Friday, April 19, 2019

What's In Store For Julian Assange

Julian Assange will be forced to "confess" falsely that Russia gave WikiLeaks the DNC emails in return for "leniency." Read on:

The U.S. and its foreign government stooges have victimized Julian Assange for the past decade. But their hunger to punish Assange is nowhere near sated yet.

With the seizure of Assange by the British police, the U.S.' clutches are inexorably closing around him. The smarmy and dishonest president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, who duped his predecessor Rafael Correa into helping him become president (Moreno has repaid the favor by bringing bogus criminal charges against Correa, forcing him into exile) made a corrupt bargain with the U.S. to obtain loans from the International Monetary Fund (which his poor population will have to pay back, with interest) and other secret favors to turn on Assange (who Correa granted asylum and Ecuadorean citizenship to), denouncing Assange publicly and calling in the British police to haul him into British captivity. (A yearlong campaign by the Moreno regime to make Assange's life as miserable as possible inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where Assange has been trapped by the British on orders of their U.S. masters for the last 7 years, failed to induce Assange to turn himself over to the tender mercies of the U.S.)

Thus the years-long nefarious scheme by the U.S. to dig its claws into Assange is reaching its goal. Who says the U.S. can't be patient?

Now, what does the U.S. want from Julian Assange? Besides silencing him and stopping the revelation of U.S. crimes by WikiLeaks? What does Assange have to "trade" to the U.S. in return for "leniency?"

"Cooperation." But what form would such "cooperation" take?

It is now established dogma in U.S. mythology that Russia "hacked" the computer of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and engaged in "massive" "interference" with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a sacrilege against Holy American Democracy. This is contemptibly laughable on numerous grounds, as well as factually false. The U.S. is a corporate oligarchy and bourgeois class dictatorship. The Congress is bought and paid for by these dominant economic players, and the Congress enacts laws to serve the interests of the very rich and large corporations. The elections themselves involve a lot of vote stealing and voter suppression and all manner of dirty tricks. The U.S. media and election officials connive to ensure that candidates from parties outside the two-party political cartel are marginalized to the maximum degree.  Billions were spent on manipulating the minds of the American people by the two oligarchical political parties and various shadowy organizations set up by rich plutocrats. Trump got billions in free air time from "the" media.

Other ways in which this canard is repulsive in its cynicism is the fact that the U.S. has intervened in other nations' elections AT LEAST 81 times since 1945- and in ways that were effective, unlike what Russia is said to have done. (Not to mention U.S. invasions, coups, and other forms of subversion to change governments it didn't like.) 

The DNC emails were released by WikiLeaks in July, 2016. In OCTOBER 2016, Clinton was ahead of Trump in the polls by 14%. In late October, FBI chief James Comey announced that emails related to the investigation of the private server Clinton used as Secretary of State under President Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama were found on a device belonging to disgraced penis-texter Anthony Weiner. (It turned out they were merely copies of already-discovered emails, a big nothing.) That caused a big change in the polls, to between dead even and a 3.5% lead for Clinton (within the polling margin of error). Ultimately Clinton won by 2.9 million votes, so Trump became president because of the Electoral College. That's how it works in the self-proclaimed World's Greatest Democracy.

Thus did Russian steal the election for Trump.

But I did leave a few things out.  Russia spent $4,700 on all Google's platform's, including Youtube, according to the Congressional testimony of Google's CEO. And there was some drop-in-the-ocean Facebook activity by Russia, like pictures of Satan arm-wresting Jesus, and an anti-masturbation meme. This span and clickbait from a Russian troll farm was elevated into a devastatingly effective Russian election meddling operation by the unholy alliance of the Democratic Party, the corporate media, and the anti-Trump elements of the Deep State.

As to the factual basis for what has become a "fact" taken for granted- that Russia "hacked the DNC computer," there is none. There is only the assertion by the FBI and CIA that it did. There has never been any evidence provided. And in fact there is evidence conclusively proving that the assertion is false.

The DNC refused to allow any government agency to examine their computer. The FBI just took the DNC's word for it that "Russia hacked" it. Considering the accusation that a "hostile foreign power" committed a computer crime and "meddled" in a U.S. election, this is amazing. What kind of "investigation" is this? 

Tellingly, the NSA doesn't assert that Russia hacked it. The NSA is the only agency that, absent examining the computer server, could determine if Russia had intruded and downloaded data, because the NSA captures and stores all Internet traffic in the U.S. and most of that outside it.

