Thursday, March 13, 2025

Trump Threatens Again To Seize Greenland From NATO "Ally" Denmark

 In his daily stream-of-consciousness rant today, King Trump threatened to send more U.S. troops to Greenland, obviously to affect an occupation of that sovereign Danish territory. And again, he insisted the U.S. needs to annex Greenland for U.S. "national security."  [1]

He also still says Canada would be "beautiful" as the 51th state of the U.S.

So the U.S. is threatening two members of the U.S.-created and bosses NATO military alliance with hostile seizures, in the case of Canada the complete extinction of that nation.

Yet media propagandists still refer to Canada and Denmark as U.S. "allies." Allies do not threaten allies territory, sovereignty, and continued existence as nations.

The assembled poodles pretending to be journalists meekly pretended all this is normal and reasonable.
Let me remind you, the U.S. has since World War II maintained military bases on Greenland. Denmark has been most cooperative about this. Also Greenland is inhabited by a civilian population. Of course what they might want doesn't figure in Trump's dictatorial mind.

Let me remind you, the U.S. has since World War II maintained military bases on Greenland. Denmark has been most cooperative about this. Also Greenland is inhabited by a civilian population. Of course what they might want doesn't figure in Trump's dictatorial mind.

It's about time the European lapdogs who run those countries stop pretending the U.S. is their ally and protector. Yet instead, they are racing to assure Trump that they will meet his outrageous demand that they spend the equivalent of 5% of their gross national products (their economies) on "defense." Which actually means buying weapons from U.S. weapons manufacturers. NATO requires "standardization" of weapons, which means for the expensive stuff, largely U.S. ones.

The U.S. doesn't spend 5% of GDP on the military (well, maybe if you count Veterans Affairs, part of NASA, the 2/3rds of the Department of Energy's budget that is for nuclear warhead assembly, disassembly, and research, and more here and there, it might approach 3%), nor should it. NO nation should mindlessly base its military budgets on a percentage of GDP. Instead it should evaluate potential threats, determine the military forces and equipment needed to deal with the threats and their costs, and appropriate the right amount of money. But to my knowledge, NOT A SINGLE POLITICIANS OR MEDIA JABBERER HAS EVER POINTED OUT THIS OBVIOUS FACT OR CHALLENGED THE % DEMANDS!! 

Just how mindlessly conformist are these elite jackasses?

Very conformist, apparently.

Trump can wave the "national security" magical wand to justify anything because that is EXACTLY how that phrase has been used for decades to justify U.S. aggression, U.S. repression inside and outside the U.S., and various U.S. crimes, AND the secrecy used to suppress awareness of these crimes from the American people. A good chunk of those people would support the crimes anyway, contrary to the delusions of leftists who think that if "the people only knew" the truth they would rise up in righteous anger blah blah. The fact that there are always large numbers of reactionaries, national chauvinists- aka "patriots"- racists, and fascists eludes leftists and is the reason that their favorite slogan, "The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated" is fatuous and dangerously misleading. The people are rarely united. The only times they are are during some wars.

"National Security" is NEVER DEFINED by those throwing it around. It really means U.S. POWER. Pure and simple, that is the real meaning. Whether talking about global domination, or suppression of domestic dissidents, that is what they do behind the veil of "national security." And only those with "security clearances," that is, those deemed to have the correct ideological mindset, get to know the details of the dirty crimes being committed behind the veil of "national security."

        He whom the Gods would make King, they first make mad. (Or maybe just drunk on power.)

1] Referring to Greenland, Mad King Trump said "We really need it for national security. Maybe we'll send more and more soldiers. What do you think of that Pete?" [Talking to Peter Hegseth, the alcoholic rapist Trump and the GOP Senators made Secretary of Defense. I did not hear an audible response from Hegseth.]

Monday, March 03, 2025

Stock Market Speculators Finally Get It Through Their Thick Skulls That Trump Isn't Bluffing About Tariffs

This afternoon U.S. stock markets suddenly nose-dived while Trump was announcing that ruinous 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada take effect tomorrow. Given Trump's oft-declared love of tariffs, and his use of them in his previous incarnation as president of the U.S., it was idiotic of the blockheads who drive stock prices hither and yon in manic-depressive fashion to have ever doubted him on tariffs.

One thing that needs explaining is why are the corporate bosses whose businesses stand to suffer greatly from the tariffs are so supine and acquiescent about this. The auto manufacturers make much of their car parts- like engines, rather important!- in Canada and Mexico. Their profit margins are below 10%. A 25% tariff means either they LOSE money selling cars, or the number of cars they sell drops by a lot because they have to hike the sale prices.

Then there are the high tariffs on imports from China, which Trump just increased. Many, many goods sold in the U.S., as well as parts for products, are still made in China. You just cannot erase a nation of 1.2 billion people which has developed a huge and extraordinarily diversified manufacturing base, from the U.S. economy.

Trump's fantasy is that the outsourcing of much U.S. manufacturing to cheaper labor sites outside the U.S., a massive movement that has occurred over decades, can be quickly put into reverse and thousands of new factories suddenly open inside the U.S.

It is an example of Trump's de facto dictatorial powers that U.S. corporate sector isn't in rebellion against this. Every other U.S. president has mostly catered to the whims of corporations and big capital. Occasionally they have to do things that displease that sector. Theodore Roosevelt had to break up some trusts. Franklin Roosevelt had to institute a thin social safety net (paid for by workers as well as companies). But there has never been such an assault on corporate interests as what Trump has been doing.

Very inconsistent of the corporations and their media propagandists. They used to scream "Socialist!" at the drop of a hat of any Democratic president proposed anything at all that tilted slightly progressive. But with Trump, it's grovel and kiss his ass.

But hey, that Putin is such an autocrat! All the rich "oligarchs" there tremble and survive only on his sufferance! How UNLIKE the "free and democratic" U.S.A.!

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Trump To Ukraine- Your Rare Earth Minerals Or Your Life

On February 28, 2025, Career Extortionist Donald John Trump got unexpected resistance from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump had summoned Zelensky to the White House to sign an agreement to hand over to the U.S. (presumably U.S. corporations in favor with Trump) half the revenues from Ukraine's natural resources- the minerals, oil, natural gas. In return for- basically nothing. No guarantee of military aid, intelligence aid, nothing. Just a typical Trump move, vague rhetoric, nothing enforceable. Nothing Trump has any intention of enforcing. [1]

Trump's shakedown attempt failed, so far. Zelensky was describing his view of the history of the war with Russia. Trump didn't want to hear it. He laid into Zelensky, saying he doesn't have "the cards," meaning he's playing with a weak hand, while Trump held the, well, trump card of U.S. war support. (Recall that Trump in his previous go at being president, briefly delayed delivering military supplies to Ukraine in a clumsy effort to get information on the corrupt Biden family doings in Ukraine, which pro-Democratic Party media dismissed as "dirt" without mentioning the outrageous, openly corrupt deal that Biden son Hunter got from Ukrainian gas company Burisma- a seat on the corporate board for $50,000 a MONTH, for several years. That's a multi-million dollar not very well disguised bribe to the Biden family. Incredibly dishonest hiding of the facts by Democratic Party politicians and their media allies. Oh, and Trump was actually impeached by the Democrats for that delay. Needless to say, the Republicans, who have memories as long as their party symbol, the elephant, never forgot or forgave.)

In yesterday's meeting, Trump rebuked Zelensky for being "very disrespectful," and "you're not being thankful, and that's not a nice thing." (Trump always accuses people who stand up to him of being "not nice," and worse.) Trump's vice president, the slippery opportunist J.D. Vance, jumped on Zelensky, with an accusatory rhetorical question, "have you said thank you once," and then revealed a festering grudge, denouncing Zelensky for "campaigning for the opposition" (that is, Biden) last October. (Of course "campaigning for" is a matter of interpretation. Don't trust Vance's.)

Trump bellowed at Zelensky that he was losing the war, and using the fact that the Ukrainian military is dependent on U.S. weapons and ordnance, armaments that Europe cannot manufacture as leverage, his ranting made clear that Ukraine had no choice but to give in to Trump's extortion.

