Thursday, October 10, 2024

Will Netanyahu Bomb Iran's Oil Facilities To Help His Ally Trump Retake The U.S. Presidency?

 He may well. He's ruthless enough. This is a man who exterminates babies. How would that help Trump? It would cause a sharp (temporary) rise in oil prices, which in turn raises gasoline prices. And Americans hate nothing more than paying more for gasoline. They would hold the Biden-Harris regime responsible. Trump would loudly scapegoat the Democratic regime for his own benefit in the presidential election less than a month away.

Americans are stupid people who think the president of the U.S. controls the economy and controls the prices of products. And Trump has harped on blaming the Biden regime for inflation. The Democrats have been lame in reaction. Instead of refuting that nonsense, they squirm under the barrage of false accusations and point to this or that they did to lower the price of this or that (such as the handful of medical drugs that Medicare is now allowed to negotiate the prices they pay for).

Kamala Harris made it worse by promising to lower grocery prices- something the president has no power to do. The U.S. isn't a socialist nation. The Government cannot dictate the prices that eggs or milk sell for at retail, for example. By doing this, Harris tacitly agreed with Trump that presidents have such power, and by implication the Biden regime is responsible for inflation.

Inflation has various causes, and inflation of particular products can be effected by all kinds of events- a shortfall in crop yield, a disease that wipes out chickens, and so on. These are not under the control of the White House. Maybe sometime a politician might want to tutor the moronic American public about this- if the totalitarian corporate media will let them, that is.

There's an irony here, in that Biden has been 100% behind Israel's genocide in Gaza, pogrom in the West Bank, and terrorism campaign against Lebanon. But he supposedly fulminates against Netanyahu in private, to his own staff. That's enough to make Netanyahu favor Trump. And when he was president, Trump couldn't have been more Zionist. The fact that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is a fanatical Zionist, and Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism to be allowed to marry Jared, can't hurt. Oh by the way, when Jared was a boy, Netanyahu used to stay at the Jared family home in New Jersey! So with those kind of tight personal connections, it would be surprising if Binyamin Netanyahu DIDN'T favor Trump!

And by the way, Israel has a long and complex record of interfering in U.S. politics and U.S. elections. The details take a book to describe. Just trust me on this, and do your own research if you want to learn more. 

Tough Guy!

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Israel Invades Lebanon Yet Again

  U.S. Sending Thousands MORE Troops To Middle East To Support Israel's Invasion of Lebanon

The U.S. has now joined Israel in bombing undefended people in Syria and Yemen.

The U.S. has been increasing in stages its military forces for aggression for the purpose of further intimidating Iran to sit on its hands. And if the U.S. joins the Israeli invasion on the ground, it won't be the first time the U.S. has invaded Lebanon. Eisenhower invaded Lebanon in the 1950s. Reagan invaded Lebanon in the 1980s. And the way U.S. elites "remember" THAT invasion is through the twisted prism of the U.S. was the "victim" of a "terrorist attack." Namely, a truck bomb was driven into a U.S. Marine base, killing several hundred Marines. This prompted Reagan to pull the troops out, and punish the Lebanese by having a U.S. battleship lob 16" diameter cannon shells on Lebanese villages. (Reagan had taken World War II battleships out of mothballs for such purposes. Battleships have no role in naval warfare today, as they are easily sunk by aircraft, missiles, and torpedoes. Their only purpose after World War II is to murder defenseless people in the "Third World," that is, the NON-"WHITE" areas of earth.)

The resistance strike on the Marines' is considered a terrorist outrage, the same as the Nazis considered resistance attacks on their occupying armies "terrorism." They also responded with revenge murders of random civilians as well as any resistance fighters they could find. 

The recent assassination by Israel of a Lebanese commander blamed for the Marines' deaths was noted with satisfaction by the U.S. media.

Meanwhile the Lebanese are the victims of actual terrorism. There is the mass terror attack when Israel detonated 3000 booby-trapped pagers and radios, killing at least 37 and blowing off the fingers of victims and blinding many. Some of the victims were medical personnel. Lebanon's medical system is already crippled by years of economic depression. Lebanon's "government" is simply a collection of different factions and cliques of thieves. Israel and the U.S. over the years have succeeded in making Lebanon a dysfunctional state. (The vile Syrian regime of the Assad crime family also played a malign role)

Lebanon is being subjected to an aerial blitz by Israel, targeting apartment buildings and other civilian targets. Much worse than the Blitz London suffered in World War II, because BRITAIN HAD AN AIR FORCE THAT SUCCESSFULLY FOUGHT BACK. LEBANON HAS NO AIR FORCE, NO ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS, NO "SHIELD" LIKE ISRAEL HAS TO SHOOT DOWN THE INEFFECTIVE ROCKETS HEZBOLLAH FIRES AT ISRAEL, WHICH HAVE KILLED NO ONE.

