Saturday, January 19, 2019

William Barr May Be On A Covert Mission From The Bush Gang To Oust Trump

William Barr has been going through Senate confirmation hearings to be attorney general of the U.S. He got Trump to nominate him by sending unsolicited "legal opinions" to Trump's legal team defending Trump's firing of James Comey as FBI director as a presidential prerogative impervious to criminalization (such as by calling it the crime of obstruction of justice designed to interfere with the investigation of Trump and his associates for allegedly conspiring with Russia to win the presidential election). Barr even met with Trump himself.

What needs to be noticed is that Barr was an accomplice to the first president Bush as his attorney general. The Bush crime clan has been eager to destroy Trump ever since Trump rudely insulted the brothers Jeb and George Bush during the 2016 campaign and quashed Jeb's plan to become the third Bush president.

As Bush I's attorney general, Barr supported the outrageous pardons that Bush issued for the high-ranking Iran-Contra criminals on the eve of their trial. Talk about obstructing justice! This of course is never mentioned in all the talk of how "impeachable" it would be for Trump to issue pardons. Trump foolishly was deterred from pardoning Cohen and Manafort, and now he's paying for it in the case of Cohen, who has finally realized the obvious: that with Trump, loyalty is a one-way street. (Bush himself was at the center of the Iran-Contra conspiracy to sell arms to Iran and illegally provide weapons to the "contra" terrorists committing atrocities in Nicaragua from their bases in Honduras and Costa Rica. He pretended to know nothing.)

The ruling class Bush clan has a long history of engaging in covert operations. They have shown a penchant for ruthlessness. They are also extremely well-connected to the secret police organs of the Deep State, especially the CIA. George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush the Elder) was involved in the JFK assassination. He was a key figure in logistics and supplies for the Bay of Pigs invasion by a small army of CIA-sponsored Cuban exile terrorists. As director of the CIA, he helped arrange the murders of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt by the Chilean secret police of dictator Augusto Pinochet.

CIA officers ran George Herbert Walker Bush's presidential campaigns.

Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, had lucrative financial dealings with the Third Reich, which he endeavored to conceal.

His grandson, George W. Bush (Bush the Younger), took advantage of the family's close ties to the corrupt and evil Saudi "royal" family to conspire to allow al-Qaeda terrorists to hijack and fly planes into Manhattan skyscrapers on September 11, 2001. The Saudi regime funded and ran the terrorists in the U.S., and then Bush had them spirited out of the U.S. The Twin Towers and also 7 World Trade Center were demolished on that date by preplanted explosives, as has been definitely proven.
In short, the Bushes are lifelong conspirators who have engaged in numerous criminal plots over the decades, only a few of which we know about.

I have a strong suspicion that Barr, who is 68, didn't suddenly decide to leave an extremely lucrative career "in the private sector" to run the Department of "Justice" again out of his "love" for the department, as various shills and reactionary associates of his have claimed. Far more likely that he is acting as yet another agent of the Bush power nexus whose mission is to defenestrate Trump.

The Bushes hold grudges. Barr is a close associate of the Bushes. It would be naive to discount the possibility that he has a dagger hidden under his cloak which he intends to slay Trump with.

Smiling faces show no traces
Of the evil that lurks within

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