Or so Trump thought, and evidently had previously calculated.

Zelensky didn't back down, however, so he was effectively thrown out of the White House in front of the assembled media. The schedule joint lunch didn't happen.

Conveniently on hand outside the White House to verbally excoriate Zelensky was Trump's number one Senate stooge, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. He rabidly attacked Zelensky, and insisted Zelensky would have to go unless he changed his attitude. (Graham often thinks he has the right to choose the heads of other nations' governments, a consistent imperialist impulse.) Among the things Trump's barking dog Graham said about Zelensky was "The way he confronted the President was over the top." All Zelensky did was try to talk back to Trump, a major offense when dealing with an Emperor-King.


Meanwhile USAID had cut off an infrastructure program in Ukraine, all USAID programs having been cancelled by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, the reactionary Florida Cuban Trump plucked from the Senate for a cabinet post, and Elon Musk and the fake "Department" Trump created, DOGE, for "Department Of Government Efficiency." A deceptive name for what should be called Artificial Department Of Government Dismantling Or Destruction, ADOGOD.

After leaving the meeting where he was dressed down by Trump and Vance, Zelensky posted Thank-Yous to Trump, America, and the American people, on Trump hitman Elon Musk's propaganda site, X (formerly Twitter). Zelensky has thanked the U.S. and Europe innumerable times during the war.

On Ukraine, Trump is right that it cannot win the war. However the way he wants to end it mirrors what he did in Afghanistan, when he negotiated with the Taliban, cutting the Afghan government completely out of the process, and leaving it to his successor, Biden, to pull the rug out from under the client regime that depended on the U.S. for its survival. That regime collapsed as soon as the U.S. hastily retreated, or "cut and ran," an oft-used expression in U.S. discourse by war mongers but was strangely absent in the Afghan case, when it perfectly applied in a very literal sense. The result of handing over that country to the medieval and deranged Taliban has been awful for the Afghan people, and especially horrendous for Afghan women, who are now banned from employment and education and virtually imprisoned as housework and breeding slaves in their homes. 

But Trump cannot totally cut the Ukrainian government out of the picture as it is much stronger than the Afghan regime and unlike that regime, has the support of its population which supports the war effort except in the eastern portions of the country, which seceded after the U.S. coup and was bombed and shelled by the Kyiv regime, which waged war on it, Russia supporting the secessionists. Europe also support Kyiv, although it will not be able to manufacture weapons and ordnance of the type and in the quantities the U.S. has been supplying. Hence Trump's arm-twisting of the Ukrainians.

Unfortunately the U.S. put Ukraine in this difficult position. Just a few days after the Russian invasion in February 2022, Putin initiated negotiations with Zelensky about an agreement to end the war, which at that point Russia's thrust to Kyiv was grinding to a halt. The U.S. immediately stopped that. British prime minister at the time Boris "Bojo The Clown" Johnson" immediately rushed to Kyiv to pull Zelensky away from the negotiation path. The talks with Russia were promising. 

Then Ukraine went on  to achieve victories in the war. In the fall of 2022 Ukraine was at its high point of military success. This isn't mere hindsight. The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest U.S. military officer,  general Mark Milley, said at that time that it wouldn't get better for Ukraine and this was the time to seek an end to the war. [2]

However, then-president Joe Biden was always an aggressive war monger in Ukraine for years. He rejected that option. So he doomed Ukraine to ultimate defeat. (As Obama's vice president, he pushed for weapons to be sent to Ukraine, but Obama demurred, opting for just training missions.)

There are larger ways in which the U.S. painted Ukraine into this corner. There was the U.S.-instigated fascist led coup of 2014, ordered by Obama, with high U.S. officials on the ground in Kyiv agitating, most notoriously Victoria Nuland of the State Department, and people like (now dead) U.S. Senator and rabid militarist John McCain.

And then there's the original sin. President George "Bush The Younger" Bush in 2008 strong-armed NATO, over objections from Germany and France, into declaring that Georgia and Ukraine would be brought into NATO. Russia immediately howled that this was intolerable. (The German chancellor at the time, Angela Merkel, says she knew this would never fly with Russia, but being a U.S. lapdog, as are all bourgeois European "leaders," she went along with the U.S. diktat.)

Most of the U.S. imperialist elite, being drunk on its power as usual, thought they could just shove it down Russia's throat, just as they had shoved down two earlier NATO expansions after the collapse of the Soviet Union down Russia's throat, betraying a promise made to Mikhail Gorbachev, the last, ill-fated head of the U.S.S.R., that NATO would not expand "one inch to the east" in return for the Soviets not to stand in the way of the absorption of East Germany by West Germany. (So-called "reunification," although by that time East Germany was a very different country from West Germany, just as Austria is different from Germany, regardless of the fact that all speak German. Hell, the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and a bunch of other places all speak English. They're far from identical places.) William "Bill" Clinton expanded NATO in 1999, followed by another expansion by Bush and the notorious declaration at that 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, Romania, NATO having already planted its flag that far east. NATO was created as an anti-Soviet military alliance by the U.S., with the obligation on the U.S. to go to war with the U.S.S.R. if that nation attacked any NATO member.

Why is bringing Ukraine into NATO a red line for Russia? Because the U.S. could put nuclear ballistic missiles in that country, as it has nuclear weapons all over Europe, which could annihilate the Russian government and key targets in a few minutes. No one enjoys having a loaded gun pointed at one's head, even if the person holding the gun purrs that it's strictly for self-defense! That is a form of coercive leverage. Moreover, imagine if China overthrew the government of Canada and Mexico, and brought one of those countries into an anti-U.S. military bloc. The U.S. wouldn't wait 8 years to invade, as Russia did after the 2014 U.S. coup. It would invade in 8 days!

UK prime minister tried to make up for the Trump gang's brutal treatment of Zelensky the next day, March 1st, warmly welcoming him with a crowd to provide cheers. The U.S. move to abandon Ukraine also go the backs up of people in Ukraine.

The fact is, in various ways, Trump is effectively forcing Europe to move towards independence from the U.S., finally, 80 year after the end of World War II in 1945. Not that that's Trump's intent, just a positive byproduct of his hostile and economically destructive actions. (Did someone say, "Tariffs"?) So while the Democratic Party and the U.S. imperialist elite are aghast at Trump's baseball bat whacks at the U.S. alliance system, which the U.S. has totally dominated, I think it's about time that system broke down. I'm an anti-imperialist, you see. Because all empires are in fact criminal enterprises that use violence, the threat of violence, and various forms of coercion to subjugate other peoples and economically exploit them and their resources, often to extreme degrees. Empires are not "glorious," contrary to their propagandists, including many so-called historians.

In a sense, Trump's bullying of Ukraine is far from unique in U.S. imperialist history. It's just a throwback to 19th century type imperialism, which was cruder than what we've come to expect, at least in appearance. We did have the unprovoked invasion of Iraq by George Bush, and thousands of assassinations (including of Americans, some in the U.S.) by Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama.

But with Trump, you have a person who is a bully, with the power of the most powerful position on earth. That is not a happy combination. Oh, and he's currently using that power to deconstruct pieces of the U.S. government, including the IRS. That alone with make the Federal deficit worse. The pretend deficit hawks of the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) are onboard with that. The Trump-Musk regime has already fired several thousand IRS employees, including some in enforcement.

Every dollar spent on the IRS brings in more than a dollar in revenue. Every dollar spent auditing the rich brings in $6 in revenue. Those audits are now being virtually eliminated.

This is just greedy rich people cutting their taxes. While doing this, they and the lying corporate media pretend that the deficit is caused by Social Security and Medicare. That is one gigantic BIG LIE. Social Security and Medicare run annual SURPLUSES. Yes, by 2035 Social Security is expected to take in less in payroll tax contributions than it pays out. So it will make up the difference by tapping into its gigantic multi-trillion dollar trust fund. Big deal. That is not "bankruptcy," as demagogic politicians and dishonest media propagandists call it. And here's an easy fix: remove the cap on income subject to FICA tax so people who make millions a year in income (even a billion in some cases!) pay the tax on their full income. Right now poor people pay FICA starting on the first dollar of wages. (Unlike the income tax, there is no standard deduction under FICA.)

