Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Racist Reactionary U.S. President To Deliver Nationally Televised Speech Tonight Demonizing Poor Immigrants Fleeing U.S.-Created Hellholes

Trump, a racist demagogue, has effectively commandeered numerous television and radio organs this evening to deliver a vicious attack on Central American migrants fleeing the poverty and terror that the U.S. creates and enforces by violence in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Trump will continue to viciously smear these desperate migrants, who cannot even afford transportation but instead must walk a thousand miles or more to the U.S. border, as an invading horde of terrorists, criminals, and drug smugglers. He and his minions dismiss the women and children as props "pushed to the front" to dupe people.

"The" media, that is, the corporate propaganda system, has been falling all over itself to publicize the noxious propaganda speech Trump will deliver. As usual, they cannot give Trump enough coverage.

Trump is portrayed as a master manipulator, the same story told about the fascist president Ronald Reagan. In fact, both are virtually media creations. Without the media building them up, no one would know they exist. (Reagan of course is deceased.)

The migrants are portrayed as a "national security threat," verbiage "the" media adopts uncritically.  It is the U.S. that threatens them, even murdering their children, as it just did to two young Guatemalan children.

Of course, the U.S. has murdered countless tens of thousands (or more) children in its history, so the murder of two more by acts of depraved indifference homicide (denial of food, water, and timely medical care)  should not come as any surprise. An outrage, one of millions in U.S. history, but no surprise.

Trump is the equivalent of the Roman emperor Nero. A particularly noxious ruler, but one fundamentally of a piece with the empire he temporarily heads.

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