Wednesday, October 02, 2019

"No One Is Above The Law," Except Untouchable Joe Biden

When Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced on September 24th that she was siccing her political underlings on president Donald J. "Jackass" Trump to trump up excuses to impeach him, one of the hackneyed political themes in the canned announcement she intoned was "No one is above the law."

Except, apparently, Democratic Party poohbahs like Joseph Biden, Bill and Hillary Clinton, et al.

The Clintons ran a super-grifting operation called the "Clinton Foundation," which collected BILLIONS of dollars from foreign governments and corporations (domestic and foreign), including millions of dollars from Russia that resulted in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signing off on a deal allowing Russia interests to buy 20% of the U.S.' uranium reserves. [1]

As for Biden, when he was vice president in the regime of Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama, Obama put him in charge of dealing with the Ukraine after the U.S. seized its government and made it into a newly-minted U.S. quasi-satrapy.  PURELY COINCIDENTALLY, the Democrats and most of the U.S. corporate media want us to believe, Biden's neer-do-well son Hunter was appointed to the board of directors of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, owned by a Ukrainian plutocrat, with "compensation," as they say, of $50,000 a MONTH. By the time Hunter resigned from his post this year, he had pocketed $3,000,000. Hunter Biden has exactly zero experience in the fossil fuel industry.

Now, if that was perfectly legitimate, why did Hunter resign this year? He resigned because his Dad is running for president, and they didn't want any questions about this, apparently.

The U.S. propaganda system is almost uniformly claiming there's "nothing there" and "no evidence" of anything wrong with the Bidens's Ukraine scam. At the same time, they think it is illegitimate to investigate the matter to find evidence. And the Democrats are OUTRAGED at the betrayal of the national interest, the "threat to national security" Trump committed by delaying arms delivery for a few days to the Kiev regime so they can kill more people in the breakaway eastern Ukraine, how venal that Trump acted for "personal interest," not the national interest (it was apparently in the national interest that vice president Biden's son get $3 million from a U.S. client regime) by trying to "get dirt" on a rival for the 2020 presidential election. (The power elite have already chosen Biden to run against Trump: the voters will have to be manipulated to get into line.)

By the way, "the" media almost always "forgets" to mention how much Hunter was being paid, or that he had ABSOLUTELY NO QUALIFICATIONS to be serving on the board of a Ukrainian gas company.

Except one perfect qualification: he's the son of Joseph Biden. On its face this is corrupt. You only need to know the facts I've stated.

SIX- Count 'Em. SIX!- committees in the House have been unleashed to cobble together excuses to impeach Trump. One, the "Intelligence" committee, is led by one of the most dishonest political mountebanks in the country, Adam Schiff. He's spent the past three years spewing disinformation about Russian subversion of U.S. "democracy" and (non-existent) slam dunk "evidence" "proving" Trump is a Russian agent/puppet/captive of Putin. Another committee, the Judiciary, is headed by Jerrold Nadler, who has also spent the past three years demagogically pushing the Russiagate hoax. Nadler insisted that the (actually nonexistent) Russian hack of a DNC computer was just the same as the Japanese bombing of U.S. military bases at Pearl Harbor in World War II. (Why the U.S. didn't declare war on Russia- the Democrats' man, Obama, was president at the time- Nadler didn't explain.) [2]

As in the failed Russiagate hoax, this latest pseudo-scandal rests on the thinnest tissue of actual facts. [3]

On July 25th Trump called Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky (the TV comedian who replaced billionaire president Petro Poroshenko, installed after the U.S.-sponsored coup overthrew president Viktor Yanukovych). The notes of the phone call reveal that it was friendly, and contrary to Adam "Schifty" Schiff, not at all like a "Mafia" gangster "extorting" someone. You can read it for yourself online as the notes of the government drones listening in have been made public.

A so-called "whistleblower" (a CIA officer) filed a complaint August 12th with the Inspector General in the office of the Director of National Intelligence. This CIA person was complaining about Trump's phone call to the Ukrainian president based on what other people told him. In other words, the content of the complaint is entirely hearsay. And before the Democrats even got a chance to see the transcript of the call OR the CIA officer's complaint, Pelosi announced the start of impeachment "investigations."