Those annual Social Security trust fund surpluses are spent by the government on other activities to reduce the annual deficit. Treasury bonds are placed in the trust fund in return. Of course those bonds then have to be paid off eventually, with interest, with other Federal revenue- income taxes, fees, tariffs, asset seizures ("forfeitures"), whatever.

This years-long attack on Social Security as the cause of deficits indicates that the rich oligarchs won't be satisfied until their taxes are set at zero, and they get even more hundreds of billions in government welfare than they already do every year. (Notice "welfare" is a dirty word in the U.S., and is only applied to the pittances grudgingly allotted to the very poor, mostly women with children, who are painted as undeserving parasites.)

Alright, this went off on some tangents, but they are connected and important to be aware of. I share my knowledge for free.

1] Speaking of Trump extortion, he recently extorted $15 million from the cowards running Disney Corporation, which owns ABC, a major pillar of the corporate propaganda system. ABC paid Trump to settle a completely meritless suit Trump brought for "libel," because on-air host George Stephanopoulos (a former Clinton regime figure) said Trump had committed rape. In the civil suit that one of Trump's rape victim's brought and won against Trump, the jury found that a sexual assault occurred, which the judge said was tantamount to rape. So this was an eminently defensible case for ABC. 

This is on the cowardly corporate execs. Or maybe cowardly misses the point. Disney, like all giant corporations, needs the goodwill of the Federal government to avoid friction in its obsessive drive for maximum profits lest that government throw sand in the corporate gears. Many regulations affect corporations. And these large corporations are rapacious in buying other corporations- which the U.S. Department of Justice can oppose by filing anti-trust suits to block the intended mergers. As in fact the Trump DOJ is doing right now to stop Hewlett-Packard Enterprises from buying Juniper Networks.

I guess the execs at those companies forgot to bribe Trump with campaign donations and/or gifts to his "Inauguration Fund." Or maybe Trump just didn't notice what the DOJ is doing. The Biden regime DOJ started objecting to the proposed merger in November 2024, a full 10 months after the merger was announced in January 2024, with an anticipated completion date in a year. Seems like a long time to wait to raise an objection. But the DOJ didn't file suit in court until January 30 of 2025, the eleventh day of Trump's latest term as president. Idiosyncratic for Trump, who makes a point of doing the opposite of whatever his Democratic predecessors did.

2] "U.S. scrambles to reassure Ukraine after Milley comments on negotiations," Politico, Nov. 14, 2022, for example.




Monday, February 24, 2025

Trump To The Republican Party Is Like Hitler To The Nazi Party

Both men had/have complete control of their respective parties. Both parties were/are effectively personality cults completely devoted to their respective Leaders. (Hitler was "Der Fuhrer," Fuhrer is German for leader, thus "The Leader.")

Trump has sent around a picture of himself wearing a crown. He's really shoving it in everyone's face. Because he knows he has impunity. The Congress is controlled by the Party he controls, so he cannot be impeached and removed from office. (Hell, the Republicans wouldn't even convict him after he was impeached for the violent coup attempt of January 1, 2021. Republican politicians in the Capitol had to flee for their lives. The Republican vice president, Pence, was in mortal danger.) And the Supreme Court paved the way for his dictatorship before the election, first by sabotaging the criminal cases against him for the coup and the theft of classified documents, then gratuitously declaring that the president of the U.S. CANNOT BE GUILTY OF A CRIME, as long as what he does is an "official act." That was the Nixon doctrine, "when the president does it, it's legal." That didn't fly back in the 1970s. Now it's official Constitutional Law, thanks to the Republican Supremacist Court.

Not the first time in history a "King" has crowned Himself.

 It's obvious that revolutionary changes are necessary. The Supreme Court has to be overthrown, for starters. But instead of revolution we're getting revanchism, an attempt to return to the 19th century. Trump pines for the 1890s, which he cites as a golden era. That's when the U.S. conquered the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the far off Philippines, and assorted other Pacific and Caribbean islands. His hankering to absorb Canada and Greenland into the U.S. and "renaming" the Gulf of Mexico Gulf of America, Denali in Alaska as Mt. McKinley (his new second favorite president after himself) and threats to seize the Panama canal are all of a piece of anachronistic imperialism. It is a regression to an earlier form of U.S. Imperialism.

We've seen this kind of U.S. arrogance before. Drunk on power, our rulers think they can do anything. George Bush (Bush the Younger) thought the U.S. could "remake" the Middle East (and Afghanistan) more to his liking. Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon tried to cut Vietnam in two and create a permanent client regime in the southern half.

The U.S. is certainly very powerful, but it has more success picking on very small and defenseless countries like Grenada (invaded by Reagan) or Panama (invaded by the Bush the Elder). And yes, it has won major wars- against Mexico (1846), a senile Spanish empire (1896), and with help (the World Wars against mostly Germany). 

The one thing on foreign policy Trump is doing right is trying to end the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine against Russia, which is destroying Ukraine. THAT is the one thing the Democrats hate! They are fine with his support for Israeli genocide, and they don't actually oppose his anti-immigrant policy- which is really just an extension with much nastier rhetoric of the policies of Biden, and Barack "Deporter in Chief" Obama, who set a record for deportations (over 8 years) that Trump has yet to match (but give him time). But the Democrats (and Euroscum like UK prime minister Keir Starmer, who has criminalized anti-genocide protest in Britain) are determined to fight on to the last Ukrainian.

However, the way Trump is trying to end the Ukraine war is unethical. He's cutting the Ukrainians out of the process, same as he sold out the Afghan client regime by dealing only with the Taliban, stabbing the Afghan government in the back. In both cases, the parallel historical analogy is Munich 1938, when Britain and France sold out Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany at a conference from which the Czechs were banned (not invited- same thing). And yet, the Democrats haven't invoked that analogy. It is an analogy that has been speciously invoked ad nauseam to justify U.S. violence, subversion, and imperialist aggression innumerable times since World War Two, yet not now, when it is actually appropriate, with Trump! Amazing.

With Ukraine cut off from U.S. arms, that would leave the Europeans and the warmongering Keir Starmer, loathing British prime minister, to keep sacrificing Ukrainians if they so choose- Starmer has even said he'd send British "peacekeeping" troops to Ukraine.

But to return to the start of this essay: Trump To The Republican Party Is Like Hitler To The Nazi Party.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

DEI Replaced By HIE

 Diversity Equity Inclusion flushed down the toilet by the racist Trump regime and the eager to conform and comply U.S. corporate bosses, replaced by HIE: Homogeneity, Inequality, Exclusion.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

NYC Strongman Eric Adams Gets His Reward From Trump

 [Oh, by the way, we are now effectively living under a dictatorship, ruled by Trump and Elon Musk. I will get to that in another essay.]

Gangsters Rule The U.S., And Corruption Is The Norm.

That reality has been made apparent every day, starting on January 20, under the Trump regime.

Yesterday, the criminal New York City strongman mayor Eric Adams was rescued by Trump from the obviously true corruption indictment against him. The Trump Department of "Justice" ordered the U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of NY to drop the charges against Adams for taking bribes from the Turkish government and illegal campaign contributions camouflaged to disguise their real sources. Adams' own emails show him conspiring in these crimes. But just to ensure that Adams continues to be Trump's loyal lapdog, the charges were dismissed "without prejudice," meaning that they can be refiled in the future, brought back to life as it were, giving Trump a weapon to hold over Adams' head.

Adams, aggressively self-promoting and very much a big fan of himself, summoned the media to record him praising Trump and referring to the aborted indictment as "this cruel episode." This puffed-up reactionary oppressor of anti-genocide protesters predictably preened himself yet again in public as is his habit, and continues to arrogantly believe he can be reelected as mayor this year. A truly nauseating prospect which hopefully will prove delusional on his part. Much more decent Democratic politicians are running against him for the party's nomination.

