Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ingrate NY TImes Steals WikiLeaks Credit

The New York Times sure is an arrogant rag. For the past two days they are once again dependent for a major story on WikiLeaks for supplying the documents. (This time the story is about how the U.S. classified Guantanamo prisoners, and the releases of them.) On April 25 in two page one stories, the Times pretended it "obtained" the documents all by itself. Inside, in the middle of a 2-page spread, in one spot there's a mention of WikiLeaks.

Next day, April 26, they run an editorial about the story, claiming they "obtained" the documents, as if they somehow ferreted them out of the Government on their own. No mention of WikiLeaks whatsoever.

Meanwhile, these ungrateful turds have painted a bullseye on Julian Assange, the main man behind WikiLeaks. Their major domo top editor, a puffed-up worm named Bill Keller, personally ran a cover story in their Sunday magazine January 30 which was a blatant hatchet job on Assange- just a bunch of sneers and name-calling like something from a catty junior high school clique. His sycophantic employees jumped on the anti-Assange campaign with cheap smears of their own, to curry favor with Big Bill.

Arrogant ingrates.

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