First the verdict, then the evidence.

This Alice In Wonderland-style political offensive against Trump is being promoted relentlessly every day by most U.S. media. They are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Trump was mainly concerned with getting facts about Ukraine's interference in the 2016 presidential election, during which they provided financial information about Paul Manafort, who was forced to resign as Trump's campaign manager as a result. (Trump went through several campaign managers, including the thuggish Corey Lewandowski, who notoriously manhandled a female reporter and is a nasty goon.) Secondarily he asked for Ukrainian cooperation with Attorney General William Barr and with Rudolph Giuliani, working as a private attorney for Trump, and who was once dubbed "America's Mayor" by that arbiter of reality, Time magazine. (Giuliani was an assistant U.S. Attorney General in the fascist Reagan regime, then U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, then New York City mayor, then a spectacularly failed presidential candidate.)

Of course, Trump and the opportunists who gather around and cling to him like dust on a dust mop are grifters just as the Democratic Party is a party of grifters. What we are seeing is a tawdry power struggle between factions of the power elite. Don't be fooled by the ludicrously grandiloquent rhetoric of Democratic Party hacks. (I'll have more on that in a later essay.)

Why is the scandal-ridden Joe Biden being protected by a solid wall of lies by "the" media and Democratic Party politicians?

Obviously because the bulk of the power establishment has already chosen him to be the next emperor- I mean president of the U.S. As a fallback, they are promoting Senator Elizabeth Warren, who projects a false front that is superficially similar to Senator Bernie Sanders, who is also running. Warren is, like Hillary Clinton, scamming the public. Secretly in bed with big money interests, she is doing a political chameleon act of sounding politically like Sanders in public. Warren recently edged ahead of Biden in the polls, so she has become the "safety" candidate for the corporate/imperialist power structure.

Thanks to the sheeplike quality of the mass of the citizenry, the next president won't be from the Green Party or the Libertarian Party. It will be either more Trump or a Democratic Party political stooge of big capital.

The U.S. oligarchy will have the populace choose between cyanide and arsenic. Let Freedom Ring!

  Nancy Pelosi. "When I said 'No one is above the law,' what I MEANT 
                                     was we are going to find reasons to impeach Donald Trump."

1] The New York Times even ran an extensive expose of this matter, which has been chucked down the memory hole by U.S. media, including by the NYT itself. You'd never guess from reading any article since that it was ever published in that paper. See "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal," NYT, April 23, 2015, and "Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover," NYT, April 22, 2015.
2] Both chambers of the U.S. Congress are structured in hierarchical fashion, with the Speaker of the House controlling that body through her various powers, such as appointing and removing committee chairs, who in turn wield power over the committees. In the Senate, the Majority Leader of whichever of the two-parties of the political cartel that monopolized political power in the U.S. has the majority of Senators, has near total control in that body. Nothing can come up for a vote unless he allows it. (Currently that person is Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, a venal being.)

The Speaker of the House is chosen by majority vote of the Representatives (Congresspeople), which in practice means the party with the majority chooses the Speaker. Obviously the Speaker has to be politically adroit so as not to alienate the members of her party. In the Senate, the caucus of the majority party chooses its leader, who in turn is effectively boss of the Senate.

The way impeachment works is this: impeachment is akin to an indictment. Under the U.S. Constitution, any Federal official can be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors," a completely vague term that is otherwise unexplained in that document. It is obviously subjective, yet legal "scholars" and "experts" and even run-of-the-mill politicians pontificate in tones of certainty as to what is and isn't "impeachable." In practice it is whatever the House of Representatives decides.

If a majority of the House votes to impeach, the matter is presented to the Senate for a simulacrum of a "trial." The Senate has to vote by a two-thirds majority to actually remove the accused official from office.

A handful of Federal judges who were guilty of outrageous behavior and refused to resign (they have lifetime appointments, a stupid feature of the Constitution) have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office.