The evidence that Adams is guilty is indisputable. (At least by honest, rational people. Hey, some people dispute the Holocaust. And establishment drones pretend Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK, and the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, and Building 7, fell by magic.)

The handwriting for Adams to beat the rap has long been on the wall. Adams for months has been sucking up to Trump, attacking immigrants, parroting Trump's hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric, going to Trump's Florida lair, Mar-a-Lago, to kiss his ring, and attending his inauguration January 20 as an invited guest. Adams ordered his staff not to criticize Trump. Worse, he ordered all city workers to cooperate with the ICE terror raids hunting "illegal immigrants" the "murderers, rapists, worst of the worst" Trump claims they all are. (ICE- Immigration and Customs Enforcement.)

Adams' corrupt circle of confederates haven't been so lucky. Seven or more have been forced to resign- I've lost count- some for coercing sex from subordinates, and one just pled guilty to Federal charges. Guess they had nothing to offer Trump. Adams is on his third or fourth police commissioner, a member of the plutocratic class, a Tisch. Too bad New York State tolerates corrupt politicians. It could prosecute them, theoretically, under state laws.


 The Supremely Self-Satisfied New York City Strongman Eric Adams, Oppressor of Anti-Genocide Protesters.

 Trump himself is notoriously corrupt, as are many of his accomplices, like World's Richest Person Elon Musk, The Four Hundred Billion Dollar Man. Trump learned corruption from his father, Fred, who greased the palms of politicians like Mayor Abe Beame, who Fred was close with, in return for bending and breaking city rules.

Trump knows he's corrupt. That's why he fired a slew of Inspector Generals of government departments, and cashiered the heads of the Government Ethics Office and of the Whistleblower Protection Office. (Not that whistleblowers had great protection anyway. They were criminally prosecuted by the regime of Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama.)

Ironically, cynically, Trump constantly justifies his destruction of government agencies and functions by claiming they are "totally corrupt." That adds a layer of additional outrageousness to the destructive behavior of this malign, vicious, racist anti-human being.

Trump and his hatchet man Musk branded USAID "totally corrupt," a cesspool. This has been a pattern in their attacks on parts of the government they are destroying or coopting. Contrary to Trump's repeated assurances that he would protect Social Security and Medicare, his partner in crime Musk claims that those programs are rife with fraud, which is his justification for seizing control of the Treasury Department database, which makes the payments to recipients of those programs. How Musk and his dozen or so young fascist and racist computer nerds plan to uncover unworthy recipients among the 70 million is not explained.

But it is very easy to identify what is by far, in dollar terms, the place where you will find the overwhelming bulk of government waste and corruption.

The Department of "Defense," aka the Pentagon. 

Here's just one example of thousands, that I just read about. The U.S. military was using a system to coordinate aerial refuelings of planes from World War II. During operations over Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria there were 1,500 such refuelings every day. So military weaponry corporation Northrop Grumman was given a contract to modernize the system. After ten years, Grumman had scarfed up $745 MILLION in taxpayers' money, twice the original "estimate " (which are generally bogus in the war industry) and had produced nothing. 

At the time, there was an experimental procurement company named DIUx, set up as a sort of thimble to try to empty the bathtub of corruption. It managed to come up with an actual software solution that cut planning time for planning refuelings from several days to under 1 minute. Rather than being hailed, the Air Force and House staffers working on "defense" stubbornly resisted the innovation. Eventually it was forced through, but the DIUx people faced constant resistance and retaliation. [1]

Because you see, there is big money in military contracting corruption. Military officers and Congressional staff and politicians who play ball can expect to be lucratively rewarded later on. "Retired" generals and admirals commonly go to work for the corporations for high "compensation," and in addition some are paid by U.S. media companies to be shills for the military and its expensive, underperforming weaponry.

Here's an even very very much larger example: the trillion-dollar F-35 fighter plane. There is too much to describe about how this plane is a giant scam, the propaganda for it a pack of lies, how it falls short (to put it charitably) on all the fulsome claims made for it by the weapons makers and repeated by the media and politician parrots. Just go online and use duckduckgo or another search engine (or do you still use spyware Google?) and do some research on "problems with the F-35" or "criticism of the F-35." Lockheed Martin has failed to get the various systems and software to work on the plane. Pierre Sprey, a great warplane designer with credit for the F-16 (which defeated the F-35 in a mock dogfight) and the A-10 Warthog, an excellent close ground support plane being scrapped, its role now to be filled by the F-35, which it cannot do at all well, has been scathing in his critique of the F-35.

I will be surprised if fire-breathing Godzilla Trump and hitman Musk mess with the military-industrial-Congressional complex, however. (President Eisenhower was convinced to drop "Congressional," his original intent, from that famous farewell 1961 speech.)

 1] Source: "Rebooting the Pentagon," The New York Review of Books, February 27, 2025 issue.


Monday, February 03, 2025

New York Doctor indicted in Louisiana for abortion pills. Trump exercises dictatorial power, shuts down USAID. And Elon Musk has your Social Security Number now.

1]- If Louisiana can get their hands on her, the doctor  faces 15 years in a medieval type Louisiana prison and a $200,000 fine. The mother of the teenager who needed the abortion faces that fate.

2]- Trump shut down an agency created and funded by Congress, which he has no right- or legal authority- to do. Elon Musk, his de factor right hand man, called it a "criminal organization," and "radical left," -insane bullshit- and motivated Trump to take the illegal action. Trump said USAID "is run by radical lunatics." Of course it is an arm of U.S. foreign policy, that provides the parsimonious amount of NON-MILITARY foreign aid the U.S. provides. The agency goes back to 1961. The idea that ANY part of the U.S. government employs left-wing radicals is as preposterous as Hitler's claim that Germany didn't lose World War I, but was stabbed in the back on the home front.

One of the last hospitals in Gaza is shutting down- it received USAID funds.

20 million people around the world with AIDS are kept alive with medicines paid for by USAID. Maybe some other nation or nations or international organization will step into the breach. They better do so quickly, or there will be sicker people- and deaths.

Not that the white racists Trump and Musk care about murdering Africans.

These are just 2 of the important stories from the headlines feature of

For ten minutes, 5 days a week, of your time, you will be vastly better informed than you can be from relying on the power establishment's propaganda system if you follow headlines there. Plus they have longer stories on various topics. The website is very well oaid out, and their archive goes back years and the search function works very well- much better than I've experienced at the New York Times or the New Yorker, for example. 

Don't make me have to inform you of what's going on. Take responsibility for knowing what's going on in the world YOU LIVE IN.

Obviously the remedy here is impeachment and removal from office of Trump. But the Republican Party controls both houses of Congress, and the Republican Party has degenerated into a political cult with Trump at its head.

Some think mass protests are somehow the answer. In his last round as president, Trump ordered then Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to have troops shoot protesters in the legs. Esper refused. But Defense Secretary this time, Peter Hegseth, will be glad to. In fact, this time the order will probably be to aim at heads and chests.

Too bad the lame and feckless Democratic Party helped allow this situation. The Biden regime could have indicted Trump in early 2021 for the failed coup and theft of a massive amount of classified documents. Instead they dragged their feet for several years, by which time Trump rebuilt his popularity and the Republican-controlled Federal judiciary effectively stalled the cases until they were killed or dropped. 

For the story about Elon Musk, here's the link:

 For more on the shutdown of USAID, go to:



Thursday, January 30, 2025

U.S. Media Obsession Of The Day: Military Helicopter Causes Fatal Airline Crash In Washington, DC

I say "causes," because a Blackhawk helicopter has no business "training" next to a very busy airport, where it collided with an American Airlines plane coming in to land. Both craft landed in a freezing cold river. There were no survivors. The U.S. media didn't say "caused," even though it obviously did. It's "under investigation." 

For many years now, the U.S. military can do no wrong in the eyes of the U.S. corporate propaganda system. 

And once again, I am struck by the contrast between the obsession with a relatively minor tragedy befalling some Americans (33 people on the airliner, 3 on the "chopper") and the ongoing atrocities being inflicted by Israel upon Palestinians. Which total U.S. support makes possible.

