Thursday, September 04, 2014

Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, the United States- What They Have In Common

Al-Qaeda's Supremo, Ayman al-Zawahiri, just announced the supposed formation of a franchise in India. (Apparently just a call to Muslim fanatics to start a cell there.) He insists that India was part of the Caliphate until “infidels” illegitimately wrested it away. (That will come as news to the close to 1 billion Hindus living there.) Guess he didn't like being upstaged by the former ISIS, neé ISIL, now simply “IS” for “Islamic State.”

The “Islamic State” just declared a “caliphate” in Syria and Iraq and declared itself the rulers of all Muslims everywhere. (Since Muslims live on every continent, that's quite an extensive writ. And the most populous Muslim country on earth happens to be several thousand miles away, namely Indonesia.)

And the U.S.? It's outraged that Russia objects to the U.S. taking over Ukraine, with an eye to adding it to its collection of NATO members. It's still trying to overthrow the Venezuelan government, after probably murdering President Hugo Chavez. It imposes its own laws on other nations and their corporations and citizens, forcing them to join in an economic siege of Iran for example. It also drags foreign “drug” dealers who have never been in the U.S. to the U.S. for “trial” and long imprisonment for violating U.S. drug laws. There are numerous other examples of this arrogant global pseudo-legal writ. Oh, and it just opened another drone base, this one in Niger, Africa. Drones are Emperor Obama's favorite way to assassinate people.

So all three of these violent and hyper-aggressive entities think they are entitled to the entire world. All have no doubt of this. All are incredibly arrogant.

If the Islamic State manages to last, it will have another thing in common with the U.S. It will have been founded on genocide, as the U.S. was.

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