Two presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson, a virulent racist who became president at the end of the U.S. Civil War when president Abraham Lincoln was murdered by Confederate agents AFTER the Confederacy had surrendered, and Bill "This Isn't A Pickle In My Pocket, I'm Actually Glad To See You" Clinton. Neither was convicted, so neither was removed from office.

it is virtually impossible to imagine a scenario by which Trump can be convicted in the Senate. The Senate has a Republican majority, and with a handful of exceptions, every Republican politician is slavishly behind Trump, because almost all Republican voters are enthusiastic Trump fans. Nothing is going to change that. Trump has a lifetime of experience sensing just how far he can push things, just how much he can get away with. So far, over three years of machinations by the secret police Deep State, and the relentless pushing by the Democrats and most of the corporate media of sham reasons for criminal charges or impeachment, first the Russiagate hoax, now the Ukraine phone call, have been utter failures. All the while, the valid reasons to criticize Trump (other than his chronic lying, which has been covered ad nauseam, and some but too little and too tame coverage of the atrocities of ICE and the Border Patrol) are mostly ignored.

3] Here's the unrefuted proof that there was no Russian hack of a DNC server (which the Democrats and their media foghorn accomplices inflated into "hacking the election" and "attacking Our Democracy).

  • The DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine their computer! This is supposedly the Crime of The Century, a foreign enemy "attacking Our Democracy," and the Dems withhold the evidence! So the FBI just took the word of the hired liars of the Dems, the notorious company Crowdstrike, who sent the FBI a censored ("redacted") report!

  • NO evidence was ever presented to back up the assertion of the Russian hack and subsequent appearance of the Democrats' emails in WikiLeaks, which revealed how the Democratic National Committee, while feigning neutrality in the primaries for the Democratic presidential nomination, was in fact a wholly owned subsidiary of the Clinton campaign and repeatedly cheated her main rival, Bernie Sanders. Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, hand-picked 3 "analysts," one each from FBI, CIA and NSA, to write the report which concluded, sans proof, that Russia was guilty. And the NSA was equivocal. Yet if there had been such a transfer of data from ANY U.S. computer to Russia, the NSA would have a copy of the data flow, since they collect and store ALL Internet traffic. These 3 analysts were inflated into "16 (sometimes 17) intelligence agencies say Russia hacked" and "the intelligence community concluded that Russia hacked" in the ensuing propaganda campaign.

  • Two of the NSA"s top technical officers (who were retired after long careers at the agency), William Binney and Kurt Wiebe, analyzed the download speed of the data transfer and tested to see if the Internet transfer speeds available at the time made such a transfer possible. Not even close. But the speed matched a transfer to a flash drive.

  • Seth Rich, a young Democratic Party worker who had access to the computer system and is suspected of being the one who passed the emails along to WikiLeaks, was murdered in Washington, D.C. His murder is unsolved. Out of all the thousands of murders committed annually in the U.S. each year, this is the ONLY ONE for which WikiLeaks has offered a reward for information on, $25,000. And Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, in an interview on European television, tiptoed right up to the edge of admitted that Rich was the source.

  • Most importantly, if we pretend Russia did it, that was NOT an "attack on democracy," it was a GIFT to democracy, because it enabled the American public to be BETTER INFORMED ABOUT ONE OF THE CANDIDATES, HILLARY CLINTON. It revealed her secret speech to the Goldman Sachs conference of financiers, in which she nakedly stated that she's a two-faced manipulator and that the financiers should ignore what she says in public to the dumb rubes whose votes she needs, in fact she'll be defending THEIR interests- as indeed she always has throughout her career. When she lived in Arkansas as wife of that state's Attorney General and then Governor Bill Clinton, she sat on the board of the union-hating Walmart corporation. Her class loyalties have always been evident. In college she was a Goldwater Girl, Barry Goldwater being a fascist and racist. As virtual co-president with her husband, she was foresquare behind all his class war policies and attacks especially on the black population.

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