Yet U.S. media and politicians keep wringing their hands about the danger ISRAEL is exposed to! What if Hezbollah escalates!

Escalates how?

When Hezbollah fired a single rocket in the direction of Tel Aviv, WHICH ISRAEL SHOT DOWN, this was presented as equivalent to the ongoing bombardment of Lebanon by Israel, and the non-stop assassination of Hezbollah "commanders," which just included the long time head of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah. (Reminiscent of the murder of Yasir Arafat on the orders of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, by radioactive polonium poisoning.)

A big reason Israel is always murdering the leadership of its opponents is to completely eliminate the "danger" of negotiations. Negotiations are poison to Israel. They wish only to conquer by force. 

Which is to say, Israel is an imperialist state, back by the world's most powerful empire, the most powerful empire in history, the U.S. Whose political class, media, and government Israel has colonized, like a brain worm.

The Grinning Gargoyles of U.S. Imperialism

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

U.S. Senator John Fetterman "Loves" Blinding and Maiming People

Thousands of them at a time, in fact.

That's was his reaction to the mass terrorist attack by Israel on thousands of Lebanese people whose pagers and radios were booby-trapped by Israel and simultaneously caused to explode on September 16 and 17.

Fetterman is one of the two U.S. Senators from Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania's governor, Josh Shapiro, is also an ardent Zionist, like Fetterman.

What is with these Americans with their fanatical devotion to a foreign country?

Children were among the victims.

The Iranian ambassador was one of those wounded. That's yet another in the numerous Acts of War Israel has committed against Iran in the last few decades. And so much for the Big Media Lie that ALL THE THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS ARE "HEZBOLLAH"! And since Hezbollah is a "terrorist organization," anything you do to "terrorists" is justified.

You wouldn't know it from the smug U.S. media, satisfied with the terrorism, but the UN, and human rights organizations, have properly condemned the attacks as war crimes and human rights violations.

When are the "non-white" peoples and nations of the world going to learn that "the West," the white racist imperialist nations- the U.S., its master Israel, and the stooge nations of Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, are their enemies? Five hundred years of murder and mayhem and oppression. Buy Chinese is the solution. I don't like China, but they probably won't let Israel plant explosives in their products. Just make sure Chinese ships and planes deliver the products.

Fetterman, like Israel the country he loves so much, and like the U.S. media, pretends that everyone maimed, blinded, and murdered was a "member" of Hezbollah. Which in their twisted minds justifies it. Of course that's false. Fetterman said on the NBC Sunday morning political propaganda show Meet the Press September 22, of the mass terror attack that traumatized everyone in Lebanon, since they couldn't know what other common device might suddenly explode: "I absolutely support that. And in fact, if anything I love it. And Israel has demonstrated that they will not allow terrorists not to be held accountable, and I fully support that." Even if the "terrorists" are children, apparently. What an immoral, despicable, bloodthirsty creep.

This is the face of the Democratic Party. So by his logic, members of that party should be assassinated.

                                  EVIL 6'7" DUDE JOHN FETTERMAN

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Failed Assassination Attempt" On Trump Gives Trump Big Boost, And Democrats Immediately Rush To Undercut Themselves. Trump All But Clinches Election.

 A 20-year-old registered Republican opened fire with a rifle at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, killing one MAGA-head and wounding two critically, but merely grazing Trump's ear, who benefited from a very photogenic streak of blood on his face. Not missing a beat, he defiantly raised a fist for the photographers. (The shooter was also said to have given a small donation to a Democratic-Party-linked organization.) 

Conveniently, the Secret Service executed the would-be assassin on the spot. So no Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray or Sirhan Sirhan, left alive to complicate the propaganda story for the spinners of the legend that will be planted around this event and become official "history." (Just saying.)

