and his strategic move of linking himself to Trump into a U.S. Senate seat from Ohio, and now the vice-presidential pick by Trump after only a year and a half as a Senator. He is one of many ambitious, ethical-and-conscience-free self-promoters who have attached themselves to Trump, like suckerfish hitching a ride on a shark's body.

The Democrats, if they weren't so lame, would learn something from Vance and make insinuating remarks about how Trump's long history of violent rhetoric and incitement (most especially his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which Republicans and their propagandist auxiliaries like Tucker Carlson now insist was a peaceful rally!) has come back to bite him. They could remark that "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." They could mention how Trump sent a U.S. Marshal's death squad to execute Antifa fighter Michael Reinoehl. (They wouldn't because they fully supported that murder, as did the U.S. media. The eyewitnesses to the execution reported that Reinoehl was summarily gunned down on sight without warming.

Instead the Democrats instinctively obeyed Trump's call for "unity" and united in wishing Trump well, expressing great relief that he was unharmed, and on and on. Pathetic, and typical of Democratic Party weakness. This weakness is a big reason Trump will probably beat Biden (or whoever) in November. People follow "leaders" who seem strong. Feeble, senile, fumbling over his words, slurring his speech, tripping on stairs Biden projects weakness. And "debating" Trump while in the throes of a senility episode starkly illustrated his weakness and incapacity. This man insists on being president of the United States for four more years? Both he and his party are demented.

Biden's handpicked U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, a man deprived of a Supreme Court seat by Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, called the botched (deliberately?) shooting "an attack on democracy." Well if Trump is a THREAT to democracy, (which he is, whether Democrats believe their own rhetoric or not), then attempting to kill Trump is a DEFENSE of democracy. That is, of the tawdry simulacrum of democracy that exists in the U.S., which is a corporate oligarchy and a bourgeois class dictatorship fronted by a two-party political cartel which monopolizes political power. "Democracy" in the U.S. means every two but especially four years the two imperialist factions that are the Democratic and Republican Parties fight over power, and the power establishment's propaganda system has the job of working to generate artificial excitement in the "race," which they literally cover as if it is a sporting event, and tries to herd people into voting booths, since legitimizing the power system necessitates the appearance that it is "the people" who choose the unchanging and unchangeable (short of revolution) power system. 

But as bad as that is, it is preferable to the fascistic dictatorship Trump has made clear he plans to institute. And with a large and organized group of long-time fascists such as the Heritage Foundation as his cadres, he has thousands of goons salivating at the prospect of taking over the government and remaking it to their liking. And this is not new. These people have been around for decades. (I closely followed the so-called "New Right," their chosen label, extremist goons of the 1970s and later, whose slogan was "We're Ready to Rule.")

As for Biden himself, the Boss of the Democratic Party, he immediately made an ass of himself, as he so often has done throughout his "career," announcing that political violence is "unheard of" in the U.S. That's rather like claiming the earth is flat, and doesn't revolve around the sun. Even NPR major domo Mara Liasson contradicted him on air the morning after the shooting (Sunday morning), pointing out the murders of two Kennedys and Martin Luther King, Jr. Predictably, she omitted to mention that all were CIA assassinations with FBI aiding and abetting, and crucially, media as enablers to this day. And the co-conspiring city police departments, Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, California, and Memphis, Tennessee. And let me add the numerous political assassinations by the CIA, FBI, and various police departments, plus freelance fascists murdering progressive protesters and getting away with it. Texas governor Greg Abbott just pardoned a fascist terrorist who committed premeditated murder of a "leftwing" protester (he posted messages in advance with his intent), erasing the murderer's conviction.

By the way, the FBI, which handled the cover-ups in the state murders of the Kennedys and King, as well as in all other state crimes, is handing the "investigation" of this one too. Which simply means, an untrustworthy organization is doing yet another political investigation. So a word of advice: take the result with more than a mere pinch of salt. Use the entire salt shaker.

