Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Democrats Put On An Empty Show of "Resistance" To Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nomination

You have to hand it to Democratic Party politicians: they are indefatigable con artists.

Their latest con, from just yesterday, was trying to stop the wheels of the Republican-controlled Senate from inevitably placing the extreme, anti-human reactionary ideologue Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

Trump's presidential predecessor, Barack "The Drone Assassin" Obama, nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy left by the departure of Justice Anthony Kennedy in mid-March of 2016. That was TEN MONTHS before the end of Obama's term. The Republicans in the Senate, led by their fuhrer, I mean leader, Senator Mitch "Coalbrain" McConnell, refused to hold necessary hearings to consider the nomination.

What did the Democrats do? Did they scream bloody murder? Did Obama use the bully pulpit of the presidency to denounce this travesty, this usurpation of his presidential prerogative, daily or at least weekly? Did the Democrats launch an unrelenting media campaign to force the Gang Of Plunderers (GOP) to end the obstructionism of normal Constitutional process?

They did not. They just rolled over and played dead. Yet another despicable act by that reactoinary party of con artists and the execrable Obama.

Imagine if the situation was reversed. What do you think the Republicans would have done if a Democratic-controlled Senate snuffed a nominee of a Republican president like that? They'd threaten a civil war if they had to.

But then, the Democrats let the GOP steal at least three presidential elections from them -2000, 2004,
and 2016.

The truth is, the Democrats WANT a reactionary Supreme Court. They smarmily disguise the fact with political gamesmanship.

Antonin Scalia, one of the most extreme reactionaries ever elevated to the high court, was confirmed by the Senate 98-0! That means every Democratic Senator voted for that vile creature. And Clarence Thomas would never have made it if not for Senator Joe Biden, who chaired the Judiciary Committed in the then-Democratic-majority Senate. He told the other Democrats to discount the damning testimony of Anita Hill about Thomas' gross sexual misconduct. [1]

EVERY rightwing horrible who got to wear the robes of ultimate judicial power got there with the crucial votes of Democratic Senators. The Democrats merely POSE as "liberals." They are in fact pro-repression, pro-corporate tyranny in their actions.

So on Tuesday morning, during the opening of the sham "confirmation hearings" for rightwing GOP apparatchik Brett Kavanaugh by the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by a fossilized reactionary Senator from Iowa, Charles Grassley, we were treated to stunts by Democratic Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Richard Blumenthal, and others, trying to raise points of order with the authoritarian Grassley, who ignored them, talked over them like he was deaf, and repeatedly banged his gavel to try and silence them. To be sure, the Democrats objections were valid- such as the fact that the Trump regime dumped 40,000 documents on the Committee the day before, leaving no time to read and evaluate them, and refuses to release another 100,000 dealing with Kavanaugh's crimes when he was a henchman to President George W. Bush in the White House. These documents probably contain proof that Kavanaugh lied during his previous Senate confirmation hearings, when he was made a Federal Appeals Court judge by Bush. He swore then he'd had nothing to do with torture policy. There is evidence this was a lie. (By the way, Booker is a reactionary, as Glen Ford has documented, and Kamala Harris quashed an investigation into Steve Mnuchin, whose bank was found by her staff when she was California state attorney general to have committed at LEAST 1,000 cases of mortgage foreclosure fraud, stealing people's homes. So to see people like that posturing as Brave Liberal Warriors is particularly nauseating.) Mnuchin is now Trump's Treasury Secretary, thanks to Harris aiding and abetting his mountain of felonies. [2]

But what if the Democrats manage to stall the confirmation process past the upcoming midterm election in November? Say they manage to retake the Senate? That's a long shot, and if it happened they would have only a bare majority. They'll have to stall until the new Senate is seated next January. And then what? RIGHTWING DEMOCRATS FROM PRO-TRUMP STATES ARE GOING TO VOTE TO CONFIRM KAVANAUGH! So this whole "opposition" show is just to snooker people into thinking the Democrats are "fighting" the Kavanaugh nomination.

They should have done their fighting during the ten months McConnell and his wrecking crew bottled up the nomination of Merrick Garland. Not that Garland was any prize. He's a rightwinger, just not an extreme one like the despicable Kavanaugh. [3]

1]  Biden's despicable role is documented in the book Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas, by two establishment journalists (one of which went on to become the first woman to become top editor at the New York Times, Jill Abramson).

2]  To discover the real Booker behind the mask, see: "Glen Ford Speaks about the Black 'Mis-Leadership' Class," October 18, 2013; "Cory Booker is No Progressive: The Countless Reasons Why He Will Not Be a Good Senator," The Majority Report with Sam Seder, August 12, 2013; and "Glen Ford: Corporate Assault on Public Education," May 9, 2012, all on

3]  For what an anti-human interest scumbag Kavanaugh is, see "Report Finds Judge Kavanaugh Ruled Against Public Interest in Almost All of His District Court Cases," Democracy Now!, September 5, 2018.

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