The shooter was obviously not trained as a sniper. If he had been, he would have known not to go for a headshot. Heads are a smaller target than torsos, and move around more. (This I learned from a youtube video, which the shooter could have easily done too, had he made a decent effort to prepare himself. I have a lifelong interest in military matters, which is how I came to watch such a video.) The young shooter was probably misled by entertainment industry garbage featuring make-believe assassins. Then again, Trump may well have been wearing a bullet"proof" vest. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an absolutely bulletproof vest. Such protective devices come in various levels of protection, depending on the type of projectiles they are designed to stop. Still, the shooter would have been wiser to aim just below the throat, or make for himself copper-tipped bullets, for example, which have greater penetrating power than the soft lead that most bullets are made from. (Bullets made from harder metals are outlawed for the public, under pressure from police, who branded them as "cop-killer" bullets.)

The Democrats immediately made things worse for themselves by spewing hysterical rhetoric, as if Trump was their beloved grandmother. Instead of issuing pro-forma "expressions of concern" and stuff like "of course we condemn violence," they went into overdrive, as if to prove their loyalty to Trump. Top Democratic politicians fulminated that they were "shocked" and "horrified" and condemned the attack in the strongest terms. Contrast that with how Republicans would respond to a violent attack on Biden. They would issue lukewarm, milktoast expressions of concern, while some of them, and especially their various fascist auxiliaries, would blame Biden and the Democrats for bringing the attack on themselves. In the shooting at the Trump rally, the despicable J.D. Vance has already blamed the DEMOCRATS for the shooting, because of their rhetoric. Vance, a totally amoral hustler, parlayed a book and his strategic move of linking himself to Trump into a U.S. Senate seat from Ohio, and now the vice-presidential pick by Trump after only a year and a half as a Senator. He is one of many ambitious, ethical-and-conscience-free self-promoters who have attached themselves to Trump, like suckerfish hitching a ride on a shark's body.

The Democrats, if they weren't so lame, would learn something from Vance and make insinuating remarks about how Trump's long history of violent rhetoric and incitement (most especially his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which Republicans and their propagandist auxiliaries like Tucker Carlson now insist was a peaceful rally!) has come back to bite him. They could remark that "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." They could mention how Trump sent a U.S. Marshal's death squad to execute Antifa fighter Michael Reinoehl. (They wouldn't because they fully supported that murder, as did the U.S. media. The eyewitnesses to the execution reported that Reinoehl was summarily gunned down on sight without warming.

Instead the Democrats instinctively obeyed Trump's call for "unity" and united in wishing Trump well, expressing great relief that he was unharmed, and on and on. Pathetic, and typical of Democratic Party weakness. This weakness is a big reason Trump will probably beat Biden (or whoever) in November. People follow "leaders" who seem strong. Feeble, senile, fumbling over his words, slurring his speech, tripping on stairs Biden projects weakness. And "debating" Trump while in the throes of a senility episode starkly illustrated his weakness and incapacity. This man insists on being president of the United States for four more years? Both he and his party are demented.

Biden's handpicked U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, a man deprived of a Supreme Court seat by Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, called the botched (deliberately?) shooting "an attack on democracy." Well if Trump is a THREAT to democracy, (which he is, whether Democrats believe their own rhetoric or not), then attempting to kill Trump is a DEFENSE of democracy. That is, of the tawdry simulacrum of democracy that exists in the U.S., which is a corporate oligarchy and a bourgeois class dictatorship fronted by a two-party political cartel which monopolizes political power. "Democracy" in the U.S. means every two but especially four years the two imperialist factions that are the Democratic and Republican Parties fight over power, and the power establishment's propaganda system has the job of working to generate artificial excitement in the "race," which they literally cover as if it is a sporting event, and tries to herd people into voting booths, since legitimizing the power system necessitates the appearance that it is "the people" who choose the unchanging and unchangeable (short of revolution) power system. 

But as bad as that is, it is preferable to the fascistic dictatorship Trump has made clear he plans to institute. And with a large and organized group of long-time fascists such as the Heritage Foundation as his cadres, he has thousands of goons salivating at the prospect of taking over the government and remaking it to their liking. And this is not new. These people have been around for decades. (I closely followed the so-called "New Right," their chosen label, extremist goons of the 1970s and later, whose slogan was "We're Ready to Rule.")

As for Biden himself, the Boss of the Democratic Party, he immediately made an ass of himself, as he so often has done throughout his "career," announcing that political violence is "unheard of" in the U.S. That's rather like claiming the earth is flat, and doesn't revolve around the sun. Even NPR major domo Mara Liasson contradicted him on air the morning after the shooting (Sunday morning), pointing out the murders of two Kennedys and Martin Luther King, Jr. Predictably, she omitted to mention that all were CIA assassinations with FBI aiding and abetting, and crucially, media as enablers to this day. And the co-conspiring city police departments, Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, California, and Memphis, Tennessee. And let me add the numerous political assassinations by the CIA, FBI, and various police departments, plus freelance fascists murdering progressive protesters and getting away with it. Texas governor Greg Abbott just pardoned a fascist terrorist who committed premeditated murder of a "leftwing" protester (he posted messages in advance with his intent), erasing the murderer's conviction.

