Monday, March 02, 2020

How Joe Biden and Donald Trump Are The Same

Both are aggressive bullies who fly into rages when challenged on sensitive subjects. In the case of Trump, the documentation could fill several tomes. With Biden we've seen it whenever a journalist has dared raise the subject of his son Hunter Biden's incredible deal with Ukrainian gas company Burisma, obtained while Biden was vice president of the U.S. and the Obama regime's point man on Ukraine. Hunter was appointed to the corporate board with "compensation" of $50,000 a month, "earning" a total of $3 MILLION over his five year term. The only reason Hunter left the board, by his own admission in a television interview, was because of the harmful appearance it created as his Dad ran for president. Father Joe bullies reporters by shouting them down until they drop it. We also have videos of BIden's reaction to citizens who raise the issue politely. He lashed into one such unfortunate gentleman by calling him a "liar" and "fat" and challenging him to a push-up contest. On another occasion a Democrat tried to broach the issue of climate change and Biden testily told him to vote for somebody else. This was a man who said he'd vote for Biden!

Both are chronic liars. Trump lies more frequently, and more obivously. But many of Biden's lies are also quite obvious.

Both lie consciously. Biden's staff has on several occasions that have been reported in power establishment media, privately told him things he was saying publicly were not true, and he just kept saying them anyway- proving he's a conscious liar. Here's one example:

And this from a guy who opposed school integration and whose best buddies in the Senate were the worst arch-segregationists of the Deep Southf! Most galling.

Biden has variously claimed to have been in Afghanistan and Iraq "28 times," "29 times," and "over 30 times." His staff, and thus definitely Biden himself, know those are fibs:

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is a Great Storyteller in the mold of Ronald Wilson Reagan. That is to say, he shamelessly fabricates emotionally manipulative tales. Like Reader's Digest magazine, the stories are crafted to provoke certain feelings in the unsophisticated portions of the populace. Also like the aforementioned rag, and the fascist racist Reagan, there is an underlying reactionary agenda most of the time.

One story Biden has been feeding the credulous crowds of his supporters as he campaigns for president has a tenuous connection to reality. It involves his allegedly pinning a medal on a military member. Only the way he tells it, he either has a terrible memory, or he's a virtually uninhibited liar and bullshit artist. As the version he's been reciting in a heartfelt style has been consistent in each telling, we can exclude memory problems as the explanation.

Here the Washington Post gives priority to the fact that the tale Biden tells as he tries to manipulate people into making him president is "moving," but false. So they genuflect to the military, and give Biden props for telling a "moving" story. In other words, they praise the con. Because if someone is moving you with falsehoods, that's a con job. It's a cynical emotional ripoff, at the very least, and if he takes your money or your vote, he's adding iinjury to insult.

And the Man Who Would Be President is lying to get his hands on the levers of power. What might such an unethical and ruthless person do with the power? Clearly he cannot be trusted.

Except the power establishment WANTS Biden to win. He's "moderate," unlike the extremists Sanders and Warren.

In his self-aggrandizing War Story, Biden didn't just get one or two facts wrong, or some minor ancillary details. Every important fact was flatly false. 

NBC "News" is even worse in soft-pedaling Biden's chronic mendacity. They deem his cynical story "inaccurate," when the correct description is "pack of lies." Here, I'll show you:

"Appears to be incorrect." That's from the Post story. At least the headline wasn't so mealy-mouthed, and correctly called it "false." But it wasn't because Biden was honestly mistaken. You don't get EVERYTHING wrong by ACCIDENT unless you are in advanced senility. Here's some of what NBC and the Post deem to be "inaccurate" and (apparently) "incorrect":

[Washington Post, August 29, 2919.]

They put the most self-serving of Biden's lies last, "his own role in the ceremony." That's the most important part of the story Biden is flogging, in terms of Biden impressing those he's duping with his lies.

But with Trump, the Washington Post and various broadcast media (especially NBC's MSNBC) are willing to call a spade a spade and call many of Trump's lies "a lie." The Post even keeps a running tally of what it deems Trump's "lies." Although that list of putative falsehoods probably includes things Trump actually believes, which means they aren't lies, but are false.

Both men are egomaniacs. In Trump's case, there are also obvious narcissistic personality traits.

Both treat other people as inferiors whom they can abuse to indulge their own impulses. 

Trump has a record as a sexual predator, something he has even boasted about. Biden has a thoroughly documented history of molesting women by inappropriate touching, stroking, grabbing, and sniffing. He also does this to children of both genders.   [1]

Politically, both are reactionaries who completely support U.S. corporate oligarchy, bourgeois class dictatorship, U.S. imperialism, and a grotesquely swollen military industrial complex that enforces all of the preceding.

This is the choice of candidates for president in 2020 that the Democratic Party poohbahs and the corporate propaganda system (aka "the media") want to force on the American voting public.

Unfortunately most people are sheep. Being ovine, they won't even vote for the alternatives on the ballot, such as the progressive Green Party or the Libertarian Party, the party of laissez-faire capitalism. Until that changes, there is no hope for improvement in the structure of U.S. society.

Meanwhile, the people in the rest of the world will have to establishment governments in their own nations committed to opposing U.S. global domination. Of course, where that has happened, the U.S. has made sure to overthrow such governments, as it has done in Bolivia and Ecuador most recently, and has it has been trying to do in Venezuela under the current president and his two predecessors. (Trump, Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama, and George W. "The 9/11 Mass Murderer" Bush.) Too bad Europeans are too feckless to make the necessary changes in their own countries.

1] To watch video of just some of the many times Biden has used other people as objects for his own gratification, see Joseph Biden's Pedophiliac Impulses.

For more on Biden, see Latest Whopping Trump-Level Lie by Joe Biden (this one is truly unbelievable);"No One Is Above The Law," Except Untouchable Joe Biden; and Joseph Biden Is ACTUALLY Guilty Of What Adam "Shifty" Schiff Accuses Trump Of. For Biden's segregationist history, type the word "Biden" in the search box on my blog webpage.


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