Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Obama Ordered the Murder of a 16-Year-Old American

Contained in a new article about Obama's drone terror* campaign in a major U.S. bourgeois publication, there is an intriguing hint that can be gleaned about the murder by drone of the 16-year-old son of Al-Qaeda polemicist Anwar al-Awlaki, Abdulrahman, along with his cousin and five other civilians as they ate dinner in an outdoor restaurant in Yemen on October 14, 2011. [1]

We can now conclude more conclusively than ever, that Barack Hussein Obama personally ordered the murder.

Here's the tip-off.

Buried on the ninth page of an eleven page article (print edition), are two brief paragraphs about the killing by drone of another American, a 23-year-old named Jude Kenan Mohammad, who grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina. He was killed in a nighttime “signature strike” on a home in South Waziristan, Pakistan. (“Signature strike” is CIA-speak, meaning We don't know who that is but he looks like a terrorist to us so we'll kill him. Like guys with beards, for example. The Obama regime, it's been repeatedly reported, has decided to classify all “military-age males” in the areas subject to drone attack as “terrorists” in the event the U.S. kills them. This death-by-executive-fiat is the new Eric-Holder-approved definition of “due process.”) The article's author, Steve Coll, asserts that Mohammad “had fallen in with aspiring jihadists; his presence at the site of the [CIA drone] attack might indicate [my italics] that he had become a volunteer soldier."

Had fallen in with aspiring jihadists? So maybe he was an “aspiring jihadist”? And what is an “aspiring jihadist”? Someone who's Muslim and criticizes the U.S.? Just who identified the people Mohammad had “fallen in with” as “aspiring jihadists”? Presumably Coll's secret police state sources. (And Coll is one of the better members the U.S. establishment media on this business, as he's a skeptic of the endless drone war- a decided minority among U.S. elites. Although not so much for moral reasons as for pragmatic ones- namely it's not working. Just like "establishment" "critics" of the Vietnam War, he cannot bring himself to morally condemn the U.S. At worst, the U.S. makes "mistakes," it never commits crimes.)

And the fact that Mohammad was AT a place the CIA decided to blow up “might indicate that he had become a volunteer soldier.” Or might not. Maybe he was just visiting someone who lived there. Or he wanted to borrow a bag of salt. Who knows?

So if the CIA guesses- after the fact, when they find out who exactly they've killed- that someone in the wrong place at the wrong time got iced- that maybe he was a “volunteer soldier.”

Gee, I dunno, that doesn't sound like the rigorous, careful process Obama and his minions like to describe, like some Hollywood or TV propaganda show where the Good Guys have infallible “intel” and their victims are always Obviously Bad Guys. Clearly that's the propaganda image burned into people's brains they are playing to.

After the “volunteer soldier” business, Coll continues in the same paragraph:

“Yet he [Mohammad] was not targeted for death as an individual, and, given his American citizenship, any deliberate strike on him would likely have to have been authorized only after an in-depth review overseen by President Obama.” End of topic.

I see. So Obama must have personally ordered the hit on the 16-year old Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, two weeks after greasing his Dad. And the only explanation that has ever been offered came from the lips of Obama henchman Robert Gibbs, who coldly brushed off a genuine reporter (non-establishment one) when she plaintively pressed him for an explanation, these immoral words of posthumous advice for Abdulrahman "you should have a far more responsible father."

Is that clear?

There hasn't even been planted stories from the usual “anonymous” regime sources saying that they were really assassinating someone else, or it was a mistake, or something or other. Loyal media propagandists, on the rare occasions they have to mention it, invent these excuses themselves, as in "they must have been targeting someone else."

The fact that the Obama regime has never even bothered “anonymously” presenting an alibi proves the hit was deliberate. And now we know for sure that Obama ordered it. (But then, it's already been reported that he goes over the “kill list” personally once a week to approve/disapprove those “nominated” for death by the CIA or military. That's the word the regime uses.)

But why, you may ask? The murder came two weeks after the father was assassinated, also by drone. His son spent those weeks looking for his father, until word came by phone from his family that his Dad was dead. Obviously the U.S. secret police/military state was watching like a hungry hawk everything every family member was doing. They obviously knew from eavesdropping that Abdulrahman was devoted to his father. Obama, who is political to his core and has a political calculating machine where a soul should be, must have decided that the son would stir up bad publicity for him, thus creating a headache. He could see the son devoting years of his life to making noise about it, trying to drag Obama into court after he leaves office, and so on. Easier to just kill the son-of-a-terrorist punk.