By the way, the FBI, which handled the cover-ups in the state murders of the Kennedys and King, as well as in all other state crimes, is handing the "investigation" of this one too. Which simply means, an untrustworthy organization is doing yet another political investigation. So a word of advice: take the result with more than a mere pinch of salt. Use the entire salt shaker.

The United States has for years been in a situation analogous to the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919-1933), where an ostensibly democratic government protected fascist murderers by not prosecuting them or giving them wristslap punishments while harshly repressing their communist foes. This was a key factor in the growth of the Nazi Party, which wasn't even impeded by Hitlers 1923 coup attempt. Someone attempted to overthrow the government, and he got a very light sentence, comfortable conditions of confinement, and was allowed in prison to write his deadly manifesto, Mein Kampf

And just as Hitler could play the martyr after his failed coup attempt, now Trump is playing the martyr-card. Which he was already doing with his criminal cases and one conviction (on 34 felonies for fradulent business records in a New York State trial, the ONLY trial that has actually occurred so far, thanks to Republican judges obstructing prosecutions in his Federal cases for stealing boxes of classified documents and the January 1, 2001 coup attempt, judges including 6 of the 9 Supreme Court "Justices" and Federal District Court judge Aileen Cannon, who has stymied the prosecution in the classified documents case at every turn and now even refuses to set a trial date).

So the brave, strong martyr Trump has defied death, defied the "haters" (most of the haters in the U.S. support Trump), and is unbowed and determined. How are the Democrats going to beat this?

They probably aren't. They insisted on putting up a senile man four years ago, and they're doing it again.


  (And he wasn't even shot. No bullet entered or passed through his body. His ear was lightly grazed, creating an extremely minor flow of blood- just enough for Trump to strike a pose.)

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Nikki Haley's Message To The Palestinian People: Kill All Of You!





That's what Nikki Haley wants to see. It's a message she delivered via an explosive artillery shell. The same ones used to blow up hospitals, universities, mosques, homes. A shell given to Israel for free by the U.S. It's a message Haley was eager to see publicized in the world's media. She's quite proud of herself.

And no, it's not just Hamas that is the target. If Hamas were the only target, Israel would not have blown up all the hospitals in Gaza. It would not have assassinated or taken hostage doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers. It would not have blown up every university in Gaza. It would not be systematically bombing and shelling food convoys, warehouses, and people gathered a food distribution locations- all locations, places, and routes prearranged with Israel's "permission." It would not be deliberately starving the entire population of Gaza. Its snipers would not be murdering children. And on, and on, and on.

I remember how despicable Haley was as the Trump-appointed U.S. ambassador to the UN. Her hatred for the Palestinians was a hallmark of her "service" as the U.S. representative to that world body. So no one should be surprised at her despicable, vicious behavior today.

This is a woman who defended the Confederacy, that vile slave nation formed specifically for slavery. You would think that after 150 years or so, politicians would stop upholding it.

And to think, that this woman was the hope of the anti-Trump Republicans, the kind who bloviate on The Bulwark. That tiny band of anti-Trump reactionaries are no better than Trump.

For that matter, on foreign policy, (i.e. U.S. imperialism) the Democrats are the same, and sometimes worse, than the Republicans. Like they used to say, "partisanship ends at the water's edge." That is, both parties are imperialist to their cores. Their only differences are on domestic policy- how to treat the populace in the U.S. The Democrats favor letting the poor have some crumbs, and women getting abortions- if they can arrange it themselves. The Republicans can't stand that the poor get crumbs, and that fetuses are being killed.

So there you have it in a nutshell- the two-party political cartel or dictatorship that rules America on behalf of the corporate oligarchy they serve.

