Friday, May 28, 2021

I Already Proved On April 12 That The New Coronavirus Escaped From A Chinese Lab. Now the U.S. Establishment Is Beginning to Catch Up With Me


 Six weeks ago I posted an essay that proved that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease originated as a leak from a Chinese research laboratory. [Link below- Footnote 1.] 

First of all, let me say that proof is a bit like beauty, in that it's in the eye of the beholder. Proof is, quite simply, that which convinces someone that something is true. We can see a cop murdering a person on video, yet to cop-lovers and other cops, the video proves no such thing. In mathematics there are agreed rules for proof. No other area has such precise rules, not even the sciences, where there is some subjectivity and interpretation. And in every other area, there are no real rules, because people ignore the basic rules of logic when it suits them, and deny or ignore facts they don't like.

Nevertheless, I made a cogent case, based mainly on the behaviour of Chinese state authorites and those under their control, that this disease-causing virus originated as a leak from the notorious Wuhan Institute of Virology lab in Wuhan, China. You need to read my original essay. To briefly summarize some of the main points:

- When Chinese doctors first spotted signs of the disease, the police threatened them with prison for "spreading rumors," which stopped an incipient medical response.

-The Chinese regime reacts violently to any calls for investigating the origin of the disease. When the Australian government called for an investigation, the Chinese immediately applied punitive tariffs on Australian imports to China.

-The Chinese regime stonewalled the World Health Organization for months on doing an investigation. When they finally allowed a WHO team into Wuhan, it was closely chaperoned and not permitted to actually investigate. Instead they were spoonfed a Chinese "investigation" which dismissed the possibility of a lab leak out of hand and instead suggested frozen food as a disease vector, an absurdity in this case.

Read the essay for more. [1]

Since I last wrote on this, more damning evidence has emerged. Three workers from the notorious Wuhan lab were hospitalized in November 2019, with symptoms of COVID-19, before the first acknowledged cases in China. (The Wall Street Journal reported this, and it was picked up by other media outlets.) And every time the Chinese react with extreme defensiveness and screech outraged rhetoric at suggestions that further (that is, actual and not performative) investigation is called for, that constitutes more evidence that they feel a strong need to hide something. That something is obviously the lab leak.

Furthermore, contrary to the false and pacifying claims by U.S. government bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci and by other Americans with ties to the Wuhan lab, that lab is NOT a highly secure facility. Fauci and others have emitted a smokescreen of reassuring, anodyne, misleading statements all along on that score. The Wuhan lab doesn't operate at top level biosecurity. Leaks are common at such labs. In fact, there are at least 6 prior known escapes of coronaviruses from research labs. Four of these occurred in Beijing, China's capital, and one each in Singapore and Taiwan. [2]

We are also seeing nails put in the coffin of the alibi that the outbreak originated in the "live animal" market in Wuhan. Hundreds of samples were taken from the market. The number of positive coronavirus results? Zero. And the "live animals" sold at the market were reptiles only, which cannot be infected with this virus. Only dead mammal meat was sold there, which cannot infect humans.  [3]

Much of the resistance to accepting the apparent fact of the true origin of the virus stems from the fact that the hated Donald Trump said it. Since the Democrats and the vast constellation of media assets allied with them in an anti-Trump front felt duty-bound to oppose most anything Trump uttered, this inclined them ti dismiss the idea of a Chinese lab leak as a baseless smear. 

But not every single thing Trump says is false, as mindless Democrats and their media allies believe. I despise Trump as much as anyone, but that hasn't caused me to lose my ability to evaluate reality objectively. Trump indeed tells thousands of lies, and some number of falsehoods which he believes (telling which bits of his nonsense he actually believes is not always easy). But even Trump occasionally makes true statements. To think otherwise is irrational.

The dam of denial started to break earlier this year, when U.S. government career medical bureaucrat, former Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said in March that  he believes “the most likely etiology of this pathology in Wuhan was from a laboratory." The pressure increased earlier this month when 18 prominent virologists managed to get Science magazine to publish their letter saying the possibility of a leak from the Wuhan lab deserved study.  (Science, the premiere U.S. science journal, is the publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.) Exercising scientific caution, they won't say it happened until they see biological evidence. The rest of us are free to consider ALL the evidence in drawing a conclusion. As I have shown, the behavior of the Chinese "authorities" is pretty definitive in this regard.

