Friday, May 24, 2019

Political Barnacle Theresa May Finally Being Pried Off Prime Minister's Office

The awful shrewish reactionary Theresa May has finally lost her tenacious grip on power. Having failed four, or five, or six,  or however many times it was, to get the British Parliament to approve the agreement she negotiated with the European Union on the exit of Britain from that Union (so-called Brexit, short for British exit), she has finally reached a political dead end. Her party, the vicious "Conservative" Party, known as the Tories, will pick a new leader, and since they have control of Parliament (in alliance with a small ultra-reactionary party from Northern Ireland) that leader will be the next Prime Minister.

May announced that she will officially resign on June 7. However she won't be gone until late July, when the new PM is settled on.

May, in her brief farewell address, played the faux feminist card, noting that she was the second female PM, and avowing she won't be the last. As if she and her female predecessor, the fascist-loving Margaret Thatcher, have a right to lay claim to progressive credentials, which is what feminism is about.

Thatcher raised a ruckus when the murderous fascist military dictator of Chile, Augusto Pinochet, was briefly detained in Britain on a Spanish arrest warrant for the Spanish citizens he murdered. The UK ultimately refused to honor the arrest warrant from fellow EU member Spain. Thatcher posed for photos with the blood-soaked dictator, beaming warmly at him.

As for May, in her previous power job as so-called Home Secretary, she worked assiduously to make Britain an even more repressive secret police state than it already is, including by pushing oppressive "anti-terrorist" (read: anti-dissident) legislation. Her slashing of firemen contributed to the Grenfell Tower fire massacre, along with the Tories' anti-poor policies which led to flammable aluminum siding used on the Tower, creating a potential torch. 79 people died. But they were poor and "non-white," so no big deal. Then Prime Minister May never bothered meeting with the survivors.

In her brief resignation speech, May almost broke into tears at the end, that's how sorry she felt for herself just because she can't be Prime Minister for life. She ran inside to do her blubbering out of public view.

Next she'll have a permanent seat in the House of "Lords," that decrepit relic of British aristocracy, a persistent feature of a quasi-Medieval class system in that benighted land of privilege that absurdly advertises itself as the epitome of democracy. (They don't even have a constitution!)

Now that May's power-greedy fingers have finally been pried loose from the PM's office- she was nothing if not tenacious about clinging to power- the next PM will be in the same impossible position vis a vis Brexit. The politicians in Parliament of both major parties (Conservative and Labour) are internally divided about leaving the EU, despite the public referendum that voted to leave several years ago. And those who want to honor the vote of the public are split between those who want a "hard" Brexit, that is, just leave without any agreements on border controls, trade, and more, and those who want a "soft" one, that is, some arrangements with the EU to soften the economic blow that the "hard" Brexiteers are oblivious to. May spent two years negotiating the best deal the EU would agree to, and the EU's current position is that there will not a renegotiation- another illusion of unrealistic politicians and opinionators who refuse to accept reality. In particular, they are allergic to the part of the exit agreement May reached that provides for modified border controls between Ireland, an EU member, and the chunk of the island that is Ireland that is the British territory of Northern Ireland. Instituting full-blown customs checks on that border has major negative economic and social ramifications for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Anyway, here's a foul farewell to Theresa May, Wicked Witch of Downing Street.

Oh suck it up, Crybaby!

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