According to NATO, Russia sending food, water, sleeping bags, and electrical generators to the besieged citizens of the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine can “only deepen the crisis in the region.” The “crisis” being that the U.S.-bloc is meeting resistance in its takeover of Ukraine. The U.S. Lackeydom declares the humanitarian aid truck convoy a pretext for intervention.
The Kiev satrapy was even more over the top, screeching that the aid convoy constituted an “invasion.” (The satrapies in Kiev have been yelling “invasion” every time Russia so much as looks at them, it seems. Apparently they're very hot on getting NATO to send in military forces.)
After the Kiev regime kept the convoy of over 200 trucks cooling its heels at the border for days, the Russians apparently lost patience and proceeded to drive to Luhansk. Most of the trucks have already returned to Russia after unloading their cargo, the BBC reports. The Kiev satrapy is grumbling that they only inspected 37 of the trucks at the border, where they had detained them for days. (Hoping to starve out the inhabitants of Luhansk, perhaps. If they wanted to look for hidden arms and ammo so badly, they had plenty of opportunity to do so. And food is perishable.) With a thousand mile border between Ukraine and Russia, there are plenty of spots Russia can pass military supplies through without interception by the Kiev satrapy regime. So they wouldn't pick a border crossing guarded by regime loyalists to try and sneak ordnance through. Furthermore, Russia tried to get the International Red Cross to oversee the aid convoy. The Red Cross went AWOL, perhaps on the orders of Western regimes- most likely the self-appointed global master, the U.S. The official reason was that shelling in the area made the trip too dangerous for them. (The BBC said 37 trucks were inspected by the Kiev regime's guards, the New York Times says 34. The trucks have already been unloaded and drove back to Russia.)
Donetsk and Luhansk are both being shelled and bombarded by the Kiev regime. The BBC carried an eyewitness report from a Vice reporter who visited Luhansk that the Kiev regime's tactics are heavy and “indiscriminate” artillery shelling to avoid direct ground combat. Two million people live in the two cities.
Jose Manuel Barroso, a member of the European political apparatchik-royalty class who currently gets to plant his butt on the cushy seat of head of the European Commission, promised 2 million Euros for the 2 million besieged inhabitants- a cynical, empty gesture, only made to counter the Russian relief convoy. (Ukraine's total population is about 46 million.) Meanwhile today's New York Times website spins Russia's aid caravan as just a P.R. move, in the larger context of a zero sum competition between Russia and the U.S. bloc, a context in which they and the rest of the Western political and propaganda elites see everything with Russia these days (while incessantly accusing Russia of “restarting the Cold War” and Putin of having imperial ambitions). If Russia wants a friendly nation on its very border, that is seen as “expansionist.” Hysterical articles are penned by imperialist blatherers foreseeing Russian invasions of the Baltics and even Poland. (I'm not making this up. WHO is stuck in Cold War thinking? This is straight out of the Red Menace propaganda playbook from the 1950s.)
Oh, speaking of “violation(s) of sovereign,” who was it that destabilized Ukraine in the first place? And invaded Panama? And Grenada? And Haiti, numerous times? And Lebanon? And Cambodia? And Iraq and Afghanistan?
Who overthrew the democratically-elected governments of Iran and Guatemala and Brazil and Chile and on and on and replaced them with fascist tyrannies? Who sicced a terrorist army on Nicaragua? Who has subjected Cuba to non-stop sabotage, terrorism, and assassination attempts on the head of state? Who arranged false flag snipers to gun people down in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela? Who was it who overthrew the government of Australia?
Who was it who devastated Vietnam? And bombed Laos and Cambodia?
Just asking.

Who overthrew the democratically-elected governments of Iran and Guatemala and Brazil and Chile and on and on and replaced them with fascist tyrannies? Who sicced a terrorist army on Nicaragua? Who has subjected Cuba to non-stop sabotage, terrorism, and assassination attempts on the head of state? Who arranged false flag snipers to gun people down in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela? Who was it who overthrew the government of Australia?
Who was it who devastated Vietnam? And bombed Laos and Cambodia?
Just asking.
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