Monday, September 01, 2014

Candyman Billionaire Boss of Kiev Says Russia Invades “His” Country with “Hundreds” of Tanks: U.S. Government Propagandist Counts 3

The Billionaire Candy magnate Petro Poroshenko, installed as president of Ukraine in Kiev, claims that Russia has “invaded” eastern Ukraine (the part that declared independence as a separate Republic) with “thousands” of troops and “hundreds” of tanks. Gee, sounds like a lot of armor!

Decrying Russian “aggression,” Petulant Petro once again is trying to get NATO military intervention.

An NPR reporter in separatist-held territory- NPR being a U.S. government domestic radio propaganda network- reported August 30th that she counted three tanks, and the rebels claim they were captured Ukrainian stock. Which could well be true, or not. That leaves only hundreds of tanks unaccounted for.

Of course they could be elsewhere in the country. But “hundreds” sounds like another of Petro's the- sky-is-falling alarms.

Whatever the size of the Russian reinforcements to the Ukrainian separatists (they're never called “Ukrainians” in the Western media), it appears to have stopped the Kiev cabal's drive to wipe them out in its tracks, and saved the civilian population from further death and destruction at the hands of the regime the U.S. and its helpmates installed earlier this year.

I have no doubt that Russia is determined not to let the U.S. bloc claw Ukraine out of the Russian orbit and make it a U.S. client state and member of NATO, with the inevitable eventual loss of the vital Black Sea naval Russian base in Crimea. As I have written recently, it would be political malpractice for Putin or any Russia ruler to allow such a heavy blow against core Russian strategic interests. [1] I rather doubt the U.S. would permit Russia to turn Canada or Mexico into hostile states and sign them up in an anti-U.S. military alliance. But of course imposing self-serving double-standards on the world is standard U.S. operating procedure. Russia obviously is willing to compromise with the Western aggression and subversion and divide Ukraine either into autonomous regions or separate nations, letting the U.S. and EU keep as a prize western Ukraine and the capital, Kiev. But the U.S. thinks it's entitled to everything it wants.

And speaking of naval bases, the U.S. has a non-essential naval base on a big chunk of Cuban territory, Guantanamo Bay, which is refuses to relinquish and maintains against the will of the Cuban government (and people, no doubt), a base it acquired at gunpoint, forcing Cuba to sign a “treaty” written by the U.S., a base it uses as a torture and murder center, a base it insists it will hold in perpetuity. But Russia should clear out of the Black Sea and lose access to the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. Oh sure, they'll still have their bases way up north in the Arctic Circle! They can always sail from there. Or from thousands of miles east from their northern Pacific coastline. Why are they making a fuss?

In any event, expect Russia not to let go of Crimea, and to want a friendly regime in eastern Ukraine so it can get to the Crimean peninsula, which juts out into the Black Sea. So far, Putin has very cautiously calibrated the military aid and force he's committing to Ukraine, just enough to stave off a Kiev victory.

The Kiev cabal, by the way, has so far killed over 2,000 civilians in its relentless artillery bombardment of eastern cities it wants to gain control over. Nice. These are legitimate rulers? What kind of government subjects the civilian population of its country to artillery bombardment and siege?

A typical U.S.-backed regime, I guess. Like the one in Guatemala that has murdered a quarter million Guatemalans since the 1954 CIA coup. Or the Suharto dictatorship in Indonesia, which slaughtered 800,000 Indonesians in 1965, at the instigation of the CIA. (Which helpfully provided loads of names of people to be murdered.) You know, “democracies” that are part of “the free world.”

So in terms of murdering his own people to assert his rule, Poroshenko is small fry, so far. And unlike in Indonesia and Guatemala, there's an outside power standing in the way of mass slaughter. And it ain't the U.S.

1] See "Obama Dictates Terms to Russia To Keep Its Naval Base in Crimea." Also, 

"Arrogance and Stupidity in Obama Regime Power Grab in Ukraine."

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