Friday, August 08, 2014

CIA Boss Proves Jason Zenith Right (As Usual)


That was the sound of me blowing my own horn. (Hey, I don’t get paid for this, I have to at least get some occasional ego gratification as compensation for my time and effort!)

Back in March, I noted that the notorious boss of the CIA, John “Cutthroat” Brennan, blatantly lied about breaking into and spying on the computers of the staff of the CIA Congressional “overseers,” the people Brennan’s boss and patron, Barack “Trust Me” Obama, reassured everyone keeps an eagle eye on the various secret police agencies and ensured that everything they do is legally kosher. Brennan said that “Nothing could be further from the truth.” I wrote that whenever Brennan used that phrase, it was a one hundred percent guarantee that he was lying. [1]

Well, now the CIA’s own “Inspector General” issued a report confirming that, yes indeed, at least 10 CIA officers broke into the computers of the Congressional “oversight committee” staffers. As a result, Brennan has now “apologized.”

But the CIA criminals won’t be prosecuted for the Federal felonies they committed. The Federal computer crime laws are only used to prosecute political dissidents, freedom fighters, and “common criminals.” They also came in handy in eliminating the activist Aaron Swartz, who was driven to suicide by the threat of a 35 year prison sentence. [2]

Obama’s Department of “Justice,” run by his crony Eric “Due Process Means We Decide to Kill You” Holder, Jr., refused to act on the criminal complaint filed by the Senate Intelligence Committee over the computer hacking and spying. But to show how fair and balanced they are, they also refused to act on the CIA’s criminal complaint against the Congressional committee, claiming they “stole” CIA documents (they didn’t) and they hacked the CIA’s computer system (another lie). Just as well, since that was a false complaint, which the CIA has now magnanimously withdrawn. Oh, by the way, filing a false criminal complaint is a crime- just one more by the CIA, a criminal organization that was set up to as a criminal organization, that is, one that habitually ignores all laws. (Well, they DO need to assassinate people, after all!)

The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne “I Love NSA Spying” Feinstein, was oddly muted in her response, saying almost nothing. No demand for criminal prosecution, no demand that Congress not be surveilled by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and god knows what other U.S. secret police agencies are blackmailing them, J. Edgar Hoover-style.

One big difference between the U.S. and Russia, China, or other nations, is that the political bosses here DO NOT CONTROL THE SECRET POLICE. That creates a very dangerous situation. It means we are all at the mercy of those fascist cutthroats. And these fascist goons have exported their model of secret police political supremacy to Latin America (which is only now recovering, at least in South America, NOT in Central America, whose social and political conditions appear terminal) and to Europe, where the local secret police agencies are basically traitors in thrall to their U.S. secret police masters, with whom they cooperate against their own governments and populations. (Australia too, where the CIA was able to organize the overthrow of the Whitlam government.)

Anyway, Thank You, John “Cutthroat” Brennan, for confirming to the world that I was correct. Not that we needed you to admit it to know you were lying.

1] See “Annals of Newspeak,” March 15, 2014.

2] See “Obama Regime Creates Another Martyr,” and “Brace Yourselves For Unintended Ironies In Aaron Swartz Affair.”

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