Saturday, November 15, 2014

U.S. Two-for-Three in Overthrowing Governments in 2015. So Far.

That is, governments we know they were trying to overthrow.

So far, they've gotten rid of unwanted regimes in Ukraine and Thailand. They're still working on Venezuela.  In all three cases, false flag snipers have been used to murder people in the streets.

I just reread a previous essay of mine which is well worth a second read (and a first read for anyone who wants to better understand this world they're living in).

See "U.S., Obama Regime, Busy as Bees, Trying to Overthrow Three Governments Simultaneously (And Media Handmaidens Play Their Assigned Roles.)" Taboo Truths by Jason Zenith, February 22, 2014.

For an understanding of the U.S. use of false flag snipers, see "Ukraine Snipers Worked For U.S. Puppet Government, Estonian Foreign Minister Told Ashton," Taboo Truths by Jason Zenith, April 07, 2014. This includes the infamous phone call between the Estonian Foreign Minister and EU pooh-bah Catherine Ashton about the snipers. Ashton has of course pretended ever since that the phone call never occurred. She never followed up of course, instead maintaining the cover story that the snipers were the work of the Ukrainian regime of the now-overthrown President Viktor Yanukovych. Also former U.S. "national security" apparatus worker Chalmers Johnson discusses U.S. use of false flag snipers in destabilization ops in Venezuela and elsewhere. It's a "standard operating procedure" ("SOP") of U.S. imperialism.

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