The United States has for years been in a situation analogous to the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919-1933), where an ostensibly democratic government protected fascist murderers by not prosecuting them or giving them wristslap punishments while harshly repressing their communist foes. This was a key factor in the growth of the Nazi Party, which wasn't even impeded by Hitlers 1923 coup attempt. Someone attempted to overthrow the government, and he got a very light sentence, comfortable conditions of confinement, and was allowed in prison to write his deadly manifesto, Mein Kampf

And just as Hitler could play the martyr after his failed coup attempt, now Trump is playing the martyr-card. Which he was already doing with his criminal cases and one conviction (on 34 felonies for fradulent business records in a New York State trial, the ONLY trial that has actually occurred so far, thanks to Republican judges obstructing prosecutions in his Federal cases for stealing boxes of classified documents and the January 1, 2001 coup attempt, judges including 6 of the 9 Supreme Court "Justices" and Federal District Court judge Aileen Cannon, who has stymied the prosecution in the classified documents case at every turn and now even refuses to set a trial date).

So the brave, strong martyr Trump has defied death, defied the "haters" (most of the haters in the U.S. support Trump), and is unbowed and determined. How are the Democrats going to beat this?

They probably aren't. They insisted on putting up a senile man four years ago, and they're doing it again.


  (And he wasn't even shot. No bullet entered or passed through his body. His ear was lightly grazed, creating an extremely minor flow of blood- just enough for Trump to strike a pose.)

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Nikki Haley's Message To The Palestinian People: Kill All Of You!





That's what Nikki Haley wants to see. It's a message she delivered via an explosive artillery shell. The same ones used to blow up hospitals, universities, mosques, homes. A shell given to Israel for free by the U.S. It's a message Haley was eager to see publicized in the world's media. She's quite proud of herself.

And no, it's not just Hamas that is the target. If Hamas were the only target, Israel would not have blown up all the hospitals in Gaza. It would not have assassinated or taken hostage doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers. It would not have blown up every university in Gaza. It would not be systematically bombing and shelling food convoys, warehouses, and people gathered a food distribution locations- all locations, places, and routes prearranged with Israel's "permission." It would not be deliberately starving the entire population of Gaza. Its snipers would not be murdering children. And on, and on, and on.

I remember how despicable Haley was as the Trump-appointed U.S. ambassador to the UN. Her hatred for the Palestinians was a hallmark of her "service" as the U.S. representative to that world body. So no one should be surprised at her despicable, vicious behavior today.

This is a woman who defended the Confederacy, that vile slave nation formed specifically for slavery. You would think that after 150 years or so, politicians would stop upholding it.

And to think, that this woman was the hope of the anti-Trump Republicans, the kind who bloviate on The Bulwark. That tiny band of anti-Trump reactionaries are no better than Trump.

For that matter, on foreign policy, (i.e. U.S. imperialism) the Democrats are the same, and sometimes worse, than the Republicans. Like they used to say, "partisanship ends at the water's edge." That is, both parties are imperialist to their cores. Their only differences are on domestic policy- how to treat the populace in the U.S. The Democrats favor letting the poor have some crumbs, and women getting abortions- if they can arrange it themselves. The Republicans can't stand that the poor get crumbs, and that fetuses are being killed.

So there you have it in a nutshell- the two-party political cartel or dictatorship that rules America on behalf of the corporate oligarchy they serve.

