Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How the GOP and Trump Henchman Kris Kobach Stole the 2016 Presidential Election

The Gang Of Plunderers has been stealing elections for at least 20 years now. While the Democratic Party sleeps.

Well, not exactly. What the Democrats DO is turn a blind eye to the theft of elections and instead scream bloody murder at Ralph Nader (2000) and Vladimir Putin (2016)! Scapegoating irrelevant targets on which they unleash their wrath. They're afraid of the Republicans!

It's cowardly, and makes them accomplices to a rotten and corrupt and fraudulent system of pseudo-democracy. They would rather preserve the increasingly shabby and threadbare illusion of a fair electoral process then actually HAVE one! This makes them accomplices in their own victimization, as well as enemies of democracy.

But since the so-called Democrats are a front group for corporate oligarchy and global imperialism, why would they even care about democracy? Of course they wouldn't. And they don't. Democracy means power in the hands of the people, the precise opposite of corporate oligarchy and imperialism.

Aaron Maté of The Real News Network interviewed investigative journalist Greg Palast in August 2018 on some of the evil machinations of Kansas Republican Secretary of State and nominee for Governor Kris Kobach, and the theft of the 2016 presidential election. That makes three presidential elections stolen by GOP skulduggery- 2000, 2004, 2016. [1]

Seems they can't win anymore except by cheating.

Kobach has devoted his career to election theft. He has taken his underhanded methods of skulduggery national, as this video explains.

Palast describes systematic disenfranchising of tens of thousands of voters in "swing" states. The Democrats response? As in Florida in 2000, they don't defend the right of "minorities" to vote, Instead they gnash their teeth at the Green Party for daring to run in elections and "steal" the Democrats "votes," on the spurious assumption that every single voter for the Greens would be voting for Democrats instead. The other villain in the Democrats version of reality is that Internet memes spread by Russians induced people to vote for Trump who otherwise wouldn't have.

And according to Democratic Party astronomers, the moon is made out of green cheese.

The Republican apparatchiks who sit on the Supreme Court as the highest judges in the land have played their part in the election-stealing conspiracies of the Gang Of Plunderers (GOP), most infamously in 2000 when they banned Florida from conducting an accurate vote count, and by aiding and abetting Kobach's schemes. One method of covert disenfranchisement invented and spread by Kobach to the two-thirds of U.S. states the Republicans control, which these GOP operatives-in-judicial-robes have "legalized," is pretending that people with common black, Hispanic, and Asian-American last names living in different states are the same person, and if they fail to respond to a postcard mailed to them by election officials are automatically removed from the voter registration rolls without further notice to them. (As if people carefully read and comprehend every bit of seemingly insignificant mail, and mail never gets lost or misdelivered or stolen. And the phone hasn't been invented yet, so there's no way to call people.)

Here let me remind you that if it wasn't for Democratic Senators, these extremely partisan Justices would never have made it onto the Supreme Court. For the story of that betrayal, see footnote [2].

People who vote twice are subject to imprisonment for five years. Kris Kobach, who has conspired to deprive millions of the right to vote, should at least get life in prison. As a destroyer of democracy, he is subversive to the proclaimed values of America. Like a termite, he bores in secret, eating away at the foundational legitimacy of the U.S. electoral system.

The Man With the Crocodile Grin: Kris Kobach, anti-democratic reactionary 
white supremacist, GOP go-to guy for election-stealing.

1]  Watch "How the GOP and Trump Henchman Kris Kobach Stole the 2016 Presidential Election."

2]  For how the Democrats helped create a reactionary Supreme Court, see "How the Democrats Helped Create an Ultrareactionary Supreme Court- And Strip Women of Their Abortion Rights."

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