Monday, September 10, 2018

With Genocidal Campaign Against Uighurs, China Surpasses U.S. For Title of World's Largest Prison Population

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination says China has imprisoned one million Uighurs in "reeducation" centers, employing the degradation and brainwashing techniques they perfected under the cult dictator Mao Zedong to wipe out the ethnic identities of the victims. Add that to the "official" number of prisoners China admits to having, two million, and you get a total of three million. This surpasses the nominal U.S. total of 2.2 million inmates, so China takes the lead in the Mass Incarceration Tournament.

That's just in the Uighur "autonomous region," an Orwellian designation for a region under the boot heel of a "Communist" party overlord that is being overrun by Han Chinese, and where the Uighurs are under tight police repression. As China is seeking to eliminate the Uighurs as a distinct population group with their own identity, China is in the process of committing genocide against the Uighurs.

The UN committee also said that perhaps another 2 million Uighurs in the Xinjiang "autonomous region" were being dragooned into Maoist-style "political camps for indoctrination." The Uighur prisoners are forced to renounce their Muslim religion and swear fealty to Chinese dictator Xi Jinping.

So China has more than the "official" number of 2 million prisoners. It is actually 3 or 4 million.

China's UN ambassador in Geneva, where the committee met, Yu Jianhua, spouted cynical rhetoric claiming China was taking steps to achieve equality and solidarity between all ethnic groups. Yeah, right. And the Holocaust is a myth.

Human rights groups including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Chinese Human Rights Defenders, submitted reports to the UN body documenting the repression.

But don't count the U.S. out in the competition for the title of World's Most Punitive Nation. The U.S. also has many uncounted prisoners- uncounted in official tallies. There are thousands of immigrants in "detention," their asylum claims brusquely brushed aside. There are people accused of crimes and held in jail pending trial, either denied bail or unable to afford it. And it's not clear to me whether the many thousands of people serving sentences of less than a year in city and county jails are counted. Nevertheless, China, with an estimated one million Uighur political prisoners in brainwashing/torture centers added to the official two million prisoners, is now Number One in gross total prisoners.

And as a percentage of the adult population imprisoned, the U.S. is still stands tall and proud in First Place. And in proportion to national population, the U.S. has China beat by a country mile, with only a fourth of China's population (about 330 million vs. China's 1.3 billion people) but with over one-half to two-thirds China's tally of prisoners.

So the U.S. is still very, very competitive in this yardstick of repression, And in terms of an omniscient surveillance state, the U.S. has the lead, thanks mainly to the NSA, but also to the promiscuous use of "national security letters" by the FBI, about 50,000 issued per year in the name of "fighting terrorism," where demands are made for personal financial, medical, library, school, and all manner of other records, with the record-holders forced to provide the information and threatened to tell no one, on pain of severe criminal penalties. Who knew there were so many "terrorists" in the U.S.?

China, like numerous nations around the globe, has eagerly followed in the U.S.' footsteps and adopted the political and propaganda strategy the U.S. pioneered in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 arranged demolitions of three skyscrapers in Manhattan and the U.S. government-sent anthrax letters, claiming to be "fighting terrorism" by the mass imprisonment and brainwashing of Uighurs. Bashar al-Assad similarly adopted the "fighting terrorism" story in his war against the Syrian people, ongoing for seven years now and near its depressing and horrific climax.

Keep on eye on Syria in the imprisonment sweepstakes. With the monstrous Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian allies about the finally snuff out the popular uprising against the dictatorship, expect many tens of thousands to be imprisoned, and tortured. Many will end up being murdered, as per the standard practice of the Assad regime. (The number would be even higher except for the fact that after Assad and his allies finish barrel-bombing Idlib province, the last stand of the uprising, and conquer it, there wil be thousands of summary executions.)

Thank you, Obama, Trump, and "anti-imperialists" and "peace activists" for allowing Assad to remain in power by destroying "his" country in order to "save" it.

 Leaders in Repression: Xi Jinping and Bashar al-Assad

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