At the same time they murdered approximately another 50 people on yet another attack on a village.
Maybe the Prophet Mohammed, blessed be his name (I have to say that so they don't cut my head off) was allergic to fish. I dunno. How exactly it advances their “cause” to murder fish traders, I cannot fathom.
It's been months since almost 300 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists for use as sex and domestic slaves. The “president” of Nigeria, a hustler with the asinine moniker Goodluck Jonathan, was silent for weeks. His wife browbeat and threatened the parents of the girls, calling them liars who were making her husband look bad.
There followed a series of lies by various regime officials and generals, cruelly raising false hopes among the girls' parents. False claims of locating the girls, and now of “negotiating” with Boko Haram for their imminent release, are but two examples of the ongoing sleazy propaganda moves by the venal kleptocrats in power in Nigeria. All lies- yet Western media continues to take each new insulting lie by the Nigerian rulers seriously. Meanwhile Boko Haram continues to murder and kidnap with impunity. All the Nigerian “security forces” (state thugs) do in response is commit atrocities of their own.
What, Me Worry? Idiotically-named jackass Goodluck Jonathan, “president” of Nigeria.
Nigeria doesn't have a real government. It has a gang of thieves calling themselves a government. The Nigerian state is and has long been a kleptocracy.
Reformers have long been systematically repressed, including murdered, by the Nigerian rulers. Attempts to stop the rampant pollution of the Nigerian Delta by foreign oil corps, in league with the Nigerian “government,” were met with violent repression. This led to armed resistance which gradually degenerated into criminality. Since the government thieves refused to spent a cent of the massive oil wealth they extracted on the Delta and its inhabitants, those natives were reduced to tapping into oil pipelines to “steal” oil, resulting in lethal explosions at times. Now the Delta is an environmental catastrophe zone.
The Nigerian dictators and kleptocrats did much to make Boko Haram what it is today- by responding to its initial manifestations with torture and murder. This of course made it the extremist gang of nihilistic terrorists it is today.
While we're on the topic of Islamofascist outrages: Meanwhile, the Taliban terrorists of Afghanistan (sponsored and supported by Pakistan, although Pakistan is NOT on the U.S. State Department list of “state sponsors of terrorism,” - but Cuba is. Go figure) bombed a market- again- killing a dozen or so people. Hardly news in the West.
And al-Shabab, the Somali version of this metastasizing politico-social cancer, stopped a bus in Kenya and made the 60 people on board read from the Koran, The 28 unfortunates who couldn't were executed on the spot. Because Islam is a Religion of Peace. The peace of the grave, at least in the version of Islam these nihilists fire themselves up into a frenzy with.
Next, al-Shabab murdered 36 Muslim quarry miners in Kenya.
Finally, to complete this roundup of Islamofascist terrorism, Paki Taliban terrorists have murdered three more polio vaccination workers, all women (their favorite targets among polio workers). Polio is on the verge of being eradicated. It would be only the second pathogenic organism that is an enemy of humanity to be rendered extinct (smallpox so far is the first and only human disease to be eliminated). [1] Thus the maniacal nihilistic Islamofascists are effectively allied with the polio bacillus, an enemy of human. The Taliban are enemies of all humankind.
The three countries where polio still exists are Pakistan, Nigeria, and Afghanistan. In all three cases, Islamofascists are preventing thorough inoculation of the population to eliminate this dread disease once and for all. In Nigeria, the crazed “reason” given by Islamic fanatics is that the inoculations are really shots that sterilize Muslim women.
In Afghanistan, the Taliban object to foreign aid workers creating good will among the local population.
The excuse the Pakistani Taliban are using is the fact that the CIA hired a Paki doctor to pretend to be running an inoculation campaign, going door to door in an attempt to confirm the presence of bin Laden in the compound in Abbottabad. The Taliban there have murdered numerous health care workers, mostly women, to help polio spread.
Some Western lefties and peaceniks (including Noam Chomsky, who should know better) repeat the Taliban line that the CIA's vaccine-ruse op is why they're murdering female nurses. Amy Goodman, anchor of Democracy Now, also keeps repeating this. Taking Islamofascist propaganda rhetoric at face value is brain-dead reporting.
In all these countries, there has existed for years extremely corrupt, venal “governments” that do nothing for the people they misrule, a mass of ignorant, poor people in the grip of a superstition, “Islam,” and a reservoir of angry outcasts inspired by fanatics to take up arms in a nihilistic fashion. In the cases of Afghanistan and Pakistan, cynical forces that thought religious fanatics would be useful for their purposes and now have Frankenstein Monsters of their own creation to deal with. These guilty parties are first and foremost the Pakistani military and the U.S. Those two entities have been in malevolent league for decades now, based initially on a shared hostility towards the Soviet Union and India (India's crime in U.S. government eyes was refusing to hate the S.U. and buying Soviet arms.) Then there is evil Saudi Arabia, funding brainwashing centers (so-called “madrassas”) that creates a pool of ignorant repressive fanatics with tiny minds, from where terrorists and suicide bombers are recruited.
And now the U.S. thinks it can solve this multinational mess with mere tactics, assassinations, and cute political moves. I don't think so.
1] Both the U.S. and Russia maintain caches of the smallpox-causing organism, allegedly for “research,” but really in case they want to make bio-weapons from it in the future. Why they need MORE bioweapons, and on top of nuclear and chemical and hugely destructive conventional weapons, is a mystery- unless we admit they are pathological people. Only then is it comprehensible.
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