After all, this is the guy who had Medea Benjamin's arm broken for interrupting one of his speeches by shouting about his drone war.

By the way, it took eighteen months for Attorney General Eric “Due Process Means We Decide To Kill You” Holder to get around to admitting that the killing of Mohammad had even occurred. That was the first official U.S. Government acknowledgment that Mohammad's death had actually happened. So as far as U.S. establishment media was concerned, it was “secret” before that. Like a tree falling in the woods when no one is there to hear it, as far as U.S. propaganda media is concerned, if the U.S. Government doesn't officially announce one of its murders, it didn't happen.

But the mass of the American people aren't bothered by any of this. Indeed, like Good Germans, they make sure to remain blissfully unaware of the facts. They just believe that the U.S. government is “fighting terrorism” and “protecting” them, and leave it at that, making sure never to think.

But really, is killing an American teenager- and was he really an American with a name like “Abdulrahman”? He was only technically an American by citizenship, right?- such a big deal? Obama has killed children and grandmothers with his drones, at times apparently deliberately. So they weren't “Americans.” I do not recognize Americans as a higher order of being from other members of the same species on this planet- although apparently most Americans do so. Or the four young Palestinian boys kicking a soccer ball on a deserted Gaza beach, that Israeli sailors on a gunboat decided must die (as soon as the foreign journalists who had been kicking that ball around with the boys a few minutes earlier were out of the way). Forgot about that already, did you?

The atrocities come so thick and fast, it's easy to forget.

*Like all state terror campaigns these days, the U.S. terror campaign is called “counter-terrorism.” That's what they also called their murder of 50,000 Vietnamese in their Phoenix Operation, what the long Holocaust in Guatemala is billed as, what the slaughter of 75,000 Salvadoreans by the Reagan regime (which was initiated by Jimmy “Humanitarian” Carter) in the 1980s, and etc. and etc. But there is ample evidence now that the people living under the buzzing drones hovering menacing overhead all the time are in a state of induced terror. The uncertainly of when and at whom a deadly missile will be unleashed is incredibly stressful and has produced anxiety disorders in many thousands of people. It has also helped cause Islamofascism to mutate into its most virulent form yet, the self-styled “Islamic State” now embedded in large swaths of Iraq and Syria.

1] “The Unblinking Stare: The drone war in Pakistan,” New Yorker, November 24, 2014.

[For some damn reason, my embedded videos no longer display in the Firefox and Opera browsers, but do display in Chrome and Internet Explorer. Anyway there's a transcript of the video below.]

Here's Gibbs, who literally tried to flee the people asking him the questions about the al-Awlaki murders, finally cornered like a rodent and revealing a little too much of what lurks behind the smooth masks he and his boss, Obama, wear. [Gibbs was head honcho of the horribly deceitful and manipulative Obama election campaigns.]

Sierra Adamson: "Do you think that the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki's
16-year-old son, who was an American citizen, is justifiable?"
Robert Gibbs: "I'm not going to get into Anwar al-Awlaki's son. I know
that Anwar al-Awlaki renounced his citizenship."
Sierra Adamson: "His son was still an American citizen."
Robert Gibbs: "Did great harm to people in this country and was a
regional al-Qaeda commander hoping to inflict harm and destruction on
people that share his religion and others in this country. And..."
Sierra Adamson: "That's an American citizen that's being targeted
without due process of law, without trial. And he's underage. He's a
Robert Gibbs: "I would suggest that you should have a far more
responsible father. If they're truly concerned about the well-being of
their children, I don't think becoming an al-Qaeda jihadist terrorist
is the best way to go about doing your business." [So we can kill your kids, he's saying.]

Notice how Gibbs ignores the question about murdering the teenager, who the U.S. never claimed and has never claimed was a “terrorist,” and instead harps on what a very very bad man Anwar al-Awlaki was.

His advice to the already-dead teenager was “you should have a far more responsible father.” Pick a better father in the next life, kid.

Savvy advice from a political pro!

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