Friday, June 20, 2014

Moving Decisively, Obama Pledges "Up To" 300 U.S. Troops to Prop Up Tottering Iraqi Regime

Yeah, that should do a lot to shore up the venal Maliki regime. Let's see, four out of fourteen of Maliki's army divisions melted like butter when confronted by a few thousand terrorists. I guess 300 American soldiers should turn the tide.

Since one of their tasks will be to "advise" the Iraqi military, may I suggest that a good piece of advice is, At the first sign of the enemy, don't tear off your uniform, throw down your weapon, and run away. (Which is what actually happened.) And it's been reported that Iraqi troops in Baghdad are wearing civvies under their uniforms, just in case.

Well, at least the Kurds have their act together. The idea that the northern Kurdish region of Iraq is still part of "Iraq" is nothing but a legal fiction at this point.

However, Baghdad is safe from conquest by the Islamofascist ISIS.. It is too large, and there are thousands of armed Shiite militia volunteers there, for the Sunni terrorists of the "Islamic State of of Iraq and Syria" (aka ISIS) to conquer. In fact, it would be a good thing if they tried, since a bunch of them would get killed. But I'm afraid they're too cunning for that.

However, they have been seizing towns around Baghdad, which presents a threat of possibly cutting off supplies to the city. And they've mostly seized the main oil refinery in the country, although apparently Maliki's strategy there is to set it ablaze to deny the terrorists its use.

Endless destruction is the sorry fate of Iraq since Saddam Hussein's invasion of Iran in 1980, it seems.

Obama keeps prattling about "protecting American interests." As is customary whenever a politician or the media invokes "American interests," we are never told just what those "interests" are. We the citizens are treated like small children, without the capacity or maturity to understand such adult things,

Of course the real reason is that these cynical imperialist bastards don't want the public to understand the world as it really is. Hell, they might even have a harder time getting "patriotic" idiots to be their cannon fodder/killers for them, if that happened!

But eventually the Sunnis will be forced to turn on these terrorists again, just as happened during the U.S. occupation, when they were calling themselves "Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia." Even then, the original Al-Qaeda had a problem with their savagery and tried to rein them in. Now Al-Qaeda has disavowed this descendant of AQIM. But the U.S. media, and politicians up to and including Obama, will ignore that fact. They need to keep pretending it's all "Al-Qaeda" ("and associated forces," a little legalistic clause Obama habitually adds, to cover himself for whoever he wants to kill), to keep it black and white. This is the "war on terrorism," remember, one of those endless wars, like the "war on drugs," or the 70 year "war on communism." Imperialists are like shyster salesmen peddling junk- they need a good story to sell their crap to people.

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