Thursday, September 19, 2013

Assad Willing To “Talk About” Handing Over His Chemical Weapons

Gee, that's odd. I thought that “framework” worked out by the U.S. and Russia meant he was going to hand them over, not “talk about” it.

He also called the UN chemical weapons inspectors' report “unrealistic,” as if it was something from Mars. (After all, it was the rebels' who gassed their own enclave, don't you know. Even Russia agrees!)

Assad says the most outrageous things as if he's being totally reasonable. He's willing to talk! Reasonable guy!

As long as all you want from him is listening to his sick bullshit, he's quite accommodating.

Actually he did put a price tag on the handover: One Billion Dollars. And it will take a year. (Not a week, as Kerry demanded in his off-the-cuff comment that started this disarmament scheme ball rolling. (Or do we have to put “off-the-cuff” in quotes now? Are we to believe this was all prearranged? If so, it's bizarre.) Assad also had one of his lackeys claim they want a “cease fire.” So peace-loving! His stooges in the West (both leftists and rightists) will take that one and run with it, for sure. Reminds me of Hitler constantly claiming to want “peace” while extracting concession after concession from his appeasers. Gangster methods don't change much.

And Russian neo-Czar Vladimir Putin is keeping up the disgusting lie campaign of pretending the Syrian rebels gassed their own area.

To make matters worse, the fanatical foreign jihadists are now opening waging war on the Syrian rebels; today they drove them out of a town on the Turkish border. So by sitting on its hands, the U.S. has helped come to pass what it feared, and why it sat on its hands- the growing strength of the Islamofascists. Way to go, Obama. I repeatedly inveighed against this stupid strategy starting way back. Obviously the way to prevent that would have been to strengthen the indigenous rebels. Now the Islamofascists are better armed than the original rebels. (Saudi Arabia is partly to blame for that, of course. Some “ally.” The U.S. keeps invading all the wrong countries. It should have invaded Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, if it wanted to fight Islamofascist terrorism. It should have invaded Pakistan, not [or in addition to] Afghanistan to root out the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. The U.S. doesn't seem to know what it's doing. Meanwhile, under the pretext of “fighting terrorism,” it steals all the communications of everyone it can, including all Americans.)

Anyway, Obama is too busy building the edifice of a total surveillance state, brick by brick, to do anything decisive about Syria. Pay no attention to his blather about the vital importance of upholding “international norms” and protecting “our children” and international law and blah blah blah. He's been bloviating in high-falutin' fashion at least since his national debut at the Democratic Party Convention in 2004, where he retrod already well-trod rhetorical ground with a “progressive” speech. (Right-wing Democratic Goveror of New York State Mario Cuomo was doing that for years, before Obama, as have many other Democratic Party con men. It's a standard trick in the Democratic Party's bag of deceit, deception, and manipulation.) Unfortunately there are millions of willing dupes who should know better by now who eagerly swill the vile Kool-Aid, because they want change but are too cowardly to actually oppose the system, even if only to vote for Ralph Nader or the Green Party. Even something that tame is too “radical” for the Democratic Party's useful idiots.

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