Democratic Senator Joe "Motherfucker" Manchin III has done it again. Once again he has almost singlehandedly struck a blow against humanity. This time he's prevented passage of Federal legislation desired by the president of his own party and by all or almost all its Congressional members to finally take steps to mitigate the disastrous warming of our planet caused by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, methane gas, and the products of oil such as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, etc.).
the U.S. Senate split 50-50 between the Democrats and the Republicans,
the Party of Evil, the Democrats need every single vote to pass anything
in the Senate. (The vice president of the U.S. casts tie-breaker votes
in the Senate, and currently she's Democrat Kamala Harris.) But they
also need to vote to eliminate the filibuster, a rule instituted long
ago by Southern racist Senators which in its current form requires
assent by 60 Senators to pass most legislation. Manchin, and his fellow
reactionary Democratic Senator Kirsten Sinema, adamantly opposes
eliminating the filibuster.
The same pattern of the past year
and a half has played out yet again. House Democrats either pass or are
for necessary legislation, whether it's to build infrastructure, fill
holes in the pathetically inadequate U.S. social safety net, or protect
human rights, especially the right of women to decide whether to have
children when they become unintentionally pregnant. Manchin jerks his
Senate Democratic colleagues, the House Democrats, and president Biden
around for months, making them grovel and water down their legislation
more and more, until finally saying No. He did it again this time,
"negotiating" in bad faith, taking up time until the Republicans can
seize control of Congress again after this November's mid-term
elections. Manchin behaves exactly like Republicans, insisting Democrats
should seek "compromise," which is just code for "surrender to me."
Manchin is a DINO, a Democrat In Name Only.

political observers expect the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) to win the
House, and possibly the Senate. (The GOP state legislatures have so
gerrymandered Congressional districts that currently House Democrats
represent 40 million more people than GOP ones, even though the two
sides have almost the same number of Representatives. In some states
they control overwhelming majorities in state legislatures with a
minority of voters due to their gerrymandering, which has made peaceful
change through the ballot box almost impossible in the U.S. now.)
represents the woebegotten State of West Virginia, a primitive
backwater largely populated by ignorant slugs. His rightwing Democratic
partner in sabotage is Senator Kirsten Sinema representing the awful
state of Arizona, who on occcasion has joined Manchin in saying Nyet to a
Democratic Party proposal. (Arizona is the State that gave the world
neofascist racist Senator Barry Goldwater and racist fascist Sheriff Joe
Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who
caucuses with the Democrats and is effectively a left-wing auxiliary of
them, denounced Manchin on one of the Sunday morning TV yak shows July
17. Democracy Now aired on excerpt the next day during its "Headlines"
segment narrated by host Amy Goodman.
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