Monday, April 15, 2019

Trump's Flip-Flops on WikiLeaks

First he wanted Julian Assange to be executed. Then during his presidential campaign, after WikiLeaks published emails from the Democratic National Committee showing how the DNC rigged the primaries for Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders (all the while pretending to be neutral), and the text of the revealing secret  speech Clinton gave to a Goldman Sachs conference in which she told them in effect Ignore what I tell the dumb rube voters, I'm really on your side. And high finance knows best how to be regulated, Trump publicly proclaimed "WikiLeaks! I love Wikileaks!" 141 times. [1]

Now that the U.S. has bribed the weak and corrupt Ecuadorean president Lenin "The Treacherous Weasel" Moreno to hand Assange over to the British for extradition to the U.S., Trump feigns ignorance of WikiLeaks.  "II  know nothing," he says, as if channeling Sergeant Hans Schultz from the old TV comedy Hogan's Heroes. [2]

Trump's fans are the same kind of cretins who enjoy Wrestlemania, a crude and vulgar theater of the absurd which Trump played himself in. His presidency is a Wrestlemania presidency, a regime of the most outlandish, outrageous  behavior. As in Wrestlemania, rules exist only to be violated in the most brazen and blatant ways.

Unfortunately politics and power is real life, not fantasy, and the Trump regime has been incredibly destructive and meted out misery to many. His loyal followers indeed are "deplorable," in fact they are despicable. They are fully morally responsible for his actions. His nature and plans were plain to see during a lengthy presidential campaign, during which he constantly directed racist vituperations at Hispanics, contradicted himself repeatedly, and told obvious, even ridiculous lies nonstop. Leftists should stop making excuses for those who voted for him. Contrary to their analysis, they had a progressive alternative if progressive policies were there goal- the Green Party. Which only got 2% of the popular vote. That truly is deplorable.

"No matter what I do or say, I always come up smelling like roses."

1] 141 times according to NPR correspondent Mara Liasson on the Brian Lehrer radio show, April 15, 2019.

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