Friday, February 15, 2019

Pakistan Sponsors Another Terrorist Attack on Indian Territory

A powerful car bomb used to attack a bus in the Kashmir region of India murdered 46 Indian paramilitary police. The suicide terrorist was trained in Pakistan, the BBC reports. The terrorist group that bragged of the attack, Jaish-e-Mohammad, is based in Pakistan, where it is obviously protected by the military-controlled state, or else it couldn't exist and operate freely. (China has blocked UN sanctions on the terrorist group that India asked for. Obviously that's proof Pakistan is a state sponsor of this group, and China is covering Pakistan's back. Pakistan has invited China into the country to build port facilities and bases. [1])

Whenever one of these attacks occurs, Pakistan acts in a way that proves its guilt. Instead of vowing to track down the terrorist criminals, is lies through its teeth and plays dumb. (So far on this one it claims to be "gravely concerned" and rejects allegations that it was involved- even though the terrorists are based on its territory and the bomber was trained in Pakistan.)

Pakistan is a military-controlled state with a civilian government "beard" that pretends to rule the country. It hosts numerous Islamofascist terrorist groups- which it pretends aren't there. Just like they pretended to have no idea where Osama bin Laden was- the military dictator ("president") at the time, general Pervez Musharraf, and others even insisted they thought he was dead- when it turned out they had him stashed away in a military-dominated city with numerous military installations.

This latest terrorist assault on India occurred just days after friendly words from Pakistan's pretend ruler, the president, towards India. That's a pattern. The Pakistani military consistently sabotages any attempt to improve relations with India. Their power depends on using India as an external enemy and hate-object, to justify their dominant position in Pakistani society, as well as their budgets and outrageous domestic control. This attack also occurs on the eve of Indian elections, which means the Indian government will feel obliged to make a relatively strong reaction, thus stirring the pot some more and worsening relations, which the Paki military wants, and providing excuses for more Pak-sponsored terrorist attacks.

Over the years, India has shown incredible forebearance in the face of repeated Pakistani-sponsored terrorist attacks in its country. Most of these attacks are ignored by the majority of U.S. media. The U.S. in effect protects Pakistan by applying constant pressure on India not to respond to such outrages.

Note the contrast with the U.S.' own responses to such incidents against itself. When the U.S. allowed two planes to fly into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, and then detonated preplaced nanoexplosives to demolish the skyscrapers, and for good measure blew up number 7 World Trade Center shortly after 5 pm the same day, apparently to destroy records of Pentagon budget malfeasance and corruption, it used that as a pretext to invade not ONE, but TWO countries, Afghanistan and Iraq. And the Bush-Cheney regime's plan was to invade five MORE countries after THAT, as we know from General Wesley Clark, who has, on several occasions, described the plan. But since Iraq turned into a quagmire for the U.S., the rest of the plan couldn't be executed. The Bush-Cheney-neocons' eyes were bigger than their stomach, it turned out.

The region called "Kashmir" is divided roughly into thirds, one third in Pakistan, India, and China each.

Notice that Pakistan never sends terrorists into the part of Kashmir that's inside China. Gee, I wonder why. Here's why: Because Pakistan knows China would give them a bloody nose if they ever did that.

The point is, retaliation can be an effective deterrent. India needs to try it sometime.

The fact that the U.S. counsels- and pressures- India to take it lying down that a foreign power consistently sponsors terrorist attacks against it, something the U.S. would never tolerate against itself, is of course the height of hypocrisy. And never mind that the Deep State of the U.S. creates such attacks as pretexts, as in the FBI-arranged bombing of one of the Twin Towers in 1993, the bomb even built by the FBI's infiltrator, the Egyptian colonel Salem. (I've heard the audio that Salem made of his phone call to his FBI handler mentioning the fact that he built the bomb. The handler said nothing- apparently he wasn't surprised and already knew.) The U.S. has long privileged Pakistan over India. That's because India has been too independent for the U.S.' liking. Ever since India refused to join the Hate-The-Soviet-Union bloc that the U.S. was boss of (now it's the Hate-Russia bloc) India has consistently refused to take orders from the U.S., a grave sin in U.S. eyes. [Today India gave the U.S. another reason to hate it, advising buyers of Venezuelan oil to circumvent the U.S. financial system. See "Exclusive: India advises refiner to avoid U.S. system for Venezuela oil buying - source," Reuters, February 15, 2019.

1] BBC World Service, February 15, 2019. The BBC incorrectly claimed that Kashmir is 1/3 in Pakistan and 2/3rds in India. They seem to believe Pakistan is entitled to all of it. In fact, it wasn't long ago when the population was majority Hindu (driven out by Islamofascist terrorists). Kashmir in fact consists of the Indian territory of Jammu and Kashmir (which includes the region of Jammu, Kashmir Valley, Ladakh and Siachen), the Pakistani territories of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, and Chinese territories of Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract.

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