Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Mubarakism WIthout Mubarak"

That was the title of my post of April 30th on this page. Now the Egyptian military junta has given us more confirmation that the military oligarchy established in 1952 with the overthrow of King Farouk by the CIA-backed "Free Officers" (led in part by Nasser, who became the first military dictator) is intact.Col. Nasser was followed as dictator by a two more generals, Sadat and then Mubarak. Now the generals left prefer for the time being to operate somewhat in the shadows, grey men hiding behind stooges they appoint, such as the "commission" that suddenly came out with a "constitution" making the military wholly independent of any civilian pseudo-government, and giving itself the power to make laws. (That should come in handy, since the Mubarak high court, still in power, just disbanded the Parliament by fiat, leaving no legislative body in the country,) Just before the "winner" of the Presidential "election" is determined ,the generals have also let it be known that the new "President" will be virtually powerless. (That's fair, after all, whoever it is, the Muslim Brotherhood guy or Mubarak's Prime Minister, isn't a general! Can't have a "President" with dictatorial powers, like Mubarak/Sadat/Nasser had, if he isn't even a general- or at least a colonel.)

Having already imprisoned 10,000 political prisoners after mock "trials" in military "courts" AFTER the removal of Mubarak, there should have been no doubt that the military still rules Egypt- and it shows no sign of allowing that to change. Its dismantling of the U.S. "democracy" organizations in Egypt was a shot across to bow of the U.S. in this regard, an omen of the generals' intentions.

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