Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Trump Announces By Tweet Mass Roundup of 11 Million People

U.S. president/emperor Donald Trump issued an edict using Twitter to round up and deport 11 million people living in the U.S. "illegally" whom he claims entered illegitimately. A fact often repeated but simply ignored by Trump, his minions, and the millions of xenophobic "white" racists who are his enthusiastic supporters, is that the vast majority of the people living in the U.S. "illegally" entered on valid entry visas issued by the U.S., which they overstayed.

They are not being sent "home." Home is where you live. Their home is the U.S.A.

Mass roundups of millions of people are no simple tasks. Trump might want to study how the Nazis did it in World War II. Or rather, since he doesn't study things, hire another white supremacist like Stephen Miller and others already working for him, who is familiar with Hitler's ways.

By the way, some of those deported will be killed when they arrive back in the very dangerous countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and other places. Some fled after being specifically targeted by gangs or government death squads.

Boy, does he hate Hispanics!

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