For one thing, there's the sham "ceasefire" in Gaza. Israel continues to murder Palestinians there, including young children.  ( reports these murders, as do other non-corporate media which are not part of the U.S. power establishment.) And there is no "ceasefire," not even the pretense of one, in the West Bank, where an ongoing pogrom with "ethnic cleansing" (a euphemism for violent expulsion of a population) is invisible in the U.S. propaganda system. Over the last 15 months, this campaign of Israeli annexation has killed close to a thousand Palestinians (men, women, children, the elderly- there are no exemptions), destroyed or stolen Palestinian property, crops, olive trees, sheep, homes. Cynical Joe Biden made a symbolic move about that- putting empty "sanctions" on a few notorious Israeli "settlers" (most of those creeps are from Brooklyn, NY), but since they doubtless have little or no U.S. assets and don't move capital through the international (U.S.-controlled) financial system, these putative sanctions are devoid of effect. Trump cancelled even those pretend sanctions immediately upon taking office again.

And in case you believe there's a "ceasefire" in Lebanon, I must inform you that like all Israeli ceasefires these days, it is one-sided. Israel lashes out violently whenever it feels like it. Having decapitated Hezbollah and devastated southern Lebanon (a recurring habit of Israel's) Lebanon is virtually defenseless against Israel the bully nation. (Oh, Israel keeps gobbling up more pieces of Syria too. Or weren't you informed by American "journalists"?)

The only response to any of the facts by the U.S.-Israeli power establishment is to brand their victims "terrorists" and people who mention the facts "anti-Semites." We're dealing with closed-minded imperialist fanatics, fanatics who are incorrigible.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

All 9 Supreme Court Justices Rule Against Free Speech Of 170 Million Americans

 The Court, including the three "liberals," all upheld the law demanding that TikTok's owner, the Chinese company ByteDance, sell TikTok by January 19, 2025, or it will be forcibly shut down. Fines for violations are $5,000 per use. This forces Apple and others to deactivate the TikTok apps.

As usually happens when there is a conflict between power and rights, rights loses. There are numerous major legal cases in U.S. history where this is true. Understand, they don't say "power," they say "National Security." That is a euphemism, code words, for U.S. national power. That's what happened in this case, where the government invoked "national security" and all nine Supremos ruled that power trumps rights. And never mind what it says in the U.S. Constitution, the basic law of the nation, specifically the First Amendment, that "guarantees" freedom of speech. A phony guarantee with no actual assurance. For example: during World War I, the regime of Woodrow Wilson got Congress to outlaw opposition to U.S. entry and participation in the war. Some dissidents who threw anti-war leaflets off a roof were criminally convicted and imprisoned. The Supreme Court ruled that the vaunted First Amendment didn't protect them from being incarcerated. There are many other examples of how all the blather about American "freedom" and "liberty" and "free speech" is so much gaslighting propaganda. Basically the rulers tolerate some speech but certainly not all, and when the chips are down during times of "national emergency" (like the U.S. wants to fight a war somewhere, or is conducting a domestic political purge) the repression increases.

The Democrats are having second thoughts about pissing off 170 million people in this country who use TikTok. Many people make a livelihood from their TikTok videos. The Democrats' leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer, is now saying let's give ByteDance another 90 days to seek a buyer for TikTok. And incoming U.S. emperor- ahem, "president"- Donald Trump has reversed his earlier hatred of TikTok and now claims the power to unblock the ban. Except that the day before he becomes president on January 20, TikTok legally is taken offline in the U.S. And Trump can't order U.S. hosting companies to ignore the law and put it back on. Even if his Justice Department doesn't prosecute them, within the statute of limitations (seven years for most Federal crimes) a future regime could.

Surprisingly, I haven't heard of any organized movement among these 170 million people whose rights were violated, whose freedom was raped, developing. This is an example of the extremely low level of political consciousness in the U.S. population generally, notwithstanding the minorities that get agitated over, say, a genocide in Gaza, or a video of a black man being slowly executed on the street by Minneapolis police.
DROPSITENEWS has these details about the TikTok ban: 

"Congress moved to prohibit Americans from visiting the number one site in the world, TikTok. But the “TikTok ban” bill goes much further than prohibiting Bytedance, TikTok’s parent company, from controlling the app in the United States. The measure gives new power to the president to determine which social media platforms from around the world are permitted in the United States.

"Signed into law in April of last year and upheld by the Supreme Court on January 17, H.R.7521, not only prohibits TikTok starting January 19, 2025—it gives the president authority to prohibit any foreign-owned social networking app through a simple two-step process. [My emphasis. Part of the process is the president submitting a CLASSIFIED annex to Congress of what he wants banned- that is, a SECRET list. The excuse for this repression is "threat to U.S. national security," the usual magic wand phrase that unlocks magical powers to brush aside any and all rights.]

[dropsitenews describes how giant U.S. tech corps ganged up on TikTok to eliminate a successful rival. The tech giants always either buy out or use market muscle to kill smaller successful companies that come up with new digital services and platforms. Forcing a sale or closure of TikTok accomplishes that anti-competitive, monopolistic goal using state power.]

"Ahead of the ban, Tik Tok’s U.S. based competitors actively lobbied for the bill. The strategy for large tech firms and social media companies has been to rid the market of competition, known as “catch and kill.” Facebook’s parent company, Meta, paid a consulting firm, Targeted Victory, to run a nationwide media campaign bashing Tik Tok. According to internal emails, leaked to the Washington Post in March of 2022, the firm was hired to “get the message out that while Meta is the current punching bag, TikTok is the real threat especially as a foreign owned app that is #1 in sharing data that young teens are using.”

"Tik Tok was only the bill’s first target. H.R.7521, the “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act,” specifically determines “ByteDance, Ltd.; TikTok” is a “foreign adversary controlled application.” In accordance with the bill, it will be unlawful to “distribute, maintain, or update” Tik Tok in the United States 180 days after the bill’s enactment. Unless, of course, TikTok is under new ownership and determined by “the President… through an interagency process” to no longer be controlled by a foreign adversary.

"The bill is sweeping, prohibiting any “covered company" that is “controlled by a foreign adversary” and is “determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States.”

"H.R.7521 places a shocking amount of power in the hands of the President, allowing them full power to determine which foreign-owned social media platforms live or die in the United States. The hyperfocus on Tik Tok may be a red herring, distracting from the sweeping impact of the measure: Ushering in a new era where the commander-in-chief decides who Americans are able to connect with around the world—potentially sowing deeper divisions among the U.S. and its foreign adversaries."

In other words, a state of quasi-war.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

When it comes to Israel, the U.S. is a totalitarian society.

That is, dissent from the official pro-Israel anti-Palestinian propaganda is actively suppressed. There is no tolerance whatsoever for the "free speech rights" of anyone who wants to describe the agonies of Palestinians under Israeli rule, Israeli aggression, or the actual history of Israel.

Here's a video from 2015, which sounds like what's happening today. This video describes the kind of repression of dissent from Zionist propaganda, and the forbidding of truth about Israel's repression and the Palestinian people, and the activities of Israel's fifth column in the U.S., the so-called "Pro-Israel lobby." 

The speaker, Dr. Alice Rothschild, is Jewish. She details numerous incidents, some personally experience, of the overt repression of dissent from Israeli propaganda in the U.S. Her examples come from the school system, academia, and medical institutions. 

The campus institution of organized Zionist Jews, Hillel, claimed that Dr. Rothschild's mere presence to give a talk made "Jewish students feel unsafe." Exactly the same bogus claim shouted today by agents of Israel in the U.S. and politicians in Congress and elsewhere. 

Mere facts are taken as "anti-Semitic" when the facts show the reality of life under Israeli oppression. For example, a photo in a poster of the wall Israel built to imprison the entire Palestinian population is evidence of anti-Israel "bias."

The New York City school system unofficially bans any mention of actual history, as one of Dr. Rothschild's anecdotes illustrates.

Dr. Rothschild traces the forceful suppression of deviation from Israel's propaganda creation story to 1948.