  Nice lady.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Why Only HAMAS Can Fight Israel

 Because the situation of the Palestinians is hopeless. And it has BEEN hopeless since 1948 and even before. There are strong world powers that have always been against the Palestinians, starting with Britain, then the U.S. and Israel. But no organized power, no government, has ever really been on their side. Sure, Arab states have talked a good game at times- but they don’t even do THAT anymore! And Iran doesn’t care enough to go to war with Israel, a heavily armed nuclear power backed by the U.S. and Europe. Iran didn’t even retaliate when Israel was murdering its nuclear physics INSIDE IRAN, and sabotaging its nuclear facilities (with U.S. connivance- such as the notorious malware used to wreck Iran’s uranium centrifuges).Because the situation of the Palestinians is hopeless. And it has BEEN hopeless since 1948 and even before. There are strong world powers that have always been against the Palestinians, starting with Britain, then the U.S. and Israel. But no organized power, no government, has ever really been on their side. Sure, Arab states have talked a good game at times- but they don’t even do THAT anymore! And Iran doesn’t care enough to go to war with Israel, a heavily armed nuclear power backed by the U.S. and Europe. Iran didn’t even retaliate when Israel was murdering its nuclear physics INSIDE IRAN, and sabotaging its nuclear facilities (with U.S. connivance- such as the notorious malware used to wreck Iran’s uranium centrifuges).

So why does the hopelessness of the Palestinians’ situation mean that ONLY HAMAS can fight back? Because HAMAS is fanatical. And it takes fanatics to ignore reality and fight hopeless causes.

I’m not arguing that fanaticism is a good thing. I am pointing out an objective fact. Fanatics ignore the hopeless odds because of their fanatical dedication to their cause. What HAMAS did on October 7, 2023, has had disastrous consequences. (Similarly, Adolf Hitler’s fanaticism had disastrous consequences for Germany. Although Germany recovered, backed by the almighty U.S.A. The Palestinians never will.)

The same argument about the utility of fanaticism applies to Hezbollah in Lebanon. But that wasn’t hopeless, just nearly so. Yet Hezbollah finally drove out the Israeli occupation forces from Southern Lebanon, and defeated Israel’s Quisling Lebanese “army” Israel created.

Fanatics will undertake hopeless tasks. John Brown, the fanatical American abolitionist and martyr to the anti-slavery cause, is a good example.

Hamas did have success in driving the Israeli colonizers out of northern Gaza. Then prime minister Ariel Sharon, a man who literally spent his entire adult life killing Palestinians, first as an army commando leader who raided Palestinian villages in the 1950s, then as “Defense” minister who oversaw the massacre of thousands of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon, and finally as the prime minister who ordered the murder of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat, a murder from which the Palestinians have never recovered. This elimination enabled the U.S. and Israel to install a puppet “leadership” at the head of Fatah, designate them the “Palestinian Authority,” have the CIA create a secret police for them, and allow them to oppress the Palestinians trapped in the West Bank in partnership with Israel. Now that Israel is conducting a full-scale pogrom in the West Bank, with 500 murdered since October 7, 2023, and massive theft of Palestinian homes, lands, livestock, and other property, this puppet “leadership” has outlived its usefulness for Israel. Its “president,” Mahmoud Abbas, has recently taken to occasionally issuing a pathetic bleat about the ongoing atrocities against the people he pretends to lead.

Now we are almost 7 months into a Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza. The U.S. is the main culprit here, since it cannot occur without U.S. weapons and other support. Europe too has played a despicable, morally depraved role. And in the U.S. and Europe, the so-called “democratic West,” the mask is off the facade of “rights” and “freedom,” as happens every time there is really opposition from part of the populace to the criminal “policies” of the rulers. There has been violent police repression of nonviolent protest camps on several college campuses in the U.S. In Germany, the police prevent conferences on the ongoing genocide to be held. Displaying the Palestinian flag is a crime in Germany. In the UK the story is the same. Empty blather from prime minister Rishi Sunak about the “right” to protest, immediately qualified with a promise to back the police in suppressing the protests. In the U.S., president Genocide Joe Biden says he respects the right to protest, but not the current ones, which are creating “chaos,” a big lie repeated incessantly by the power establishment media and demagogic politicians who serve Israel, not the U.S. Protests against the atrocities are deemed expressions of “anti-Semitism,” and their suppression is demanded by politicians and endorsed by the propaganda system (aka the “mainstream media,” that is, the official propagandists of the corporate oligarchy).

