And what a racy race it is, if you catch my drift!
Everybody wants Joe to be the Democrats' nominee for president. ("Everybody" meaning anybody who's anybody living in the reinforced titanium bubble for the elite and protected by the world's most powerful military and secret police machinery.) Joe's a pillar of the political establishment who can be counted on to protect corporate oligarchy and U.S. imperialism.
And Joe Biden is a really gregarious, personable, downright likable guy, as this photo essay will show you!

You're never too young to be the lucky recipient of Joe's "affection." He's just a loviin' guy with a "hands on" approach to life! (Oh, all those draconian "crime" laws he played the lead role in passing that doubled the prison population in a decade? Hey, everybody makes mistakes! And sure, he wrote the PATRIOT ACT, but everybody else voted for it! C'mon, gimme a break! Don't judge me by my political actions! Judge me by how I make people feel!)
Gimme a kiss, Loverboy! -Joe don't discriminate by gender! Easy to see why he came out for gay rights before that stuffed shirt Obama! (He's so "progressive"!)
Everybody wants Joe to be the Democrats' nominee for president. ("Everybody" meaning anybody who's anybody living in the reinforced titanium bubble for the elite and protected by the world's most powerful military and secret police machinery.) Joe's a pillar of the political establishment who can be counted on to protect corporate oligarchy and U.S. imperialism.
And Joe Biden is a really gregarious, personable, downright likable guy, as this photo essay will show you!
Joe is renowned as quite the Ladies' Man Around Town. The Town being the Most Important Town In The World, Capital City of The Greatest Empire In Human History. Innumerable women from both high and not-so-high stations in society can attest to his winning ways with women.
DAMN you smell good Girl! -Biden follows diplomatic protocol with Brazilian president Dilma Rousseuf, the lucky recipient of Joe's attentions on the occasion of a state visit. Sure beats being tortured in a fascist dungeon under a military dictatorship set up by the U.S.! Let's call it our way of making it up to you, Dilma!

You're never too young to be the lucky recipient of Joe's "affection." He's just a loviin' guy with a "hands on" approach to life! (Oh, all those draconian "crime" laws he played the lead role in passing that doubled the prison population in a decade? Hey, everybody makes mistakes! And sure, he wrote the PATRIOT ACT, but everybody else voted for it! C'mon, gimme a break! Don't judge me by my political actions! Judge me by how I make people feel!)

Don't Believe The Children! -Senator Chris Coons swears his daughter was enjoying this! See? Just look at her face! She's lovin' it!! (Leaning away is avoidance behavior, you say? Naw, she was just playing hard to get!)
Bikers not cool with Biden messin' with their woman, but what can you do? Can't kick his ass 'cause,
you know, Secret Service and all...
Up against the wall, bitch! -Petty Anita Hill still holds a grudge just because Biden didn't believe her testimony about Clarence Thomas in 1991 (and told the other Senators not to believe her, and blocked other witnesses from testifying, and let his Republican colleague "friends" publicly ream her out as a tramp and a hysteric and a fabricator), but Biden is so understanding that he's almost apologized to her, just 'cause he's running for president now. And hey, we got a great Supreme Court Justice thanks to Joe!
He may look Black, but don't be fooled! Underneath the skin is a white segregationist. (He hates affirmative action, for one thing!)
Submit to My Touch, All Ye Comely Lasses Who Come Before Me! Joseph R. Biden, Jr., magnanimously announces that he is Available to Be Our President in 2020. Rejoice!
I've got my eye on YOU! You're NEXT! -Looks like SOMEBODY'S gonna get poked! Might even be YOU! (Or ALL of us!)
When you're powerful, they let you do it! You can get away with anything!
Biden 2020!
The corporate oligarchic power establishment that rules the U.S. is trying to set up a contest for presidential power between a pussy-grabber and a man who grabs just about anything else. Trump, who in his own words, "grabs women by the pussy" because, as he explained to a cackling Billy Bush (yes, one of those Bushes, the dynastic ruling class criminal clan) "when you're a star they let you do it . You can do anything. Grab then by the pussy. You can do anything." And Biden, who had NO IDEA it wasn't perfectly within social norms to stroke, caress, sniff, and kiss strange women and children. I mean, all of a sudden that became unacceptable! Who knew you weren't supposed to do that? Why EVERYONE USED to do it!
Biden NOW claims he "gets it," even though it's obvious by all the verbiage he's crafted and said or had issued for him, definitely does NOT get it. Including making a joke out of it with his appearance before a friendly audience by using children as stage props and announcing that the child "gave permission" for him to hug him. As if a young child wouldn't be cowed and intimidated by a powerful adult "asking" if he could hug him. Not too many children acculturated in this authoritarian culture would say "No." The message was clearly, Oh you people are making a big deal out of nothing.
Well, it certainly is less of a big deal than the career he's made out of passing repressive laws, exploding the prison population, voting for the invasion and destruction of Iraq, his racist alliances with the likes of Strom Thurmond, his vociferous opposition to school integration, and a lot of other vileness that has made the U.S. more oppressive and even more of an imperialist scourge around the world.
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