Today we see University presidents purged after being accused by reactionary Republican politicians of being insufficiently repressive towards any expression of sympathy in their institutions for the Palestinian victims of Israel. Such sympathy is referred to as "anti-Semitism." Thus regarding Palestinians as human beings entitled to human rights is twisted into a form of bigotry against Jews. 

What a vile and grotesque political transmogrification! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ignore The Fake Election Cliffhanger Bullshit- The Republicans Will Still Rule The House Of Representatives

 As of this writing, the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) has won 215 House districts, the Democrats 206. That leaves 14 districts where the votes are still being counted. There are 435 House seats. 218 constitutes a majority. So the Republicans just need to win just 3 of the remaining 14 districts to retain their control of the House.

This is over.
Given that the Republican Party now is a cult with a Leader, Trump, who has virtually total domination of the party, the U.S. government as of January will be in Trump's hands. The Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Republican Judiciary. Even when he was out of office, that Judiciary bent over backwards to shield him from prosecution for his crimes. His hand-picked Federal District Judge, the lawless Aileen Cannon, had control over the criminal case arising from his theft of a large quantity of classified documents. This criminal judge delayed the case for years, then suddenly this year dismissed the charges on the spurious grounds that the special prosecutor was illegally appointed. (A completely ridiculous assertion with no basis in law or precedent.) This meant that there would be no trial (assuming the prosecutor got the charges reinstated in the Trump-aligned judiciary). Federal Judges at the Appeals Court level and the Supreme Court dragged their feet on ruling on appeals (spurious ones by Trump's lawyers, meritorious ones by special prosecutor Jack Smith) and threw up roadblock after roadblock to bringing the criminal Trump to justice.

The Republican Supreme Court even issued a gratuitous and shocking ruling, out of the blue, that presidents are IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION for ANYTHING they do in office "in their official capacity." A meaningless qualifier, since all presidents always claim that everything they do is part of their official duties.

Some people, both establishment types and some aspiring to be establishment types, not unreasonably fretted that a president could order a Navy SEAL team to murder a political opponent and be immune. But that sort of thing already happens. It just happens to people that "respectable" bourgeois types don't care about. Trump sent a U.S. Marshall's death squad to murder Michael Reinoehl, an Antifa activist who shot and killed a fascist stormtrooper type. [1]

And under Obama the government murdered journalist Michael Hastings in California and Black Lives Matter commentator Sandra Bland in Texas. Obama ordered weekly murders of "terrorists," and we are supposed to believe all were overseas. Many were by no reasonable definition "terrorists." such as farmers, peasants, and children.

Obama gifted Trump and all future presidents with the power to imprison American citizens in the Guantanamo Bay torture center or any secret site without charges and with no legal recourse. He did this by attaching a new legal authority to the "Defense" budget one year. Some leading dissidents brought a lawsuit, which they won in a Federal district court. The Obama regime filed an "emergency" appeal the same or next day and got the Federal Appellate court in New York  City to throw out the case entirely, claiming the dissidents didn't have "standing," - because they hadn't yet been rendered to a secret torture center! (Of course once they are, they'll be helpless to communicate with the outside world. How's THAT for a Catch-22?)

Obama fatuously reassured the public not to worry about this new anti-human law, because HE wasn't going to use it. What about future presidents, asshole? What a loathsome jackass. 

1]  Trump was very briefly asked about this assassination by a reporter, and Trump said something like "You had to do it," kill Reinoehl. That answer was considered the end of the matter by the murderous corporate propaganda system.

Saturday, November 02, 2024





Some necessary explanatory notes, and a correction to what the woman panelist said.
Matt Miller is the chief U.S. State Department propagandist ("spokesman"), a completely immoral creature who covers for the U.S.-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people, parrying questions, creating a fog of gaslighting. He's not even a human being, but an ANTI-human being.

Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi who wrote op-ed columns for the Washington Post, a major media organ of the ruling class. Khashoggi occasionally criticized the Saudi dictatorship run by "Prince" Mohammed Salman. Salman found this intolerable, so Khashoggi was lured to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2018, where he was murdered, his body sawed into pieces, and the pieces smuggled out and made to vanish. After the Turkish government exposed this crime, there was a period where U.S. politicians waved their arms and waxed indignant, proclaiming the crime to be "unacceptable." Eventually the furor blew over. The Saudi dictator scapegoated some hapless government operatives and that was the end of it.

The woman on the panel attributes the U.S. abandonment of Americans under Israeli bombardment in Lebanon to the Biden regime being  "rudderless." That's not it. The reason is callousness for the victims.

The U.S. government has an ingrained habit of siding with Israel whenever it murders Americans. The reason is that the U.S. political system at the highest levels has been colonized by Israel through its fifth column in the U.S., which includes organizations like AIPAC, the ADL, Christian Zionists, with the establishment media long acting like they are Israeli propaganda mouthpieces.

The callousness of U.S. politicians and government for American victims of Israeli violence has a long history, going back to the attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967, and even earlier to Israeli secret police bombing U.S. facilities in Egypt in the 1950's under "false flag" operations designed to lay the blame on Egyptians, and forward to the murder of Rachel Corrie, who was run over by an Israeli bulldozer when she tried to stop the demolition of a Palestinian family's home, the murder of a passenger on a relief convoy in international waters by Israeli commandos to stop it reaching Gaza, and the murder of star Al Jazeera reporter by an Israeli army sniper in May 2022, in Jenin, West Bank, Palestine. And just to show they had total impunity to murder journalists, two weeks later the Israelis murdered another journalist. They didn't have to wait for a scandal to blow over. They wanted to make it clear to reporters who covered their crimes that their lives could be snuffed out at any time with no consequences to Israel.

Here's the link to the episode of Sam Seder's "The Majority Report" from which this is excerpted.

Here's an interesting example of youtube political interference. I searched on youtube the title of the show, and it only came up with some shit about Israeli terrorist prime minister Menachem Begin. I had to search OUTSIDE of youtube to get the youtube URL link! Not the first time I've had to do that. I knew when Google bought youtube it would spoil it. Google, now under the corporate umbrella of Alphabet, was a joint project of Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and the NSA and CIA at Stanford University. And it shows.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Brown University Affirms Support For Genocide

 The "Corporation of Brown University" voted to retain its investments in companies supporting Israeli crimes and Israeli companies.

The University's chancellor and president issued this statement in justification:

University Chancellor Brian T. Moynihan and President Christina H. Paxson said that with a majority vote to accept ACURM’s recommendation, the Corporation — Brown’s highest governing body — stated its clear position opposing divestment, and accordingly, the University will not divest.

“In particular, Corporation members noted ACURM’s finding that Brown’s exposure to the 10 companies identified in the divestment proposal is de minimis, that Brown has no direct investments in any of the companies targeted for divestment and that any indirect exposure for Brown in these companies is so small that it could not be directly responsible for social harm, as defined in ACURM’s charge,” they wrote in an Oct. 9 letter to the Brown campus. “These findings alone are sufficient reason to support ACURM’s recommendation.”

The Brown officials claim the investments are "de minimis," meaning of very slight size and value. Which means the financial sacrifice of selling the shares would be insignificant! But they wouldn't sell nevertheless.

Because they are stubbornly IN SUPPORT of Israeli genocide. They won't even take the MOST MINOR STEP to mollify people suffering the emotional pain of witnessing Israel's genocide, and caring.

Meanwhile numerous other U.S. "institutions of higher learning" are repressing and persecuting students and faculty who try to protest the Israeli-U.S. genocide of the Palestinian people.

What callous scum run U.S. "institutions of higher learning." These assholes need to learn about morality and basic human decency.

Brian T. Moynihan. He plays rugby, he wants you to know!
Christina H. Paxson. And she looks so NICE! 
[The University statement is at]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

You're In Luck: In Most States, Your Vote Against Trump Doesn't Matter

That means you are free to vote for whomever. In CA, NY, NJ, CT, and other non-"battleground" states, there is no contest. Kamala Harris is going to win 100% of the Electoral College vote in those states. Every single Electoral College vote. 