In other words, the mask of “guaranteed rights” and “freedom of expression” is off, and once again, as always in U.S. history when the chips are down, the face of Bourgeois Totalitarianism is exposed.

PLEASE go to to follow the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust. And badger people you know about this issue to try and get them to care. Send them links to pieces on

Israeli soldiers proudly take credit for the utter destruction of Gaza.

Israeli soldiers with Palestinian hostages, in a perfect site for another mass grave.

War isn’t all grimness. Fun-loving Israeli conquerors enjoy a Palestinian woman’s stolen underwear.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Election Of New House Speaker Means Greater Slaughter of Palestinians and Escalation Of War Against Russia In Ukraine

Joe "The Butcher" Biden has made clear that his top priority- indeed his one and ONLY priority- is funneling billions of dollars of U.S. bombs and rockets and other weapons to Israel to massacre thousands more Palestinians (as of today Israel has murdered over 6,800 Palestinians in Gaza- over 2,000 were children- and 100 in the West Bank) and to keep using Ukrainians as cannon fodder in the U.S. proxy war against Russia.

Every year Israel receives around $3.8 billion in free weapons from the U.S. Biden's "package" for war that he so urgently wants passed that he went on national television to propagandize the nation about it, would provide $14 billion in additional free money for Israel. Supposedly "only" $10 billion of that is for more bombs for Israel to destroy Gaza. That means the equivalent of over two and a half years of Israel's "normal" quota of weapons will be given to the Israelis in one fell swoop as a "supplement" so they can wreak greater havoc. Israel has bombarded numerous UN facilities, murdering UN personnel, as well as the hospitals and clinics of Gaza. The U.S. and the other nations of "the West," that is, the WHITE nations, all support this to the hilt. (No doubt there's a bit of racism behind this.) The U.S. and its stooges adamantly oppose any ceasefire. They want Israel to exact a Nazi level of retribution against the Palestinians for Hamas daring to attack Israel on October 7. That mandates a ten-to-one kill ratio. Since they now claim that 1,400 Israelis were killed on October 7, that means a minimum of 14,000 Palestinians have to die. Israel in the last few weeks has doubled the number of Palestinians hostages in its prison gulag, to 10,000. It's army and "settlers" are conducting a full-scale pogrom in the West Bank, murdering

Palestinians and destroying their homes, their crops, their property, in an intensification of the "ethnic cleansing" they began with terror in 1948.

But merely killing the Palestinians in Gaza isn't enough. Israel has long hungered to make all the land "from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River" into The Land Of Israel. This necessitates "cleansing" the land of the Palestinians. So several days ago Israel ordered the depopulation of the entire northern half of the tiny Gaza strip, where 2.3 million souls are already crammed in. For good measure, it is bombarding those fleeing.

Ultimately, with food, water, fuel, electricity, and medical supplies cut off, Palestinians will face annihilation by disease and starvation, which is how the Germans (who these days are big backers of Israel) murdered millions of Soviet prisoners of war in World War II. Some predict that Israel will try and drive the Palestinians of Gaza into Egypt's Sinai desert. That's a desert, so millions of people cannot survive there. In a cynical charade, U.S.apparatchiks spoke of how they were "developing a plan" to get aid to Gaza. After about a week and a half of this political Kabuki theater, designed to try and obscure the vicious and barbaric actual policies of Israel and its U.S. patron, a smattering of trucks that had been sitting in Egypt for weeks with desperately needed supplies was allowed into Gaza by Israel- BUT NO FUEL ALLOWED. This stunt was again reminiscent of the public relations ploys of the Third Reich, which staged carefully curated tours of concentration camps for the Red Cross with cleaned-up prisoners threatened beforehand not to depart from the script. To his credit, UN Secretary General António Guterres keeps demanding a half to the barbarism and opening up Gaza for relief supplies. This has made him invisible in most U.S. media and prompted vituperative denunciations of him by Israeli officials, who are demanding his resignation. (The U.S. is undoubtedly already sharpening its knives for him.)

