Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Obama’s Jamaican Massacre

The Obama regime is behind a massacre of 73 civilians in the Tivoli Gardens neighborhood of Kingston, Jamaica, on May 24, 2010, according to an article in The New Yorker. [Click on headline for link to article or go to A Massacre In Jamaica] The author spent eleven weeks in Jamaica researching the article. So far, the U.S. and Jamaican Governments refuse to explain their slaughter, who the victims were, or why they were murdered. Contrary to lying reports in the rest of the U.S. media, they were not “gunmen” working for a “drug gang” “killed in shootouts.” (The Jamaican state goons only claimed to have recovered 6 guns, belieing any possible “they were all killed in shootouts” claim.)

The massacre occurred because the U.S., once again arrogantly asserting its sovereignty over the entire globe and the supremacy of its “law,” demanded that a “drug lord” named Christopher Coke be handed over to the tender mercies of the its draconian legal system. (With over 2 million prisoners, the U.S. with its 50 states has more people locked up than any nation on earth, including China, which has over four times the population. And the U.S. has thousands of people who committed crimes as minors imprisoned for life without parole. In the U.S., thousands of prisoners are kept in solitary confinement for years, a form of torture. But there is no space to insert a book here about the horrors of the U.S. “justice” and penal systems.)

The raid was necessary because supplying the U.S. market with recreational substances is a major source of economic substenance in Jamaica, especially in the poor areas viewed with contempt by the local rulers. So in order to take out a person who was a pillar of the community, a military invasion was required.

The massacre occurred during a Warsaw Ghetto liquidation type raid on Coke’s neighborhood stronghold. Soldiers and police barricaded the entire neighborhood, and those men they didn’t kill were shipped off to prison camps. (Of course some of the murder victims were women.) The area has been under military occupation ever since. (Guns, bullets, uniforms, etc. helpfully supplied by the U.S. That’s called “aid to Jamaica.” The apparent definition of “Jamaica” being “our local stooges in power” and “aid” being “the repressive weaponry and technology so they can keep the Jamaican populace underfoot.)

During the massacre, the U.S. Department of “Homeland Security” (i.e. Domestic Repression, which apparently regards Jamaica as U.S. territory- what, the U.S. an empire?) flew a spy plane overhead and sent a live video feed of the extermination operation to U.S. and Jamaican state officials for their delectation. (What a rush they must get from the power to kill!)

This was very very important, as Jamaica is deemed responsible for a whole 2-3% or banned drugs entering the U.S. So it’s certainly worth the price in (Jamaican) blood that was paid. Now no more drugs will ever transit through Jamaica ever again, nor will the drugs simply transit through some other country. Of that you can be sure. (If you’re a fool.)

Thus another Great Victory in the War On Drugs is scored. Pretty soon now, no one in America will want to get high ever again.

Ironically, Coke wasn‘t even captured during the raid. Instead he turned himself in later, to avoid more massacres. The Evil Drug Kingpin, you see, cared more for the lives of Jamaicans than their “Government” does, and certainly more than the U.S. does.

Since the imprisonment of Coke makes absolutely no difference whatsoever in the consumption of banned substances in the U.S., one might fairly ask what is the root of U.S. fanaticism about this. It is very reminiscent of the irrational hatred of the Nazis for Jews, which also defies logical analysis.

This being The New Yorker, a haute bourgeois organ, naturally moral condemnation of this U.S. state crime is absent.  (I mean, it’s not like Russia or Iran or Cuba did it or something!) You’ll have to supply your own moral outrage. You’ll have to supply the obvious conclusions yourself too. Look, The New Yorker is owned by Conde Nast, and is a vehicle for luxury goods and “lifestyle” ads. They can’t be so “radical” or “extreme” as to denounce U.S. criminality. That would be “irresponsible.” But they provide a useful service by presenting the overwhelming facts. Shouldn’t be hard to draw the proper political and moral conclusions in such an obvious case for anyone who isn’t an imbecile. (Unfortunately too many people are, especially in America.)

Let me make sure I’m being clear:

Barack Obama is a murderer.

The puppet president of Jamaica is a murderer.

The DEA is a gang of murderers. (So what’s new?)

Now perhaps the Liberals can explain again why having a Republican for President is so much worse than having a Democrat. I keep forgetting the reason(s).

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