A patrol of ten- count 'em, TEN!- Russian paratroopers has been captured inside Ukraine by Kiev regime forces. The Kiev cabal claims they were captured inside Ukraine in the Donetsk region. The Kiev regime's military says they were nabbed around Amvrosiivka, a town near the Russian border. Russia says they accidentally strayed over the border. The BBC asserts that in televised footage of the captives, some of the prisoners griped about being used as “cannon fodder” and fighting someone else's war. (Boy, if those are the attitudes of Russian elite troops, they need better-motivated troops! Contrast that with the gung-ho fanaticism of elite U.S. “special forces” killers.)
This looks like a typically clumsy Russian move. The soldiers were apparently duped by their superiors, never a good idea for creating high morale. According to Western media accounts, videos of the captives say they were falsely told they were going on a “training exercise,” then stripped of military I.D.s and cellphones and sent into Ukraine instead. [1]
Still no sign of all those “Russian tanks” the Kiev satrapy keeps saying are flooding into Ukraine. One has to wonder, if Russia is sending so many armored columns into Ukraine, where are they? And why are the separatists losing, and Donetsk and Luhansk being reduced to rubble by the regime's artillery fire? The British Guardian newspaper however claims to have seen Russian armored personnel carriers and trucks cross into Ukraine two weeks ago. (That is, today they claim to have seen them two weeks ago.)
Petro O. Poroshenko, the Candyman Billionaire president of western Ukraine, is doing a Bashir al-Assad number on a smaller scale, waging war against the civilian population of “his own” country, as even the stray New York Times article reporting on the artillery bombardment of the east, and the resulting civilian deaths, wounded, destruction and hardship, makes clear. What kind of “leader” lays siege to cities in “his own” country? At this moment, he is pounding the city of Novoazovsk with heavy artillery shelling, something I found only on a Canadian website and that British and U.S. media have so far blacked out, even though it was an Associated Press story, and all the establishment media organs subscribe to the AP. [2]
The hawkish NATO secretary general and U.S. stooge, former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, (who over the years has consistently brayed an even more aggressively imperialist line than his U.S. masters) has taken the occasion of the Kiev regime's capture of the ten Russian soldiers to announce that NATO will send forces to bases on Russia's borders. Intriguingly, he says that divisions within NATO over this idea will be settled in an upcoming meeting next week, and it will be decided to deploy to Poland and the Baltics, countries salivating at the prospect of NATO military forces on their soil. It seems that France, Italy, and Spain all oppose the plan, but apparently the U.S. and UK plan on bludgeoning them into line. Germany meanwhile is sitting on the fence- a familiar position for them. (I sure hope that fence is well-padded; the Krauts spend an awful lot of time sitting on it!) Despite the fact that a formal decision has yet to be agreed to by the NATO members, Rasmussen describes it as a done deal. Apparently his U.S. masters have decided, and expects that after some squawking, the Eurolackeys will all line up obediently behind it, as usual.
And there's more.
This looks like a typically clumsy Russian move. The soldiers were apparently duped by their superiors, never a good idea for creating high morale. According to Western media accounts, videos of the captives say they were falsely told they were going on a “training exercise,” then stripped of military I.D.s and cellphones and sent into Ukraine instead. [1]
Still no sign of all those “Russian tanks” the Kiev satrapy keeps saying are flooding into Ukraine. One has to wonder, if Russia is sending so many armored columns into Ukraine, where are they? And why are the separatists losing, and Donetsk and Luhansk being reduced to rubble by the regime's artillery fire? The British Guardian newspaper however claims to have seen Russian armored personnel carriers and trucks cross into Ukraine two weeks ago. (That is, today they claim to have seen them two weeks ago.)