As for Ukraine, on top of the $100 billion or so in weapons the U.S. has given to the Kyiv regime to fight Russia (plus arms and ordnance from the Europeans) Biden is demanding another $60 billion in armaments for that war which the U.S. did almost everything possible to provoke. The remainder of the total $106 billion war package is for Taiwan. The U.S. is determined to prevent a Chinese regime takeover of Taiwan. (I do think it would be terrible for the people of Taiwan to be absorbed into the Chinese totalitarian system of rule. Unlike so many on what is broadly terms the "left," I don't do analysis based on simplistic anti-Americanism. There are, after all, other sources of evil in the world besides the U.S., although of course the U.S. is the most powerful source of evil.)

With the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) finally finding one among their number in the House they can all agree to like, the horror show for the Palestinians is just beginning, and the meat grinder in Ukraine will chew up more bodies.

So for anybody who thinks it was a bad thing that the U.S. House of Representatives was in a state of paralysis, you didn't do much thinking at all.

The Face of Sheer Evil



Monday, September 25, 2023

Trump Forces Biden To Show Up At Autoworkers' Picket Line

Donald J. "Jackass" Trump operates on instinct. Thus much of what he does is impulsive. The vast majority of what he says are for an immediate advantage and represent no actual commitment. The amazing thing is that so many people fall for his obvious emotional manipulations year after year. They never learn from experience, or from facts. 

The UAW (United Auto Workers Union) is currently conducting a series of rolling strikes against the facilities of 3 car companies: General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler). Trump did what he so often does, opportunistically and completely insincerely pretending to side with the workers. (All his policies, his actual actions, while president, were pro-capital and anti-worker, just as his entire business career has been anti-worker, including wage theft and racial discrimination.) He has repeatedly manipulated various groups of workers this way. (Remember his loudly braying bullshit promises to coal miners?)


But merely spouting off and once again pretending to be a defender of the working class was enough to force president Joe Biden to schedule a trip to have his picture taken at a UAW picket line. (Previously the White House maintained a determined silence on the question of whether Biden would show up at a picket line in a display of solidarity.)

Biden has rebranded himself as "the most pro-union president in modern history." (Notice that qualifier, "modern history.") Given that U.S. presidents almost all represented capital, not labor, such a boast isn't saying much. In fact, just saying it makes him one of the most "pro-union" presidents in history. The only labor-management dispute he actually took action in, as opposed to just making pronouncements, was the railroads, in which he used Federal power to force the workers to swallow a crappy deal that still leaves them very overworked and with no right to sick days.

The current UAW head, Shawn Fain, is a genuine labor leader, not a self-serving, corrupt betrayer as so many union heads in the U.S. have been. He has no use for Trump, and Trump as usual with people who resist being his sycophants, verbally abuses Fain. Trump is supposed to go to Detroit (but not necessarily to a UAW picket line, where he won't have a controlled crowd who he can rely on to cheer him) on September 27. BIden is scheduled to beat him to the punch and join a UAW picket line for the media to document on September 26, to publicize his claim to being The Most Pro-Union President. (TM).

Another one of Biden's reelection shticks is "Bidenomics," whatever that is. Unfortunately for Biden and the Democrats, that buzzword isn't having the desired effect. Democratic politicians and Biden cabinet members publicly boast of Biden's legislative results and cite economic statistics constantly. So far it seems the public doesn't hear them. The latest poll has 30% of respondents approving of Biden's handling of the economy, 64% disapproving. [1] Which is unfair, since the president of the U.S. doesn't control the economy- the Federal Reserve, which sets interest rates, and Congress have far more effect on the economy.

