Saturday, October 26, 2019

Erstwhile Goldwater Girl Hillary Clinton Returns To Her Roots as a Far Right-Winger

Hillary Clinton, a twice-loser for president of the U.S., has savagely smeared Democratic Party Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, claiming the Kremlin was "grooming" the military veteran "to be the third party candidate," presumably to "steal" as the Democrats like to say, votes from themselves. In other words, Gabbard is sort of a Manchurian candidate, a Kremlin "asset" in the current race for president. The corporate propaganda system (aka "the media") responded quizzically to this, rather than with the outraged denunciation it deserves (and which they regularly dump on Trump's head, so we know it isn't "objectivity" that prevents them from doing so).

Now as I said, Gabbard is a Democrat, and has never indicated she might run outside that party. That part of the smear was almost as baseless as the slander that Moscow was pulling her strings.

Gabbard responded to Clinton with a withering Tweet that hit the mark, because unlike Clinton's slanderous attack, it was true: "You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain."

Adopting the vicious, slanderous, redbaiting-style tactics of the 1940's Richard Nixon and 1950's Republicans, the demented Queen Bitch of the "Democratic" Party is dropping the disciplined mask she has long worn to fool the public. Her actions over the decades have put the lie to her pose as a faux feminist and ersatz progressive. Her dream of being president irrevocably shattered at last, she has become terminally embittered and feels she has nothing to lose by letting her true attitudes leach out into the public domain.

Far from being a feminist, she has only ever harmed women: millions of Iraqi women by her support of the war against them, millions of Honduran women by her promotion of the military coup there. (She even boasted in one of her awful, disingenuous, and self-serving books that she quashed a feeble effort by European nations to condemn the coup.) Before she was murdered in her own home, Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres held Clinton directly responsible for the military coup. [1]

Clinton has always been an accomplice in her husband's repressive and murderous policies. Together they demonized blacks as "superpredators" and created policies to imprison over time millions of African-Americans. The Clintons economically devastated the black community by limiting so-called welfare to a lifetime limit of five years, and need be damned, ramping up the "war on drugs," an unleashing  the greedy and venal economic predators of finance capitalism to prey on African-American homeowners. As a U.S. Senator she compiled a record of reaction. (Some examples: her consistent support for the police state PATRIOT ACT, for the invasion of Iraq, for gigantic military budgets, for funding the secret police at ever increasing levels.)

Hillary Clinton started political life as a far rightwing Republican, a Goldwater Girl in college. That was at a time when Goldwater implacably opposed civil rights legislation to ease the incredible racist repression of African-Americans. The Goldwater who seemingly favored nuclear war. One of the most extreme reactionaries in the U.S. Senate (and that's really saying something). Now she has come full circle and returned to her political roots as a quasi-fascist.

Her whopping lies are THIS BIG!

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