Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Arafat Murder Conspiracy

We can identify a number of accomplices in the murder of Yasser Arafat. Of course Israel.

But it almost certainly was a Palestinian who put the polonium 210 in Arafat's food. As far as we know, no one else was sickened. So it would have had to be someone in Arafat's immediate circle.

This highlights a sad truth: that among oppressed peoples, there are always those who aid their people's oppressors. It was true when the Jews were being annihilated by the Nazis. It was true among blacks in apartheid South Africa. It was true in Northern Ireland, as the British had great success infiltrating the IRA, even at its highest levels.

And it's certainly been true among Palestinians. The Israeli secret police agencies (Shin Bet and Mossad primary among them) are quite competent in their dirty work.

We have learned from Aljazeera (the two-part 51 minute video program especially) that Egypt and France are accomplices, at a minimum as accessories after the fact. The Egyptian doctors who tried to treat Arafat were ordered to keep their mouths shut by the military rulers, we learned from Aljazeera, which tried to interview them for its investigation. Thirty French doctors Aljazeera contacted all stone-walled the inquiry. The French also made sure to destroy Arafat's body fluids in their possession a few years after his murder. This was done secretly- it was only learned when Aljazeera tried to obtain them for testing.

Now his widow Suha is calling for Arafat's body to be exhumed for testing. The "Palestinian Authority" (U.S.-Israeli stooge Palestinian "leadership") is saying "fine" to this. Specifically, the two head flunkies of their people's oppressors, "President" (of a non-existent state) Mahmoud Abbas and former head "negotiator" with the Israelis Saeb Erekat, both have come out publicly saying they agree with this. (Erekat's brief interview on Aljazeera was quite revealing in terms of his body language and facial expressions. It's obvious he's not at all happy with this turn of events. He's even shaking his head "no" at one point while saying Yes to exhumation. He even gets tongue-tied towards the end and becomes semi-incoherent, trying to make sentences out of fragments of boilerplate rhetoric he keeps stored in his brain.)

To refresh your memory on Erekat's and Abbas' attempt to surrender to Israel, which Netanyahu rejected as not enough, since apparently it didn't include all the land to the Jordan River and a Palestinian promise to march their people into the sea, see "Palestine Papers: The Secret Negotiations."

Oh, one more accomplice needs to be mentioned. The New York Times. Their first reaction to Aljazeera's great expose was to run a short, despicable piece full of disinfo, dishonesty, and disingenuousness, by one Rick Gladstone. ("Al Jazeera Says Arafat Might Have Been Poisoned, 7/3/12.) But what can you expect from motherfuckers who still promote the absurd Warren Commission lies? The NYT is a political propaganda rag above all else, masquerading as a newspaper.Just look how they kept secret the NSA domestic spying story for a year and a half because the Bush regime wanted them to? Among innumerable other examples. Like the "Pope Plot." And "Yellow Rain." And a story they once ran about 8 people permanently blinding themselves by staring at the sun on an acid trip- totally fictitious, just like the previous two examples I mentioned. They even fabricated the Kitty Genovese murder story. That was exposed on On the Media.

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