Thursday, March 28, 2019

Joseph Biden, Closet Pedophile

There's a lot that any normal human being would despise about "Joe" Biden. Let's bulletpoint them:

  • He's spent his entire political career in the U.S. Senate and as Vice President of the U.S. working to increase repression in America. Examples are numerous. He was behind a number of draconian "crime" bills. He created what became the PATRIOT ACT, the architecture for a more complete police state. He's anything but "nice." The compulsive, giddy smile is a Big Lie in itself, a cynical politician's gimmick to dupe the easily duped.

  • He's a lifelong racist. Two of his closest allies and "friends" in the Senate were the arch-Segregationists and fascists Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, with whom he pushed repressive "bipartisan" legislation. His speeches attacking "busing" for school integration, and demands that "predators" (black muggers) be locked up sounded like George Wallace.

  • Of course he's an imperialist. Imperialism is criminal behavior on a national scale. It is all about subjugating other people and taking their resources and exploiting their labor, by force and violence. "Modern" imperialism, or neo-imperialism, works by the installation of client or puppet regimes that are subcontracted to do the dirty work of repression, their "security services" trained by the CIA and U.S. military and funded and armed by the U.S. (In the case of oil states, the client regimes pay for the U.S. "aid" in subjugating their own populations.)

  • He's an aggressive political agent of the banking and credit card industries. His state, Delaware, is where many of these businesses are based. One of his crimes against the citizens as part of his service to his masters was passage of "bankruptcy reform" that tightened the screws on average people seeking bankruptcy protection, and making it impossible to discharge student loans through bankruptcy, making former students indentured servants. These industries lavishly fund his canpaigns, and if this evil creep ever "retires" from politics, he will be rewards with millions of dollars in corporate board seats, no-show "jobs," and grossly inflated "honoraria" to drone through banal, platitudinous speeches.

But now there's even more. At least, more that I just discovered. Not that it was never reported by "the" media. Just that it has received nowhere near the attention it should have, so it is not common knowledge.

Joseph Biden is apparently a closet pedophile.

Sounds crazy? Of course it does. You've been subjected to years of propaganda promoting "Joe" Biden, Regular Guy, by the corporate oligarchy's media, because Biden is beholden to the corporate oligarchy and loyally serves their interests inside the outside the U.S.

So you need to watch a video compilation of his startling behavior molesting children, in public. Just watch. [1]

"The" media (the propaganda bullhorns of the corporate interests Biden fronts for) has been energetically promoting this tired old warhorse of imperial capitalism for president. They have even pushed the preposterous notion that he is "more popular" among "progressives" than Bernie Sanders! Excuse me: Sanders had and has a huge popular following. He has done extraordinarily well raising funds from average people to run for president in 2016 and now 2020 Biden, on the other hand, ran for that office twice, in 1988 and 2008, and both times his campaigns crashed and burned almost at the beginning of the process. (For instance, he came in fifth in Iowa in 1988 I think it was, and Iowa is the "first hurdle" the bourgeois media erects for candidates. Iowa and New Hampshire, both small, lily white, and very reactionary states, are set as the first bars to overcome to ensure that candidates for president have to be rightwing.)

So this is a fine time to take stock of who this creature really is, behind the affable "regular Joe" mask.

"Joe" Likes 'Em Young!

And it looks like he swings BOTH WAYS!

1] The video is: "Joseph Biden's Pedophiliac Impulses."  And read the essay there, which goes into the complicity of the parents of the children and what it says about the moral corruption of the U.S. power system. There are also links to articles on Biden's propensities to molest children, and adults too, including from the Washington Post. The Post article was written as an imaginary intervention called to try to get Biden to stop molesting women. which is "meta" since the article, published in 2015, seemed to have exactly the same purpose as the fantasy intervention- to warn Biden he better stop pawing women and a girls and sniffing their hair and rubbing their faces.

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