In states that are a lock for Trump, the same logic applies. Trump will win no matter what, so voters there need not feel trapped inside the two-party straitjacket. Especially for people who would vote Democratic, which is futile.

In 2016, Donald Trump got 62,979,879 votes, but Hillary Clinton got 65,844,954 votes, 2.9 million more than Trump. So how did Trump become president? He won in the Electoral College, 306 to 232. Hillary Clinton got more votes than any other losing presidential candidate in US history. 

In 2000, George Bush got 50,456,002 votes, Al Gore got 50,999,897 votes, 543,895 more than Bush. Bush became president, elected by the Electoral College, 271 to 266. (Ralph Nader received 2,882,728 votes nationally, but ZERO Electoral College votes. That's fair, right?)

Except for Nebraska and Maine, every state gives ALL their Electoral College votes to the winner of the "popular" vote in the state. They do NOT divide their Electoral College votes among the candidates in proportion to how the PEOPLE of the state voted. 

So your vote for Harris does NOTHING to defeat Trump. Harris is going to get ALL the Electoral College votes in your state, the votes that actually elect the president.

You don't have to vote for an accomplice to genocide and horrific crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Yemen, where Israel is attempting to create another mass starvation by bombing the sole port through which food enters Yemen that is the difference between life and death for the people there.

For as long as I've been alive, the Democratic Party has practiced a politics of extortion. You "have" to vote for them or you get something worse, the Republican. It has worked for decades to force people to vote for them, and then the Democrats most often turn around and betray the promises they made. 

We live in a two-party dictatorship, a cartel controlled by two parties that on the basic fundamentals are in agreement- support corporate oligarchy (each party has its billionaire supporters) and imperialism as foreign policy. Breaking the stranglehold on power this political cartel has is an uphill struggle. But for people in non-"battleground" states, the choice to break free is actually easy. YOU WON'T BE HELPING ELECT TRUMP IF YOU DON'T SUBMIT TO EXTORTION BY A SUPPORTER OF MASS MURDER.

I recommend you go on youtube and watch interviews of Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. Stein and the Green Party represent decent human politics, which neither of the two parties of the establishment's political cartel do. An alternative can only be built slowly, with persistence.

[Five times in U.S. history, so far, the loser got to be president: 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, 2016. The U.S. is unique in the world. Yet it constantly boasts that it is the World's Best Democracy, indeed stands as the very SYMBOL of democracy.]

Friday, October 25, 2024



Yes, 2005. What we're seeing today in 2024 is nothing new. Israel's American supporters and unregistered agents of influence are constantly working to ban anyone who is not fond of Israel's crimes against humanity from colleges and elsewhere. 

Then as now, the pattern is well-honed and easily recognized. A Jewish student indoctrinated in Zionist ideology and brought up on the story of Jewish persecution for millennia culminating in the Holocaust, thus having a persecution complex, will deliberately sign up for a class by a Palestinian professor or a professor targeted as unfriendly to Israel, and bait the professor with outrageous remarks designed to emotionally upset the professor. Then the student, backed by outside organized Jewish Zionists, brings a complaint to the university administration claiming the professor is anti-Semitic. 

Obviously this is a plot hatched in advance. Students don't naturally sign up for classes they expect to dislike, with professors they are hostile to. The premeditation is obvious.

The way these things unfold is the university administration doesn't defend the targeted professor, but lets him or her twist slowly in the wind. At a minimum, the targeted educator suffers some reputational damage. When you hurl mud at someone, some of it sticks, no matter the untruthfulness of the smears.

I'm reminded of an anecdote about Lyndon Johnson. Johnson wanted to make an outrageous accusation against a political opponent. One of Johnson's minions said he couldn't do that, it wasn't true. "But let the son-of-a-bitch deny it," Johnson evilly replied. In other word, get the smear out there, put the victim on the defensive. Denying a vile accusation is what people expect a guilty person to do, same as an innocent one. As long as some people believe it, or are merely influenced by it subliminally, the tactic can be effective. Richard Nixon is a politician who rose to power by smearing people he ran for Congress against as Communist "fellow travelers" or tainted with socialistic tendencies.

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Biggest Lie Politicians Tell

 That they care about you.

Think about it. How much do YOU care about total strangers? And how much do you care about millions of them? You care primarily about yourself, your family, and your friends, mainly in that order. Then there's acquaintances, work colleagues, and various people you deal with on a regular basis.

That's not to say you never care about other people, in particular strangers. If those strangers are "humanized" for you, if personal stories of their plight are brought to your attention, that evokes a sympathetic response in you. You are capable of empathy. (I'm assuming you are a normal human. There are pathological humanoids who are classified by biologists as the same as us, homo sapiens, that are incapable of empathy.) But you don't have a burning concern for strangers, most of the time.

What makes you think politicians are different from you?

In fact they care LESS about strangers than you do. (Most of them, with a small minority of exceptions, which I will come to.)

What they care about is POWER. What the hell do you think politics is about? It's about POWER. And politicians want to get and keep power.

YOU are an INSTRUMENT, to be used both to GAIN power, and to exercise power OVER.

That's pretty obvious, isn't it?

So how do politicians get away with it?

I guess people don't think, so they don't see the obvious.

But oftentimes people become "cynical," as the politicians like to say as a putdown, that is, too many false promises by the politicians are broken, too many pipe dreams are spun like so much political cotton candy, that people stop believing the bullshit.

All that I said above isn't just about the U.S. It's true in all countries.

Now there are some people who go INTO politics because there is something they care about, something about the world they want to change. If it's something to make the world better for humans, let's call them progressives. They want progress. If it's something to make things worse, call them reactionaries. Like wanting to take away hard-won rights, as the right to abortion.

Don't make the mistake of equating the word progressive with left, or reactionary with right. The terms Left and Right are used in very broad senses to encompass in both cases a variety of people with various agendas, ideologies, and attitudes. Some of the people and movements lumped in them are wholly inappropriate, especially in the case of what is "left." Two examples: environmentalism and abortion. Environmentalism is simply a rational concern with the fitness for human habitation of the world we live in. What's "leftwing" about THAT? As for abortion, that it should be identified as "leftist" is absurd. There are progressive Catholics who are anti-abortion, and Republicans who favor abortion rights, as the recent smashing success of pro-abortion rights referendums in states where GOP legislatures and Governors outlawed abortion proves. Having the right to control one's own body doesn't seem to be a left-right issue.

The reason environmentalism and abortion rights are associated with leftism is because reactionary propagandists (which includes the corporate power establishment media, the so-called "mainstream media," have made them shibboleths tied to leftism, and decades of indoctrination has branded leftism as bad, evil, socialist, communist.

So to recap: The Biggest Lie politicians tell is that they care about you.

"Smiling faces, smiling faces, tell lies." [The Undisputed Truth - "Smiling Faces Sometimes" (1971)]

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why Indonesia Should Declare War On Israel Now


 The Israeli army has been attacking the UN peacekeeping force stationed as a buffer in southern Lebanon for several weeks now. The so-called "Israeli Defense Force," IDF, the official name of "the most moral army in the world," as Binyamin Netanyahu insists, is gunning down soldiers serving under the UN flag.

In Israel's first act of war against Indonesia, two Indonesian soldiers as part of that UN contingent have been shot by Israeli soldiers. That is an act of war against Indonesia, as well as a violation of international law.  More have been shot since.

Israel has been firing on UN watchtowers. Its army invaded a UN camp and rampaged inside it.

As always when Israel commits some violent outrage, its propaganda machine, starting with the mouth of Binyamin "Mad Dog" Netanyahu, the long time prime minister of that demented nation, spouts the lines that the UN force are "human shields" for Hezbollah. When Israel calls someone a "human shield," as they do with Palestinian and Lebanese civilians that is a prelude to murder. Israel's other whine is that the UNIFIL [1] troops aren't fighting Hezbollah! And as usual, the Israeli puppet government of the U.S. goes along with this.

