Saturday, June 25, 2011

Obama Sets Definite Date For Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan

U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama has just reconfirmed that U.S. forces will retreat from Afghanistan (euphemised as "turn over responsibility for security to Afghan forces") in 2014. ("Remarks by the President on the Way Forward in Afghanistan," June 22, He has helpfully provided the Taliban with a timetable- 10,000 troops to leave by yearend 2011, 33,000 by summer 2012. All the Taliban terrorists have to do is hold tight.

The U.S.' British, French, and German lackeys immediately chimed in by announcing their own troop withdrawals- now that the Godfather was pulling out, it was ok for them to do the same.

Of course, Obama isn't doing this to help the Taliban. I'm sure he'd like to "win" in Afghanistan. But with Pakistan backing the terrorists again, just as they did when the Soviets tried to drag that awful place kicking and screaming at least into the 19th century, the medieval female-enslaving terrorists can't be defeated unless one is willing to kill millions. (Maybe they should have Sudanese thug "President" Bashir do it for them- he doesn't mind killing millions of people.) There is much jabber about the "requirements" and "progress" of Afghan "security forces," in terms of training, weaponry, organization. But the most important thing is never mentioned, the will to fight. If only more Afghans had the will to fight the cavemen fanatics, the problem would be relatively easy to solve.

Most Afghans apparently enjoy enslaving women, including their own daughters, keeping them as ignorant as possible and just using them as chattel to produce offspring and do endless drudgery. They like living a feudal existence.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has placed its bet on an ungrateful egomaniac (Hamid Karzai) and his Kleptocracy, absurdly called a "government," even though it does no governing, provides no services, and is 90% funded by foreigners. This clique just looted Kabul Bank of a few hundred million bucks- Karzai's brother was one of the main looters, although a special "investigating commission" appointed by Karzai just exonerated his bro- and the thieves had the gall to suggest as a solution that the U.S. taxpayer reimburse the robbed depositors for their losses. Of course the Karzai clique of kleptomaniacs has been stealing the foreign aid and "reconstruction money" for a decade now. It's no wonder that Karzai's public insults of the U.S. get more and more nasty- he must figure by now that his foreign backers will eat any amount of shit.

Just as in Vietnam, backing a useless, venal, client regime guarantees U.S. failure. And all the fools who joined (or were drafted in the case of Vietnam) the U.S. military to "fight for their country" and nobly "defend our freedoms" have died or been maimed for nothing. As soon as the U.S. leaves, the primitive oppressors will take over again, backed by the Pakistani military as before.

Obama's speech, like all his speeches these days, landed with all the impact of a raindrop, forgotten after a day. Filled with empty platitudes and absurd falsehoods, it is hardly worth analyzing or refuting. Obama is a political animal through and through, so all his words reveal are the obsessive political calculations of a lifelong manipulator whose ONLY GOAL at this point is his own reelection. Good luck with that, Mr. Change You Can Believe In (if you're a chump).

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