There are currently 52 prisoners under Federal death sentences. As president, Biden has the power to commute those sentences to life in prison (or any lesser sentence, or even to issue pardons, which exonerates the person and erases the conviction). If he doesn't commute all those death sentences, he'll be proving once again he's a phony and a liar.
Biden may or may not be against the death penalty. But he certainly isn't against killing. He was the leading Democratic Party ally of Republican president Bush the Younger in beating the war drum for invading Iraq (although these days he lies about that well-documented fact). For eight years he was Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama's vice president. He promoted a strategy of assassination of Taliban and Al-Qaeda figures.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm fine with ridding the world of Islamofascists, who are the worst totalitarian murders around. And the death penalty for serial murderers and mass murderers I think is just and proper and moral. I do wonder why a person who is a war hawk is against the death penalty. It may be because his church, Roman Catholicism, is against it.
Anyway, if he doesn't commute those 52 Federal death sentences, we'll know he doesn't really mean it.

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