  Nice lady.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Why Only HAMAS Can Fight Israel

 Because the situation of the Palestinians is hopeless. And it has BEEN hopeless since 1948 and even before. There are strong world powers that have always been against the Palestinians, starting with Britain, then the U.S. and Israel. But no organized power, no government, has ever really been on their side. Sure, Arab states have talked a good game at times- but they don’t even do THAT anymore! And Iran doesn’t care enough to go to war with Israel, a heavily armed nuclear power backed by the U.S. and Europe. Iran didn’t even retaliate when Israel was murdering its nuclear physics INSIDE IRAN, and sabotaging its nuclear facilities (with U.S. connivance- such as the notorious malware used to wreck Iran’s uranium centrifuges).Because the situation of the Palestinians is hopeless. And it has BEEN hopeless since 1948 and even before. There are strong world powers that have always been against the Palestinians, starting with Britain, then the U.S. and Israel. But no organized power, no government, has ever really been on their side. Sure, Arab states have talked a good game at times- but they don’t even do THAT anymore! And Iran doesn’t care enough to go to war with Israel, a heavily armed nuclear power backed by the U.S. and Europe. Iran didn’t even retaliate when Israel was murdering its nuclear physics INSIDE IRAN, and sabotaging its nuclear facilities (with U.S. connivance- such as the notorious malware used to wreck Iran’s uranium centrifuges).

So why does the hopelessness of the Palestinians’ situation mean that ONLY HAMAS can fight back? Because HAMAS is fanatical. And it takes fanatics to ignore reality and fight hopeless causes.

I’m not arguing that fanaticism is a good thing. I am pointing out an objective fact. Fanatics ignore the hopeless odds because of their fanatical dedication to their cause. What HAMAS did on October 7, 2023, has had disastrous consequences. (Similarly, Adolf Hitler’s fanaticism had disastrous consequences for Germany. Although Germany recovered, backed by the almighty U.S.A. The Palestinians never will.)

The same argument about the utility of fanaticism applies to Hezbollah in Lebanon. But that wasn’t hopeless, just nearly so. Yet Hezbollah finally drove out the Israeli occupation forces from Southern Lebanon, and defeated Israel’s Quisling Lebanese “army” Israel created.

Fanatics will undertake hopeless tasks. John Brown, the fanatical American abolitionist and martyr to the anti-slavery cause, is a good example.

Hamas did have success in driving the Israeli colonizers out of northern Gaza. Then prime minister Ariel Sharon, a man who literally spent his entire adult life killing Palestinians, first as an army commando leader who raided Palestinian villages in the 1950s, then as “Defense” minister who oversaw the massacre of thousands of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon, and finally as the prime minister who ordered the murder of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat, a murder from which the Palestinians have never recovered. This elimination enabled the U.S. and Israel to install a puppet “leadership” at the head of Fatah, designate them the “Palestinian Authority,” have the CIA create a secret police for them, and allow them to oppress the Palestinians trapped in the West Bank in partnership with Israel. Now that Israel is conducting a full-scale pogrom in the West Bank, with 500 murdered since October 7, 2023, and massive theft of Palestinian homes, lands, livestock, and other property, this puppet “leadership” has outlived its usefulness for Israel. Its “president,” Mahmoud Abbas, has recently taken to occasionally issuing a pathetic bleat about the ongoing atrocities against the people he pretends to lead.

Now we are almost 7 months into a Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza. The U.S. is the main culprit here, since it cannot occur without U.S. weapons and other support. Europe too has played a despicable, morally depraved role. And in the U.S. and Europe, the so-called “democratic West,” the mask is off the facade of “rights” and “freedom,” as happens every time there is really opposition from part of the populace to the criminal “policies” of the rulers. There has been violent police repression of nonviolent protest camps on several college campuses in the U.S. In Germany, the police prevent conferences on the ongoing genocide to be held. Displaying the Palestinian flag is a crime in Germany. In the UK the story is the same. Empty blather from prime minister Rishi Sunak about the “right” to protest, immediately qualified with a promise to back the police in suppressing the protests. In the U.S., president Genocide Joe Biden says he respects the right to protest, but not the current ones, which are creating “chaos,” a big lie repeated incessantly by the power establishment media and demagogic politicians who serve Israel, not the U.S. Protests against the atrocities are deemed expressions of “anti-Semitism,” and their suppression is demanded by politicians and endorsed by the propaganda system (aka the “mainstream media,” that is, the official propagandists of the corporate oligarchy).

In other words, the mask of “guaranteed rights” and “freedom of expression” is off, and once again, as always in U.S. history when the chips are down, the face of Bourgeois Totalitarianism is exposed.

PLEASE go to to follow the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust. And badger people you know about this issue to try and get them to care. Send them links to pieces on

Israeli soldiers proudly take credit for the utter destruction of Gaza.

Israeli soldiers with Palestinian hostages, in a perfect site for another mass grave.

War isn’t all grimness. Fun-loving Israeli conquerors enjoy a Palestinian woman’s stolen underwear.