Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Election Of New House Speaker Means Greater Slaughter of Palestinians and Escalation Of War Against Russia In Ukraine

Joe "The Butcher" Biden has made clear that his top priority- indeed his one and ONLY priority- is funneling billions of dollars of U.S. bombs and rockets and other weapons to Israel to massacre thousands more Palestinians (as of today Israel has murdered over 6,800 Palestinians in Gaza- over 2,000 were children- and 100 in the West Bank) and to keep using Ukrainians as cannon fodder in the U.S. proxy war against Russia.

Every year Israel receives around $3.8 billion in free weapons from the U.S. Biden's "package" for war that he so urgently wants passed that he went on national television to propagandize the nation about it, would provide $14 billion in additional free money for Israel. Supposedly "only" $10 billion of that is for more bombs for Israel to destroy Gaza. That means the equivalent of over two and a half years of Israel's "normal" quota of weapons will be given to the Israelis in one fell swoop as a "supplement" so they can wreak greater havoc. Israel has bombarded numerous UN facilities, murdering UN personnel, as well as the hospitals and clinics of Gaza. The U.S. and the other nations of "the West," that is, the WHITE nations, all support this to the hilt. (No doubt there's a bit of racism behind this.) The U.S. and its stooges adamantly oppose any ceasefire. They want Israel to exact a Nazi level of retribution against the Palestinians for Hamas daring to attack Israel on October 7. That mandates a ten-to-one kill ratio. Since they now claim that 1,400 Israelis were killed on October 7, that means a minimum of 14,000 Palestinians have to die. Israel in the last few weeks has doubled the number of Palestinians hostages in its prison gulag, to 10,000. It's army and "settlers" are conducting a full-scale pogrom in the West Bank, murdering

Palestinians and destroying their homes, their crops, their property, in an intensification of the "ethnic cleansing" they began with terror in 1948.

But merely killing the Palestinians in Gaza isn't enough. Israel has long hungered to make all the land "from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River" into The Land Of Israel. This necessitates "cleansing" the land of the Palestinians. So several days ago Israel ordered the depopulation of the entire northern half of the tiny Gaza strip, where 2.3 million souls are already crammed in. For good measure, it is bombarding those fleeing.

Ultimately, with food, water, fuel, electricity, and medical supplies cut off, Palestinians will face annihilation by disease and starvation, which is how the Germans (who these days are big backers of Israel) murdered millions of Soviet prisoners of war in World War II. Some predict that Israel will try and drive the Palestinians of Gaza into Egypt's Sinai desert. That's a desert, so millions of people cannot survive there. In a cynical charade, U.S.apparatchiks spoke of how they were "developing a plan" to get aid to Gaza. After about a week and a half of this political Kabuki theater, designed to try and obscure the vicious and barbaric actual policies of Israel and its U.S. patron, a smattering of trucks that had been sitting in Egypt for weeks with desperately needed supplies was allowed into Gaza by Israel- BUT NO FUEL ALLOWED. This stunt was again reminiscent of the public relations ploys of the Third Reich, which staged carefully curated tours of concentration camps for the Red Cross with cleaned-up prisoners threatened beforehand not to depart from the script. To his credit, UN Secretary General António Guterres keeps demanding a half to the barbarism and opening up Gaza for relief supplies. This has made him invisible in most U.S. media and prompted vituperative denunciations of him by Israeli officials, who are demanding his resignation. (The U.S. is undoubtedly already sharpening its knives for him.)

As for Ukraine, on top of the $100 billion or so in weapons the U.S. has given to the Kyiv regime to fight Russia (plus arms and ordnance from the Europeans) Biden is demanding another $60 billion in armaments for that war which the U.S. did almost everything possible to provoke. The remainder of the total $106 billion war package is for Taiwan. The U.S. is determined to prevent a Chinese regime takeover of Taiwan. (I do think it would be terrible for the people of Taiwan to be absorbed into the Chinese totalitarian system of rule. Unlike so many on what is broadly terms the "left," I don't do analysis based on simplistic anti-Americanism. There are, after all, other sources of evil in the world besides the U.S., although of course the U.S. is the most powerful source of evil.)

With the GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) finally finding one among their number in the House they can all agree to like, the horror show for the Palestinians is just beginning, and the meat grinder in Ukraine will chew up more bodies.

So for anybody who thinks it was a bad thing that the U.S. House of Representatives was in a state of paralysis, you didn't do much thinking at all.

The Face of Sheer Evil



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