Petro O. Poroshenko, the Candyman Billionaire president of western Ukraine, is doing a Bashir al-Assad number on a smaller scale, waging war against the civilian population of “his own” country, as even the stray New York Times article reporting on the artillery bombardment of the east, and the resulting civilian deaths, wounded, destruction and hardship, makes clear. What kind of “leader” lays siege to cities in “his own” country? At this moment, he is pounding the city of Novoazovsk with heavy artillery shelling, something I found only on a Canadian website and that British and U.S. media have so far blacked out, even though it was an Associated Press story, and all the establishment media organs subscribe to the AP. [2]
The hawkish NATO secretary general and U.S. stooge, former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, (who over the years has consistently brayed an even more aggressively imperialist line than his U.S. masters) has taken the occasion of the Kiev regime's capture of the ten Russian soldiers to announce that NATO will send forces to bases on Russia's borders. Intriguingly, he says that divisions within NATO over this idea will be settled in an upcoming meeting next week, and it will be decided to deploy to Poland and the Baltics, countries salivating at the prospect of NATO military forces on their soil. It seems that France, Italy, and Spain all oppose the plan, but apparently the U.S. and UK plan on bludgeoning them into line. Germany meanwhile is sitting on the fence- a familiar position for them. (I sure hope that fence is well-padded; the Krauts spend an awful lot of time sitting on it!) Despite the fact that a formal decision has yet to be agreed to by the NATO members, Rasmussen describes it as a done deal. Apparently his U.S. masters have decided, and expects that after some squawking, the Eurolackeys will all line up obediently behind it, as usual.
And there's more.
Seizing this opportunity to promote his aggressively militaristic agenda, Rasmussen apparently wants to gird for combat against Russia:
"We will adopt what we call a readiness action plan with the aim to be able to act swiftly in this completely new security environment in Europe. We have something already called the NATO response force whose purpose is to be able to be deployed rapidly if needed. Now it's our intention to develop what I would call a spearhead within that response force at very, very, high readiness.
"In order to be able to provide such rapid reinforcements you also need some reception facilities in host nations. So it will involve the pre-positioning of supplies, of equipment, preparation of infrastructure, bases, headquarters. The bottom line is you will in the future see a more visible NATO presence in the east." [Emphases added.]
"We will adopt what we call a readiness action plan with the aim to be able to act swiftly in this completely new security environment in Europe. We have something already called the NATO response force whose purpose is to be able to be deployed rapidly if needed. Now it's our intention to develop what I would call a spearhead within that response force at very, very, high readiness.
"In order to be able to provide such rapid reinforcements you also need some reception facilities in host nations. So it will involve the pre-positioning of supplies, of equipment, preparation of infrastructure, bases, headquarters. The bottom line is you will in the future see a more visible NATO presence in the east." [Emphases added.]
Rasmussen went on to insist, as he has been doing for years, that NATO members have to spend more money on their militaries (in the midst of depressions in Spain and Greece, recessions in the rest of Europe, and continuing insidious attacks on social welfare programs throughout Europe). A relentless promoter of an aggressive militarism, using NATO as a vehicle, Rasmussen summoned six European newspapers to lay all this on them.
Oh, and get this. Foghorn Rasmussen says “We have to face the reality that Russia does not consider NATO a partner.” Gee, what is WRONG with those Russians? Doesn't consider NATO a partner? Sure it is! Same as the Mafia is “partners” with legitimate businesses they shake down for “protection” money.
Did Rasmussen actually think he could con Russia into thinking a hostile military alliance was its buddy? The man takes the cake. He also said: “Russia is a nation that unfortunately for the first time since the second world war has grabbed land by force. Obviously we have to adapt to that." [3]
Guess he never heard of Israel's conquests of land in 1967. Or Saddam Hussein's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990. (I could probably come up with other examples with some research. But these are infamous and well-known.) What a dishonest jackass.
1] The New York Times described a Kiev regime interrogation video of the Russian soldiers thusly: “'Everything was a lie. There were no drills here,' one of the captured Russians, who identified himself as Sergey A. Smirnov, told a Ukrainian interrogator. He said he and other Russians from an airborne unit in Kostroma, in central Russia, had been sent on what was described initially as a military training exercise but later turned into a mission into Ukraine. After having their cellphones and identity documents taken away, they were sent into Ukraine on vehicles stripped of all markings, Mr. Smirnov said.” “Clouding Talks, Ukraine Says It Captured Russian Troops,” NY Times, 8/26/14.
Why would you try to dupe unprepared and unbriefed soldiers into going on a sensitive mission requiring stealth? Hardly evidence of fearsome military competence, as unreconstructed NATO Cold Warrior Anders Fogh Rasmussen describes Russian military capabilities in a propaganda harangue he unleashed on the reporters from the six European newspapers he summoned to endure it, footnoted in [3] below. Bizarrely, the Guardian sees it this way: “If western leaders have been surprised and also impressed by the sudden display of Russian military prowess, Ukraine, by contrast, is in a pitiful condition militarily, according to NATO officials.” (Also footnote 3.) Sounds like “Western leaders” are in their accustomed Cold War mode of threat-exaggeration to justify their own imperialist aggression and squandering of trillions of dollars on military spending. Old habits die hard, I guess.