This latest crime by Israel is backed by Israel's guarantor of utter impunity, the U.S. In particular, U.S. government, politicians, and the awful propaganda system ("the media"). It is the U.S. that makes Israel's rampages and crimes possible, thus it is the U.S. that bears ultimate responsibility.

Unless other nations start forcefully opposing the mad dog state of Israel, there will be no limit to its ravages against civilization.

1] UNIFIL stands for United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Will Netanyahu Bomb Iran's Oil Facilities To Help His Ally Trump Retake The U.S. Presidency?

 He may well. He's ruthless enough. This is a man who exterminates babies. How would that help Trump? It would cause a sharp (temporary) rise in oil prices, which in turn raises gasoline prices. And Americans hate nothing more than paying more for gasoline. They would hold the Biden-Harris regime responsible. Trump would loudly scapegoat the Democratic regime for his own benefit in the presidential election less than a month away.

Americans are stupid people who think the president of the U.S. controls the economy and controls the prices of products. And Trump has harped on blaming the Biden regime for inflation. The Democrats have been lame in reaction. Instead of refuting that nonsense, they squirm under the barrage of false accusations and point to this or that they did to lower the price of this or that (such as the handful of medical drugs that Medicare is now allowed to negotiate the prices they pay for).

Kamala Harris made it worse by promising to lower grocery prices- something the president has no power to do. The U.S. isn't a socialist nation. The Government cannot dictate the prices that eggs or milk sell for at retail, for example. By doing this, Harris tacitly agreed with Trump that presidents have such power, and by implication the Biden regime is responsible for inflation.

Inflation has various causes, and inflation of particular products can be effected by all kinds of events- a shortfall in crop yield, a disease that wipes out chickens, and so on. These are not under the control of the White House. Maybe sometime a politician might want to tutor the moronic American public about this- if the totalitarian corporate media will let them, that is.

There's an irony here, in that Biden has been 100% behind Israel's genocide in Gaza, pogrom in the West Bank, and terrorism campaign against Lebanon. But he supposedly fulminates against Netanyahu in private, to his own staff. That's enough to make Netanyahu favor Trump. And when he was president, Trump couldn't have been more Zionist. The fact that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is a fanatical Zionist, and Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism to be allowed to marry Jared, can't hurt. Oh by the way, when Jared was a boy, Netanyahu used to stay at the Jared family home in New Jersey! So with those kind of tight personal connections, it would be surprising if Binyamin Netanyahu DIDN'T favor Trump!

And by the way, Israel has a long and complex record of interfering in U.S. politics and U.S. elections. The details take a book to describe. Just trust me on this, and do your own research if you want to learn more. 

Tough Guy!

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Israel Invades Lebanon Yet Again

  U.S. Sending Thousands MORE Troops To Middle East To Support Israel's Invasion of Lebanon

The U.S. has now joined Israel in bombing undefended people in Syria and Yemen.

The U.S. has been increasing in stages its military forces for aggression for the purpose of further intimidating Iran to sit on its hands. And if the U.S. joins the Israeli invasion on the ground, it won't be the first time the U.S. has invaded Lebanon. Eisenhower invaded Lebanon in the 1950s. Reagan invaded Lebanon in the 1980s. And the way U.S. elites "remember" THAT invasion is through the twisted prism of the U.S. was the "victim" of a "terrorist attack." Namely, a truck bomb was driven into a U.S. Marine base, killing several hundred Marines. This prompted Reagan to pull the troops out, and punish the Lebanese by having a U.S. battleship lob 16" diameter cannon shells on Lebanese villages. (Reagan had taken World War II battleships out of mothballs for such purposes. Battleships have no role in naval warfare today, as they are easily sunk by aircraft, missiles, and torpedoes. Their only purpose after World War II is to murder defenseless people in the "Third World," that is, the NON-"WHITE" areas of earth.)

The resistance strike on the Marines' is considered a terrorist outrage, the same as the Nazis considered resistance attacks on their occupying armies "terrorism." They also responded with revenge murders of random civilians as well as any resistance fighters they could find. 

The recent assassination by Israel of a Lebanese commander blamed for the Marines' deaths was noted with satisfaction by the U.S. media.

Meanwhile the Lebanese are the victims of actual terrorism. There is the mass terror attack when Israel detonated 3000 booby-trapped pagers and radios, killing at least 37 and blowing off the fingers of victims and blinding many. Some of the victims were medical personnel. Lebanon's medical system is already crippled by years of economic depression. Lebanon's "government" is simply a collection of different factions and cliques of thieves. Israel and the U.S. over the years have succeeded in making Lebanon a dysfunctional state. (The vile Syrian regime of the Assad crime family also played a malign role)

Lebanon is being subjected to an aerial blitz by Israel, targeting apartment buildings and other civilian targets. Much worse than the Blitz London suffered in World War II, because BRITAIN HAD AN AIR FORCE THAT SUCCESSFULLY FOUGHT BACK. LEBANON HAS NO AIR FORCE, NO ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS, NO "SHIELD" LIKE ISRAEL HAS TO SHOOT DOWN THE INEFFECTIVE ROCKETS HEZBOLLAH FIRES AT ISRAEL, WHICH HAVE KILLED NO ONE.

Yet U.S. media and politicians keep wringing their hands about the danger ISRAEL is exposed to! What if Hezbollah escalates!

Escalates how?

When Hezbollah fired a single rocket in the direction of Tel Aviv, WHICH ISRAEL SHOT DOWN, this was presented as equivalent to the ongoing bombardment of Lebanon by Israel, and the non-stop assassination of Hezbollah "commanders," which just included the long time head of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah. (Reminiscent of the murder of Yasir Arafat on the orders of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, by radioactive polonium poisoning.)

A big reason Israel is always murdering the leadership of its opponents is to completely eliminate the "danger" of negotiations. Negotiations are poison to Israel. They wish only to conquer by force. 

Which is to say, Israel is an imperialist state, back by the world's most powerful empire, the most powerful empire in history, the U.S. Whose political class, media, and government Israel has colonized, like a brain worm.

The Grinning Gargoyles of U.S. Imperialism

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

U.S. Senator John Fetterman "Loves" Blinding and Maiming People

Thousands of them at a time, in fact.

That's was his reaction to the mass terrorist attack by Israel on thousands of Lebanese people whose pagers and radios were booby-trapped by Israel and simultaneously caused to explode on September 16 and 17.

Fetterman is one of the two U.S. Senators from Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania's governor, Josh Shapiro, is also an ardent Zionist, like Fetterman.

What is with these Americans with their fanatical devotion to a foreign country?

Children were among the victims.

The Iranian ambassador was one of those wounded. That's yet another in the numerous Acts of War Israel has committed against Iran in the last few decades. And so much for the Big Media Lie that ALL THE THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS ARE "HEZBOLLAH"! And since Hezbollah is a "terrorist organization," anything you do to "terrorists" is justified.

You wouldn't know it from the smug U.S. media, satisfied with the terrorism, but the UN, and human rights organizations, have properly condemned the attacks as war crimes and human rights violations.

When are the "non-white" peoples and nations of the world going to learn that "the West," the white racist imperialist nations- the U.S., its master Israel, and the stooge nations of Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, are their enemies? Five hundred years of murder and mayhem and oppression. Buy Chinese is the solution. I don't like China, but they probably won't let Israel plant explosives in their products. Just make sure Chinese ships and planes deliver the products.

Fetterman, like Israel the country he loves so much, and like the U.S. media, pretends that everyone maimed, blinded, and murdered was a "member" of Hezbollah. Which in their twisted minds justifies it. Of course that's false. Fetterman said on the NBC Sunday morning political propaganda show Meet the Press September 22, of the mass terror attack that traumatized everyone in Lebanon, since they couldn't know what other common device might suddenly explode: "I absolutely support that. And in fact, if anything I love it. And Israel has demonstrated that they will not allow terrorists not to be held accountable, and I fully support that." Even if the "terrorists" are children, apparently. What an immoral, despicable, bloodthirsty creep.

This is the face of the Democratic Party. So by his logic, members of that party should be assassinated.

                                  EVIL 6'7" DUDE JOHN FETTERMAN