German Chancellor Angela “The Iron Mouse” Merkel has publicly raked Vladimir Putin and Russia over the coals once again for “interfering” in other countries. [1]
And who can blame her? As U.S. Secretary of State John “I
Love Being Important!” Kerry has sneered, interfering in other countries’
internal affairs is just SO “twentieth century!” I mean who does THAT anymore?
Certainly not the U.S.! Certainly not the EU! (Oh wait, didn’t they arrange a
coup in Ukraine in the spring? SHHH! You’re not supposed to notice that!)
Actually Kerry might have been talking about “invading”
countries, something Russia hasn’t exactly
done in Ukraine. But again, when was the last time the U.S. invaded a country? Not since the 20th century! (Well,
not exactly true. Remember Iraq 2003? And Haiti in 2004? Oh, right.) OK,
smarty, when was the last time before THAT? (Uh, 2001. But there was a good
reason!) Alright then, what about before then?
--1992 (Somalia). And don’t forget 1991. (Iraq.) Um, and 1989 (Panama). Then there’s Lebanon in 1982 and 1984. And let’s not forget 1983 (Grenada). And Vietnam, and
Laos, and Cambodia. And the U.S. simply had
to invade the Dominican Republic in 1965 when an election didn’t come out the
right way. [2]
Then there’s all the coups and subversion and terrorism, the
destruction of democracy in Guatemala (1954), Iran (1953), and Chile (1973- the
only one of the three where some democracy has returned), to mention three. Oh,
and the Iraq coup by which Saddam Hussein took over that nation, backed by the
CIA. (He had a falling out with the U.S. much later.) All the subversions of
elections and parties and unions and other organizations in Europe, the
Operation Gladio terrorism in several European nations, and on and on.
Alright already! That’s different! The U.S. are the GOOD
GUYS! Russia are the BAD GUYS! So it’s totally
Sheesh! Why do you
have to be so FACTUAL all the time!
That really spoils the rhetoric!
Merkel claims Russia is “interfering” with the absorption of
every country to Russia’s west by doing mean things to some of those nations.
And what constitutes “Russian interference”? Banning
Moldovan imports. Of some products. I kid you not. Not even of all products-
the way the U.S. has banned ALL Cuban imports for over 50 years now.
Russia isn’t obligated to trade with Moldova. How often has
the U.S. (with its EU lackeys servilely in tow) used economic sanctions against
nations to express its displeasure? Just what are they doing to Iran right now?
It’s not as if Russia is blockading Moldova, the way the U.S. wages economic
And the EU and U.S. has been waging economic warfare against
Russia for most of this year. Much more savagely than anything Russia is doing.
Merkel is also peeved that Russia supports breakaway
portions of former Soviet Republics. I
mean, everyone KNOWS borders are inviolate and eternal. Borders NEVER EVER
CHANGE. People NEVER separate from their old countries. That’s why Czechoslovakia
is still one country, not too. (Oops, not true.) And there’s no such country as
“South Sudan,” just Sudan. (Wrong again.) And Kosovo is still part of Serbia,
isn’t it?
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Merkel is so tired of Putin’s meddling! Doesn’t he know who rules the world? |
But there was an interesting sentence in the Guardian’s (UK) article on Merkel’s
latest sour swipe at Russia. Here it is:
“Moscow has shown its displeasure with Moldova’s
pro-European course – confirmed in an election last week in which a pro-Russia
candidate was prevented from participating – by banning imports of Moldovan
wines, vegetables and meat.”
Now parse that a second. Moldova’s “pro-European course” was
“confirmed in an election last week in which a pro-Russia candidate was
prevented from participating…” An election in which a candidate was not allowed
to run. Now how “democratic” is that?
How is that different from Iran, where a bunch of mullahs decide who can run,
or Hong Kong, where the Chinese rulers are picking the permitted candidates for
the city’s boss? But the Guardian just breezed right past that. They slipped it
in as an aside in a sentence about Russia’s import ban. They probably figured
no one would notice. Probably almost no one did.
Now the U.S. and its EU running dogs would never do anything like that! The U.S.-controlled International Monetary Fund didn’t just sink its claws into Ukraine, for example. (There’s only about 10,000 other examples in the last few centuries of Euro-American imperialisms- I won’t tax your patience by running through them all.)
One thing Merkel has learned well from her U.S. masters: the art of shameless hypocrisy.
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"Putin? Meh. We don't like him anymore. Obedient German Schnauzer looks to her Master for cues. |
1] “Angela Merkel: Russia creating problems for EU-minded neighbours,” Guardian, 7 December 2014.
2] Notes: There’s
a list of major U.S. violence and brutality in Latin America from 1890, History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America. That of course is after the U.S. invasion of Mexico in 1848 and
the seizure of half of Mexico and its incorporation into the U.S.
Also PBS Frontline has some events, A Chronology of U.S. Military Interventions: From Vietnam to the Balkans.
If you’d like to peruse a list that purports to show invasions by all countries going back centuries, there’s one on Wikipedia, titled List of invasions. (Nice and straightforward, eh?)
By the way, unlike doctrinaire leftists, I don’t think every
single intervention was unjustified. Stopping Serbian rampages in the Balkans
was overdue. And it was legitimate to aid the Libyan people in their uprising
against the hated tyrant Qaddafi, to name two examples. And it would have been a fine thing to have
supported the Syrians rebellion against the monstrous Assad with more than
rhetoric- too late now!
As for the current operations against the self-aggrandizing
nihilists now calling themselves “Islamic State,” a self-styled barbarous
“caliphate,” the people literally fighting for their lives against these
exterminationists deserve to be aided militarily and not abandoned to an awful
fate. But as usual, Obama first dithered, then proceeded to half-measures.
Obama nearly abandoned Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria, near the Turkish border,
to the IS onslaught, before changing his mind.
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