Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Iran Wants Its Worst Enemy, Trump, To Win Reelection. Claims U.S. Secret Police and Establishment Media

Could anything be more absurd? What an obvious lie. Yet that's what they're claiming.

Who is? The U.S. Secret Police combine and the corporate oligarchy's propaganda system, "the media," so-called. 

The lead actor in this piece of political theater is the "Director of National Intelligence," a Trump stooge named John Ratcliffe. Ratchiffe, a political hack and former Republican Congressman and reactionary weasel. According to this latest concoction of the "intelligence community" (the secret police combine) Iran sent spoof emails in the name of the U.S. stormtrooper group Proud Boys, to Democratic Party voters threatening them to vote for Trump.

Trump. Right. Iran wants to help reelect Trump. The guy who tore up the nuclear agreement with Iran, who reimposed sanctions that are strangling the Iranian economy. Who just blockaded the Iranian banking system from the world financial system. The man who is murdering thousands of Iranians by preventing the importation of cancer medicines, of ventilators for COVID-19 patients, of protective equipment like masks. Iran wants to keep him in office so he can do more damage to Iran.

Sure, I believe you, U.S. secret police and your propagandist enablers. 

Ironically, this propaganda campaign, whose theme is alleged election manipulation by foreign enemies, is ITSELF an election manipulation scheme.   

Just to make sure people fall for this pathetic shit, almost all media reports omit the key details. They just say "Iran and Russia are trying to undermine confidence in the election," they're "trying to undermine the legitimacy of the election," and "Iran is sending emails to intimidate voters." 

But they don't say who the emails go to, and what they are trying to do.

How dishonest can you get?

Do you really need any more evidence that U.S. "news" organizatons are in fact propaganda mills, and U.S. "journalists" are propagandists and stooge mouthpieces for the secret polcie and other governemnt operatives to plant disinformation and slanted distortions of reality in the minds of the public?

The trustworthy John Ratcliffe. You believe him, don't you?

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