Wednesday, March 11, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Now Guaranteed To Prevent Any Change In The U.S. System

Well, the dominant bourgeois elites have gotten their way once again, as they always do in all their elections.

There will be no chance of systemic change resulting from whoever wins in November.

The conservative [1] Joseph R. Biden, Jr., a man with a pro-school segregation past, a man who ranted at his staff that he wanted to have a reputation as "tough on crime" (code for tough on blacks) and lived up to it by playing key roles in passing draconian laws through Congress, a man who added to the power of banks and credit card companies at the expense of the people of the U.S., who protected Clarence Thomas on his way to Supreme Court confirmation, a man who whipped Democratic Senators into line on Bush's invasion of Iraq- has now been anointed the winner of the Democratic Party presidential nomination with less than half the needed 1991 delegates.

Anointed by the corporate media and the Democratic Party establishment.

This is who the Democratic Party poohbahs covertly designated as the nominee months ago, just as they covertly designated Hillary Clinton in 2016. And how his nomination seems assured.iIth his victories in yesterday's primaries, Biden is on a glide path to victory over Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders. With the media ballyhooing his lead and his "momentum," many voters in the remaining primaries, sheeplike, will fall into line behind Biden, much like iron filings pulled by a magnet.

The establishment has all but declared Biden the nominee.

On the radio network owned by Michael Bloomberg Billionaire, the announcers claimed Biden has "an all but insurmountable lead" over the hated Sanders. (Biden has about 800 delegates now, Sanders 666 or so. 1991 are needed to win the nomination. Most of the almost 800 "superdelegates," party insiders and venal lobbyists chosen by the party, will also be for Biden. Every Democratic member of Congress and member of the Democratic National Committee are superdelegates.)

The notorious Jame Carville, who makes a living helping reactionaries in other countries "win" elections, called for cancelling the remainder of the primaries, declaring "This thing is over, it's time to shut this thing down!" Congressman James Clyburn, who herded the black primary voters of South Carolina into Biden's corral, called for no more Democratic debates.

After the previous round of primaries, Peter Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and even "Beto" O'Rourke, who had dropped out of the race long ago, almost simultaneously endorsed Biden, smacking of a conspiracy. Michael Bloomberg Billionaire did likewise, A few days ago, erstwhile candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker declared for Biden. The corporate propaganda system made sure to repeatedly broadcast their words.

Sanders only ever offered the illusion of the possibility of fundamental change. Seeking change via Sanders was like chasing the rainbow. It looks beautiful off in the distance, but you cannot ever grasp it. Sanders was always a political lone ranger, rejecting Ralph Nader's urging to form a caucus with other "progressive" Senators. [2]

Sanders has a comfortable relationship with the Democratic Party, which he is always at pains not to jeopardize. This is his fatal compromise with power. Thus in both his campaigns for president, he has treated his Democratic Party opponents for the nomination with kid gloves, and loyally thrown his full-throated support to the winners; Clinton in 2016, and this time it will be Biden.

The problem of how to change America is devilishly tricky, and worthy of a separate essay. The obstacles are enormous. To even seriously attempt it is actually a life-threatening endeavor, thanks to the murderous nature of this system.

The irony of Biden's apparent victory is that Biden has a lot in common with Trump- both are bullies, egotists, liars, and racists. Both men get violently angry when confronted with challenging questions or situations. We've seen this numerous times during the current Biden campaign. For more details, see "How Joe Biden and Donald Trump Are The Same."

                               Pick which corporate-protecting imperialist you want, this is a democracy!

1]  I call Biden a conservative because he is a man dedicated to preserving the status quo. That is what conservatism actually means. I do not use the gaslighting propaganda political terminology of U.S. elites and their foreign lackeys. They use "conservative" as a euphemism for reactionary, to make noxious rightwing ideology and politics respectable and honorable, when it is antithetical to human values. And "ultraconservative" is their code word for fascist.

A bourgeois politician who is pragmatic and rational is labeled "liberal." Thus Senator Elizabeth Warren's sensible desire to regulate big financial institutions in ways that prevent them from being a threat to the stability of the capitalist system is deemed "liberal" or worse.

Neoliberal corporatist imperialists are called "moderate" or "centrist," meaningless terms in themselves.

2]  See "Bernie Sanders snubs Ralph Nader 15 years. 'Progressive' Senators refuse to unite."

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