Biden spent decades in the Senate spearheaiding legislation that harmed average Americans, especially the working class, to give more power and wealth to the finance industry- banks and credit card companies. He saw to it that by law, student debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. It can follow a person to the grave. 

He took the lead in pushing through draconian "anti-crime" laws that targeted the lower classes, especially African Americans, who he accused, in what should be an infamous speech on the Senate floor, of potentially hitting his mother in the head with a lead pipe. [2] He was a staunch opponent of so-called "forced busing," meaning school integration. His closest allies and avowed best friends in the Senate were the worst Southern segregationists.

And while mentioning The Crimes of Biden, we can't omit one of the worst things he did that has caused and is still causing lasting damage: the elevation to the Supreme Court of the mediocre, corrupt, bitter, extreme reactionary Clarence Thomas. As the Senator who chaired the Judiciary Committee for Thomas' confirmation hearings, Biden blocked corroborating witnesses for Anita Hill from testifying, and privately advised Democratic Senators not to believe Hill. This enabled Thomas to be narrowly confirmed by the Senate. [3] 

Regarding Thomas' corruption: he has received millions of dollars worth of favors and gifts from billionaires while a high court "Justice," which he kept secret. Thomas lives the life of a multimillionaire for free, courtesy of his billionaire patrons, whose economic interests he protects at the court.

 Invariably, I have noticed, extreme reactionaries and fascists are personally corrupt. Since they completely lack normal moral values and are unrestrained in their behavior, this seems  inevitable. Samuel Alito, the other most extreme reactionary on the tyrannical high court, has also been exposed as corrupt. We owe gratitude to ProPublica for exposing the venality of these two evil people.

But reactionary Democrats doing a political burlesque pretending to be progressives is typical of them. They are absolutely shameless about it. When he was Governor of New York state, the rightwing bully and sexual miscreant Andrew Cuomo once asserted that HE was the MOST progressive politician in the state!

In my experience, 99 times out of 100, when you scratch a liberal, you find a reactionary right under the surface.

1] ABC News/Washington Post poll just announced as of this writing.

2] See the video, "Biden's Racist Rant Promoting One of His Numerous Crime Bills," In the video, Biden refers to blacks as "they" and "them." I don't think he meant Albanians or Martians. To broaden and deepen your political and historical understanding, you need to view more videos at the Jason Zenith channel.

3] Biden's despicable role in Thomas' elevation to the dictatorial high court was documented years ago in the book "Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas," by Jane Mayer and  Jill Abramson. Both were reporters at The Wall Street Journal at the time.

Mayer went on to become a staff reporter at The New Yorker uber bourgeois magazine, and  Jill Abramson became the first female top editor at The New York Times, the self-styled power establishment "newspaper of record." So these two cannot be dismissed as leftwing "conspiracy theorists." And yet this information has been completely suppressed by "the" media, by simply never mentioning it. Thus another taboo truth. 

For a series of articles exposing the corruption of Thomas and Alito, go to the ProPublica website.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

"World Leaders" Is A Propaganda Term For Country Bosses

We've been subjected to much blather about "world leaders" as the political class that rules countries meets at the UN to orate. This propaganda term is used ubiquitously in media. It is absurd. How many of the politicians who rise to the top political positions in their nations are inspirational leaders whose people are their followers? It is a conceit by politicians, and the propaganda systems use this term to support the political rulerships of their respective countries.

Here's another example of how propaganda media use the word "leader" to twist reality and gaslight people. Corporate bosses are NEVER "bosses" in capitalist media. They are always and only "leaders." The word "boss" is reserved for labor union officials. There are "union bosses," but no corporate bosses, no business bosses. So if you're a worker, your boss isn't your boss, he/she is your Leader, and you are inspired to follow! Your boss is a union official, if you're even in a union. 

