Thursday, December 29, 2011

Israeli Chief of Staff Threatens Another Invasion Of Gaza

To celebrate the third anniversary of the Israeli devastation of the Gaza strip and the killing of around 1,300 Palestinians, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli “Defense” Forces, General Benny Gantz, threatened another major attack on Gaza, telling Israeli Army Radio that "Sooner or later, there will be no escape from conducting a significant operation." "The IDF knows how to operate in a determined, decisive and offensive manner against terrorists in the Gaza Strip."

That’s for sure. And their definition of “terrorist” is “any Palestinian.” Last time that included three daughters of a Palestinian doctor, for example, whose house was bombarded in a totally unprovoked attack, one of many atrocities committed during that invasion. (But hey, a single Israeli was killed by a rocket fired into Israel. Gotta teach those Palestinians a lesson!)

Just to underline the point, a few hours later Israel launched two airstrikes on Gaza- against “terrorists,” of course. And a tank cannon fired into the territory.

Gantz promises the next aggression will be “swift and painful.” Just like last time, when in addition to the slaughter of people, the civilian infrastructure and private businesses were deliberately targeted and destroyed. Apparently the Israelis won’t be satisfied until they reduce Gaza to the economic level of rural Somalia.

This comes at a time of virtually no fire coming from Gaza. Hamas not only hasn’t been launching rockets into Israel, it actively tries to stop various militant grouplets from launching rockets. Israel doesn’t care, and holds Hamas responsible for any and all munitions sent ineffectually over the border from Gaza.

Interestingly, this is coming at a time of an attempted rapproachement between Hamas and the PLO, which rules bits and pieces of the West Bank (subject to Israeli raids and death squad operations, some aided and abetted by the Palestinian “Authority”). The division of the Palestinians was a great coup for the U.S. and Israel. A major attack on Gaza would probably prompt a “terrorist” response and help bust up any unity move between Hamas and the PLO. As the PA is totally dependent on tax revenues controlled by Israel- which has already threatened to cut them off if the PLO reconciles with Hamas- and welfare from the U.S.-controlled UN agencies and stooge Arab monarchies, it is in an impossible position.

Of course, the Palestinians have been in an impossible position pretty much since 1948.

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