Saturday, July 06, 2013

Venezuela and (maybe) Nicaragua offers asylum to NSA whistleblower hero Edward Snowden.

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That's the least they could do to pay the U.S. back for what its done to those two nations. The U.S. backed a coup against the late President Hugo Chavez (and probably murdered him).

The U.S. waged a vicious terror campaign against Nicaragua starting under Jimmy “Cracked Corn” Carter and through the regime of Ronald “Patron Saint of Fascists” Reagan in the 1980s. They even murdered an American citizen, Benjamin Linder, who was helping dig wells for the poor people of that country. After murdering him, the fascist wing of the U.S. establishment slimed him publicly, while the “liberal” wing maintained silence and reportage blackout.

The U.S. blew off a multi-billion dollar judgment by the World Court against it for its illegal attacks on Nicaragua. (So much for their constant spouting about “rule of law” and “rogue states.”)

President Maduro of Venezuela public expressed his willingness to grant asylum to Snowden. (Too bad the U.S. and its lackey nations will seize or shoot down any plane they suspect he's flying on to get there.) President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua said he'd have to study the issue, so he was ambiguous.

P.S. Sick BBC says “Now Obama faces a diplomatic headache in dealing with” Venezuela and Nicaragua. You mean two more countries are about to get beaten up by the U.S. Superbully, BBC. (7/6/13.) The BBC of course is the global propaganda arm of the British “Empire.” Or the scraps of that empire that remain. Britain now sits perched on the shoulder of the U.S., like the pet parrot of a pirate. And parroting the U.S. line is what it usually does.

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