Friday, November 14, 2014

Israel Tightens Screws On Palestinians Another Turn

Israel has banned, for life, a Norwegian doctor from entering the Gaza Strip, the world's largest concentration camp ever, for the crime of providing medical care to victims of Israel's latest war against the camp inmates, the third sustained offensive in six years. Another of his crimes was working in the major hospital in the camp, which Israel bombed repeatedly during the latest so-called “war.” Lastly, and worst in Israel's eyes, the doctor, Dr. Mads Gilbert had the temerity to give an interview about Israel's crime of bombing the hospital, on Democracy Now! [1]

Israel also is banning the UN's human rights investigators from entering Gaza. (Which means Egypt, a loathsome military dictatorship which guards the western border of the giant Gaza prison camp, is also barring them for Israel.) Yet the UN can't expel Israel from the UN, can't impose sanctions on Israel, can't even issue a Security Council condemnation or criticism of Israel, because Israel's vassal state, the U.S., holds veto power on the Security Council.

The U.S. government supports this oppression, supports the denial of medical care for people maimed and wounded by Israel's violence (committed with U.S.-supplied weapons and munitions, supplied for free, by the way), supports the banning of human rights investigators, supports the maintenance of a giant concentration camp. As does the loathsome U.S. media, which refuses to report news such as this.

But all Palestinians are “terrorists.” And “terrorists” are evil subhumans who by definition cannot have human rights. Thus human rights investigators have no business going to Gaza. To investigate Israeli crimes is to be “anti-Israel.” And since Israel is “a Jewish state,” it follows that to be “anti-Israel” is to be “anti-Semitic.”

And being subhuman, Palestinians also are not entitled to medical care. Thus it is no crime to bomb their hospitals and ban doctors from treating them.

Understand now?

Oh, by the way, “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.” And the U.S. always upholds “democracy” and “human rights” (only for humans, of course) and “supports its friends.” And what better “friend” does the bitch U.S. have then its master, Israel?

But understand, that last point is no knock on Israel. Why shouldn't Israel make the world's superpower its obedient zombie? The fault for that lies entirely with the U.S., specifically its political and media classes. They have made the U.S. the slave of Israel. They refuse to declare U.S. independence from Israel. You can only blame them, not Israel. Israel is rationally pursuing its national interests. Other tiny nations can only be green with envy at Israel's world-historic achievement of making the most powerful nation that has ever existed its zombie-bitch-slave. (I mean zombie in the Haitian sense, a person whose mind is controlled by another, as if hypnotized. Not the stupid horror movie definition of corpses coming back to life and clawing their way out of the earth.)

An interview well worth watching or reading the transcript of. “Norwegian Physician Treating Wounded Civilians: Stop the Bombing, End Israeli Impunity in Gaza,Democracy Now!, July 14, 2014.

See also “Breaking: In Latest Attack on Gaza Medical Site, IDF Shells al-Aqsa Hospital; 5 Dead, Dozens Hurt,Democracy Now!, July 21, 2014, and “White Phosphorous and Dense Inert Metal Explosives: Is Israel Using Banned and Experimental Munitions in Gaza?,” Democracy Now!, January 14, 2009.

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