This dishonest charade serves to hide the fact that corporate bosses are powerful rulers. In the United States and other countries, the governments are the servants of powerful corporations. After World War II the U.S. created entire organizations to enforce the power of U.S. corporations to exploit other nations. For example, the CIA exists to overthrow governments that don't serve U.S. corporate interests.

A "World Leader:"

                    Is he your leader? Do you follow him?


Friday, September 15, 2023

Larry Summers Attacks Biden Regime For Upholding Rule of Law

 There he goes again. The guy who helped cause the financial crisis of 2008, Lawrence "Larry" Summers, attacked the Biden regime for merely weakly starting up enforcement of Federal anti-trust law after decades of none or virtually no enforcement! Here's what this eminence grise of high finance, an accomplice to Bill Clinton's destruction of Glass-Steagall and other safeguards which led directly to the 2008 debacle, just said, quoting a report on the radio propaganda network of Michael Bloomberg Billionaire: "Larry Summers is warning that the Biden administration's crackdown on mergers is almost like a war on business." 

Well hey, Larry, what do you expect from those "Socialist" Democrats!

Among Summers' other crimes: when he was president of Harvard University, he publicly opined that there were fewer women in science because they just weren't as SMART as men. Thanks for sharing your sexist insight with everybody, Larry the Lout!

1st Commandment of Summers: "Thou Must Not Interfere With Capitalists!"

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

How The U.S. Uses Food As A Weapon In The Ukraine War

 Specifically as a propaganda weapon.

Western propagandists and politicians and imperialist apparatchiks want us to believe that Russia wants to starve Africans. They expect us to believe that Putin wants to use food as a "weapon" against the very African nations Russia is keen to keep neutral in the proxy war the U.S. is waging against Russia in Ukraine. Why in hell would Putin want to alienate those nations that have remained neutral in the NATO war to wreck Russia? It's as absurd and dishonest as Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda, completely ludicrous.

U.S. and Eurostooge media propagandists keep falsely "reporting" that "Russia pulled out of the [grain] deal." No, the "deal" expired, and Russia declined to renew it, for the very good reason that the deal WASN'T HONORED. Russia was double-crossed. (As the U.S. and its Eurolackeys have repeatedly double-crossed Russia again and again since defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War.) The deal was that both Ukraine AND Russia would be allowed to export grains. Russia honored its side of the bargain, even though it was blocked from exporting.

Western imperialists claim Russian grain exports weren't banned, but this is deceptive. Russian grain exports weren't specifically banned, but they were effectively banned because Russia was and is barred from international payment systems by "Western sanctions." That is to say, by U.S. diktat. The U.S. controls the international financial system and payments mechanisms. So international trade is extremely difficult without U.S. permission. The world is under the yoke of a U.S.-controlled system of trade and finance. This is part of what is euphemised as "the international order." What it is is a system of U.S. global domination.  

Russia has made clear they will join a new agreement if this time they are not double-crossed. That is blocked from public consciousness by Western propagandists (aka "journalists" or "reporters") state apparatchiks like U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (who repeatedly attacks Russia for "using food as a weapon" and allegedly starving people) and politicians.

The ones using food as a weapon are the U.S. and its satrapys. They are using it as a propaganda weapon to claim evil Russia wants to starve Africans.

Russia has responded to the U.S. refusal to permit a fair deal by shelling Ukraine regime food warehouses. At least that's what Western propaganda agencies claim. Given how mendacious so much of their "news" has been- they wanted us to believe Russia sabotaged its own undersea gas pipeline, that for months it shelled its own troops at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine, and other absurdities- unfortunately we can't take for granted the accuracy of any "reportage" by Western propaganda outfits. These propagandists' jobs are to make Russia look as evil as possible, the the Kyiv regime noble freedom fighters. We the people are the targets and victims of their propaganda barrages.

