Friday, October 11, 2019

Trump Calls The Kurds On the Carpet For Going AWOL In World War II

In his latest starring performance as the President of the United States playing in the Theatre of the Absurd, Donald J. "Jackass" Trump is justifying his abrupt betrayal of the Kurds by pointing out how feckless they were for not being part of the Normandy Invasion of France ("D-Day") in June of 1944: "They didn't help us in the Second World War, they didn't help us in Normandy,"  and they were absent from "other battles." If that wasn't bad enough, "in addition we've spent a TREMENDOUS amount of money," apparently the Kurds' fault. Trump cited "a very very powerful article" in substantiation of his lunatic statement. [1]

See? The U.S. doesn't owe the Kurds anything! They should have had the foresight to declare war on Nazi Germany. (A stateless people can't declare war? No Kurds were in any war zone? Excuse me, excuse me, Donald Trump is a very stable genius. He has the best brain, the most fantastic brain you're ever gonna see. Believe me. The Kurds should've helped out if they wanted us to help them.)

Is Trump justified in badmouthing the Kurds for not helping the U.S. Fight World War 2?

Actually Trump went very easy on the Kurds. He did mention "other battles" they were AWOL from. He could have noted that they were no help at all in helping the U.S. destroy Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. And where were they during the Korean War? Sure could have used a hand against those hordes of Chinese troops that came pouring in after Truman ignored Zhou EnLai's warning that if the U.S. advanced up the peninsula, China would intervene. (Luckily the U.S. Air Force and Marine Aviation was able to bomb North Korea into rubble.)

And it wasn't just during World War II that the Kurds just sat on the sidelines. Why weren't they fighting on the U.S. side in World War I? They were no help then. (Oh, and did you notice? they did help the other side, participating in the Ottoman Empire's extermination of the Armenians and Greeks.)

How about the Spanish-American war? The U.S. had to seize all Spain's colonies in the Caribbean and Pacific by itself. No help from the Kurds at all!

Where were Kurds when the U.S. invaded Mexico in 1846? The Kurds sat that one out too. All the U.S. got out of it was half of Mexico's territory.

The U.S. sure could have used the Kurds' help in the War of 1812, when the U.S. was looking to rip off a chunk of Canada. Didn't get one square inch! Thanks a million, Kurds!

Need I mention that they were no-shows in the War of Independence that created the U.S.? True to form, they didn't lift a finger to come to the aid of the American rebels! Just sat on their hands, as usual!

Oh sure, the Kurds sacrificed over ten thousand lives fighting ISIS for the U.S. But really, bottom line?

The Kurds are fair weather friends.

"Let's Be Honest; the Kurds are Turds."

1]  While noting the Kurds' abysmal, cowardly failure to hit the beaches on D-Day, Trump tossed out the disingenuous line "We like the Kurds," in a transparent attempt to deflect the near-universal criticism from establishment media and politicians of both parties. (But not from "peace activists," whose moral compasses are apparently permanently broken by their knee-jerk anti-Americanism and Manichean world view in which all the world's ills are the fault of the U.S. and the only thing in the way of universal peace is U.S. militarism.)

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