U.S. president Biden just ordered the U.S. "intelligence community" to investigate the source of the outbreak. If the secret police had read my mid-April expose, they'd have a leg up. [4]

The government buraucrat Saint Anthony Fauci (at least that's how much of the media treats him and a large swath of the population regards him- as a saint), supple public relations man/propagandist that he is, has smoothly slinked away from his prior position that the virus DEFINITELY did NOT leak from the Wuhan lab. What he's been saying NOW is for example this stuff: "Because we don't know 100% what the origin is, it's imperative that we look and we do an investigation:" "I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus;” “That possibility [a lab accident in Wuhan] certainly exists, and I am totally in favor of a full investigation of whether that could have happened;” and "no one knows not even I 100% what the origin is including me. That's why we favor further investigation." Not even the Great Fauci knows for sure!

Fauci is a political cat who always lands on his feet. 

Fauci is an extremely successful bureaucrat, having held the same high level position as director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for nearly 40 years. Fauci is the guy who early in the pandemic told people masks were no good and you shouldn't wear them. Asked to explain this later, when he took the diametrically opposite tack, he said "we" were worried about mask shortages for medical personnel. In other words, he'll be dishonest in order to manipulate the public. We are people to be acted upon by this character.

So we should discount what Fauci has to say about this. The only interest in his pronouncements will be watching how he smoothly inches his way over to the most politic position of the moment for him. If and when the U.S. establishment consensus is that yes indeed, the virus was a lab leak, he'll be telling us that he never ruled that out as a possibility (which will be a lie). He's an expert at parsing words so he never admits error or is caught in a blame-worthy position.  He is first and foremost a government bureaucrat, all of whose public pronouncements are designed to manipulate the public, to cause a political or social effect. [5]

But Fauci's newfound openness to at least investigating the possibility of a lab leak in Wuhan has inadvertently provided more confirmation that that's exactly what happened. Chinese state media are now calling Fauci "morally degenerate." (No gratitude for the year Fauci spent deflecting suspicion away from them!) 

If the lab was blameless, the Chinese would WELCOME an investigation to exonerate the lab and themselves! Instead they go ballistic at the mere suggestion of looking into the matter.. You know what that proves?

Guilty as charged.

A year ago, Fauci got the usual glorifying treatment in this National Geographic puff piece from May 4, 2020. Notice the straw man argument headline: "No scientific evidence the coronavirus was MADE in a Chinese lab." The issue isn't whether it was man-made. The issue is a leak of the virus into the environment. "Proving" the virus was not artificially engineered was speciously used to assert the disease outbreak did not come from the lab. Which of course is sophistry. What research labs study is organisms from nature.

Fauci Knows Best! Just Put Your Faith In Him.

2] These lab leaks occurred starting in 2004. It was the coronavirus species that caused SARS. The coronavirus causing COVID-19 is the third coronavirus that has caused an outbreak of human disease. In 2002 a coronavirus caused the disease SARS. In 2011 another such virus caused MERS. Many times more cases of illness, and of death, have been caused by COVID-19 than by either of those two earlier coronavirus-caused diseases.

3]  "How It Started, How It's Going," On The Media, May 21, 2021, a program of WNYC radio in New York City aired nationally by NPR, the U.S.-government-created and partially funded radio network.

4]  Actually I am constantly monitored by the secret police. But the units of the massive U.S. police state assigned to torment domestic dissidents are the most secretive and highly compartmentalized part of the repressive apparatus. So it is unlikely they would communicate with those assigned to the task of investigating the Wuhan outbreak. Plus their hatred of me would disincline them from seeing any value in my insights.

5]  On May 27 Saint Anthony was awarded with a "Webbie," one of those self-aggrandizing "honors" that the professional mass manipulation establishment hands out to its members. Career corporate propagandist Katie Courie presented the "award." Fauci spoke thus at the ceremony: "Always speak truth to power." Thus the spectacle of a career government bureaucrat osing as a brave dissident! Hey asshole, if you meant it, you'd call on Biden to stop persecuting Julian Assange and issuea presidential pardon to protect him! What an obnoxious phony!