Saturday, July 06, 2019

Anchorage, Alaska Breaks Temperature Record at 90 Degrees Fahrenheit- Another Omen For the Future

That's 32.2 degrees Celsius to you in the rest of the world. Understand that Alaska is America's Siberia- far north and freezing cold, partly above the Arctic Circle.

But that's not hot enough to change the minds of the global warming deniers, or their cousins in denial and dishonesty, those who deny that the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is the cause.

Maybe if it hits 100 degrees they'll budge?

NAH! Ideology always trumps mere reality. As Ronald Reagan once said: "Facts are stupid things."

So he just made up his own. As does his GOP (Gang Of Plunderers) successor Donald J. "Jackass" Trump.

And ideology driven by economic interest has the weight of a mountain!

In case you hadn't noticed, the oil industry in particular is huge and lies at the core of the current global economic structure, as it is the main fuel for transportation, including airplanes and ships, which makes it a critical military commodity. Saudi Arabia's power is derived from petroleum, and the U.S. strongly protects Saudi Arabia, (even after the murder of a contributor to the Washington Post, the in-house organ of the power elites of the capital of the U.S. empire, Washington D.C.).

Oil corporations are hugely wealthy and politically powerful in the U.S. And in addition, plastics are derived from petrochemicals.

Reactionary polemicists for hire by the oil and coal industries are plentiful. And the U.S. media is reactionary and pro-corporate oligarchy. This power structure is already indifferent to such facts as the 50% reduction in Arctic sea ice since 1979. [1] Why would they care about a hot day in Anchorage?

So guess what? A hot day in Alaska changes nothing.

Once a happy family, now not long for this world:  polar bears. Having no habitat means extinction.

So long, fellow mammal.

1] CBS News, of all places, radio broadcast, July 6th, 2019, 11 am Eastern Standard Time.

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