 Postscript: I actually wrote this several weeks ago. Today the propagandists are still gaslighting the public about this issue. For example, on NPR, loathsome propagandist Greg Myrie yammered on and on about mean Russia causing hunger, while carefully omitting Russia's completely valid complaint, and the REAL party responsible for the impasse- the U.S., which refuses to allow Russia to sell its grain.

Saturday, August 05, 2023

Why Trump's Support INCREASES With Each Criminal Indictment And Civil Lawsuit Defeat

 It's really quite simple, contrary to the head-scratching perplexity of power establishment media mavens and politicos of the ruling two-party cartel.

The answer, is psychological.

Reactionaries have a persecution complex- even though they are a powerful, privileged group in most countries.

Trump's supporters, and those who gravitate towards him like iron filings attracted to a magnet, are reactionaries. A core part of the psychic makeups of reactionaries is a strong feeling of being unfairly victimized. Here are just a few of innumerable examples.

In the U.S., rightwing media is an unending stream of imaginary grievances that "conservatives" have. They present themselves as a persecuted, marginalized group. Given the dominance of reactionaries in America, this is delusional in the extreme.
Another example: the Nazis of Germany. "Aryans" were horribly victimized by Jews. This is why Jews had to be eliminated.

So by loudly presenting himself as a victim of unjust persecution, Trump plucks hard on this basic string within the reactionary psyche. That doesn't mean he doesn't really feel himself to be a victim. He has had such an extraordinarily privileged life, during which he has gotten away with virtually all of his misdeeds and crimes, that he probably really believes being finally, at long last, being called to account for something is persecution. Also he is a guilt-free, conscience-less narcissist. ( I'll tell you someone who thoroughly believed his own propaganda- Adolf Hitler. But he may have been more sincere than Trump.)

Trump instinctively plays directly to this psychological affinity with his "base," the deep-seated delusion that they are being victimized by gays, trans people, immigrants (just the "non-white" ones) and oh- whisper this one- Jews. And above all, by "Liberals" "the Left" "socialists" and even "communists." (Trump uses those terms.) Trump has repeatedly proclaimed to his mobs of supporters regarding his criminal indictments that "They're not just coming after me. They're coming after you."  Thus does he reinforce the shared sense of victimhood with his "base."

Another thing that Trump's fans find appealing is his overt boorishness. It appeals to their anti-social nature. Ronald Dion DeSantis and the GOP generally also tap into that attitude with demonization of "wokeness," which refers to awareness of social injustice. That in turn is an evolution from the theme of gleefully attacking "political correctness," which is code for basic decency and consideration for the feelings of others who aren't straight white males and anti-feminist women.

So what accounts for the upsurge of support for Trump whenever there are legal attempts to call him to account for his crimes is his vociferous insistence that he is a victim of unjust persecution. That resonates deeply in reactionary psyches.


              "How DARE you indict Me for My crimes!!"

                          Is this the face of a criminal? (Yes.)

All this is just a natural progression for the Republican Party, which has manifested all the nastiness, political savagery, take no prisoners attacks on Democrats, charges of "treason," posturing as the REAL Americans and more patriotic than thou, since at least the immediate aftermath of World War II. Go read up on the career of Richard Nixon, and you'll see what I mean. The totalitarian nature of the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) is revealed by its attitude that their rivals, the Democrats, are illegitimate. They painted Democrats as "fellow travelers" of Bolshevism if not as treasonous agents of communism during the 1940s nd 1950s (Nixon branded his first political rival for office, Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas, as "the pink lady".) Through Newt Gingrich's deligitimization of Democrats during the Clinton regime to Mitch McConnell's goal of making Obama's term in office a "failed presidency," it's just one more step to Trump proclaiming that Democrats stole the 2020 election.

Through all this, the Democrats either turned the other cheek or played defense. Meanwhile "the media," the corporate oligarchical propaganda system, studiously played dumb. Being "neutral" is what they pretend is objectivity. But ACTUAL objectivity means describing reality accurately.

Which is not something anyone should rely on propagandists to do.