The Russian army is a pathetic chain gang of abused, demoralized conscripts, and Russia is a semi-Third World nation with severe economic problems and a shrinking population wracked by alcoholism and disease, whose wealthy elites can't seem to transfer their money out of the country fast enough. They are responsible for much of the boom in London real estate for example, and a share in Manhattan too.
2] “Ukraine crisis: Putin, Poroshenko meet in Minsk amid border violence,” CBC, 8/26/14. Yet an unnamed unnamed NATO asshole in Kiev is quoted in the Guardian (footnote 3) saying “Their [the Kiev regime's] generals just want to blow everything up. But it's not a shooting war, it's an information war." I think it was a shooting war for the 2,000 eastern Ukrainians killed by Kiev's bombardments, and the several hundred thousand made refugees. “Information war” is code for lying, distortion, and dishonesty. And Yes, the Russians haven't been completely honest either. But they've been a lot more honest than the U.S.-bloc has been, and their position is far more legitimate.
3] “Nato plans east European bases to counter Russian threat,” the Guardian, 26 August 2014
Oh, and get this. Foghorn Rasmussen says “We have to face the reality that Russia does not consider NATO a partner.” Gee, what is WRONG with those Russians? Doesn't consider NATO a partner? Sure it is! Same as the Mafia is “partners” with legitimate businesses they shake down for “protection” money.
Did Rasmussen actually think he could con Russia into thinking a hostile military alliance was its buddy? The man takes the cake. He also said: “Russia is a nation that unfortunately for the first time since the second world war has grabbed land by force. Obviously we have to adapt to that." [3]
Guess he never heard of Israel's conquests of land in 1967. Or Saddam Hussein's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990. (I could probably come up with other examples with some research. But these are infamous and well-known.) What a dishonest jackass.
1] The New York Times described a Kiev regime interrogation video of the Russian soldiers thusly: “'Everything was a lie. There were no drills here,' one of the captured Russians, who identified himself as Sergey A. Smirnov, told a Ukrainian interrogator. He said he and other Russians from an airborne unit in Kostroma, in central Russia, had been sent on what was described initially as a military training exercise but later turned into a mission into Ukraine. After having their cellphones and identity documents taken away, they were sent into Ukraine on vehicles stripped of all markings, Mr. Smirnov said.” “Clouding Talks, Ukraine Says It Captured Russian Troops,” NY Times, 8/26/14.
Why would you try to dupe unprepared and unbriefed soldiers into going on a sensitive mission requiring stealth? Hardly evidence of fearsome military competence, as unreconstructed NATO Cold Warrior Anders Fogh Rasmussen describes Russian military capabilities in a propaganda harangue he unleashed on the reporters from the six European newspapers he summoned to endure it, footnoted in [3] below. Bizarrely, the Guardian sees it this way: “If western leaders have been surprised and also impressed by the sudden display of Russian military prowess, Ukraine, by contrast, is in a pitiful condition militarily, according to NATO officials.” (Also footnote 3.) Sounds like “Western leaders” are in their accustomed Cold War mode of threat-exaggeration to justify their own imperialist aggression and squandering of trillions of dollars on military spending. Old habits die hard, I guess.
The Russian army is a pathetic chain gang of abused, demoralized conscripts, and Russia is a semi-Third World nation with severe economic problems and a shrinking population wracked by alcoholism and disease, whose wealthy elites can't seem to transfer their money out of the country fast enough. They are responsible for much of the boom in London real estate for example, and a share in Manhattan too.
2] “Ukraine crisis: Putin, Poroshenko meet in Minsk amid border violence,” CBC, 8/26/14. Yet an unnamed unnamed NATO asshole in Kiev is quoted in the Guardian (footnote 3) saying “Their [the Kiev regime's] generals just want to blow everything up. But it's not a shooting war, it's an information war." I think it was a shooting war for the 2,000 eastern Ukrainians killed by Kiev's bombardments, and the several hundred thousand made refugees. “Information war” is code for lying, distortion, and dishonesty. And Yes, the Russians haven't been completely honest either. But they've been a lot more honest than the U.S.-bloc has been, and their position is far more legitimate.
3] “Nato plans east European bases to counter Russian threat,” the Guardian, 26 August 2014
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The Rascally Rasmussen strong-arms reluctant NATO members into ganging up on Russia. |
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