Two retired career NSA veterans with years of technical expertise, William Binney and Kurt Wiebe, then analyzed the speed at which the DNC emails were downloaded, and found it would have been impossible to transfer them over the Internet at anywhere near the speed they were downloaded at. Rather it was the speed copying the emails to a flash drive plugged into the computer system.

Case closed. But there's even more. There's a likely person who did it.

Seth Rich was a young man who worked for the DNC. He was murdered in Washington, D.C. in what the police say was a "botched robbery." "Botched" because nothing was stolen from him. Not his cellphone, not his wallet, not his watch.

Two men shot him in the back a few steps from his home. No arrests have been made.

WikiLeaks put out a $25,000 reward on the case. Out of all the murders in the U.S., in the whole world, they offered a reward in just this one murder case. And in a Dutch television interview, Assange walked right up to the line of saying that Rich was the source of the DNC emails.

But you want me to believe, indeed demand I believe, that "Russia hacked the DNC's computer." And if I refuse to swallow your propaganda and go along with your hoax, that makes me a Russian agent and/or a kook.

Sorry, no sale. Go ahead and slander me.

Now, what about What's In Store For Julian Assange?

Julian Assange has repeatedly denied that WikiLeaks got the DNC emails from Russia. The "Mueller Report" repeats without evidence the FBI-CIA ASSERTION that Russia "hacked" the DNC server, and states that Assange LIED in denying this. Those are now Official Facts. Totally false, but unchallengeable "facts."

Here's something that surprised me, something that in days of blather now that the (censored) report has been released hasn't even been mentioned in "the" media:

The title of the "Mueller Report" is "Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election."

Nothing about Trump or his campaign in that. So what has ended up as the target here?

Russia. As the table of contents, and the mass of Russian individuals named in the report, makes clear.

So it's obvious that both rival wings of the two-party political cartel, the Deep State, and most of the major media all agree on a Big Lie, "Russian election meddling." Something for which there is virtually no evidence.

Thus "evidence" would certainly be useful to them.

Given this political context, and the demented viciousness and relentless fanaticism of the U.S. power system, here's what I predict they're going to do to Julian Assange. They're going to offer him a choice. "Cooperate," and get a "light" sentence of "only" twenty years for the numerous charges they're gonna heap on his shoulders under draconian, repressive U.S. "law," or die in a U.S. "Supermax" prison, a psychological torture center designed to isolate political prisoners from the world.

"Cooperation" means not just betraying WikiLeaks internal structure and methods in detail, but most important politically, it means "confessing" to a lie, the Big Lie, that WikiLeaks got "hacked" emails "from Russia." And furthermore, we're gonna drag you into Grand Jury star chamber proceedings and Congressional hearings and maybe criminal trials and you're gonna degrade and humiliate yourself and lose the respect of your admirers and colleagues (you won't have any self-respect left) and make you lie and lie and lie about Russia and WikiLeaks, discredit the very organization you worked so hard to nurture, disgrace yourself and turn your back on your life's mission of speaking truth to power, in return we'll only make you live in a tiny cell by yourself, cut off from the world, for twenty years instead of for the rest of your life. (If you even survive longer than twenty years.)

What a choice.

Abandoned by the new, venal Ecuadorean government, by his homeland Australia, a lickspittle of a nation that can't get its tongue far enough up the asshole of the U.S. (or arsehole, if you prefer), an object of opprobrium in "Western" propaganda media, and target of relentless hatred by the U.S. imperialist power establishment, Assange's only allies are scattered dissidents, a handful of lawyers, and compromised "civil liberties" organizations that so far only weakly mewl tepid objections to this vicious repression.  (This means you, ACLU.) Absent an unexpected change in the correlation of forces (a useful term despite its "Marxist" "taint"), Assange's fate looks grim.

Assange helped reveal numerous crimes against humanity and corruption by numerous governments. It is a revealing commentary on the state of so-called "civilization" that the result isn't accolades, awards, and support for him and for WikiLeaks but an all-out attempt to crush him completely, silence him for life, and to destroy WikiLeaks.

I'm imagining the agony Julian's loving mother is going through right now. She made the "mistake" of raising an ethical son. That's something very dangerous to do in the "Free World."

Possibly the last photo we'll be allowed to see of Julian Assange for quite a while.

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