Saturday, January 07, 2012

Reflections On Herman Cain’s Weak Defense Against Sexual Harassment Charges

When you think back on it, it seems a bit strange that hard chargin’ Herman Cain bowed out of the Presidential race after only a mere four women accused him of sexual harassment or molestation. Especially since he denied all. And you’d think that since he claimed God had instructed him to run, he’d be fearful of running afoul of “His” wrath. Remember what God did to Lot’s wife? And the gruesome death “He” arranged for “His” own son? And how about the time “He” almost forced Abraham to murder his own son? Doesn’t sound like a Bastard you want to cross. And Cain didn’t say he was quitting because “God” told him to. And surely, with God behind him, mere temporal forces like “the media” and “liberals” and Rick Perry’s campaign staff, even with the shadowy “them” as allies, wouldn’t have been able to stop Cain’s inevitable election.

Maybe Cain could have hung in there if he’d had a stronger defense. Let’s look at what he said:

“For every one person that comes forward with a false accusation…there are thousands who would say none of that sort of activity ever came from Herman Cain.”

Really, couldn’t he have made a stronger defense than that? Why didn’t he say instead:

“For every one person that comes forward with a false accusation…there are BILLIONS who would say none of that sort of activity ever came from Herman Cain.”

Big difference, right?

Unless…a troubling thought occurs. What if there were actually more than the four women who spoke up? What is there were a LOT more? A LOT LOT more??!!

Why would he say there are only “thousands” of women he didn’t hit on or molest for every one he did? Could it be that there are millions of women Herman Cain has hit on?

Could Herman Cain himself be a God in disguise? Namely Priapus?

He did say that “God” told him to run. Maybe the God who told him was Zeus! That would be an order from his superior God. And these Greek Gods are fond of assuming various disguises.

It’s worth considering.

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