Saturday, July 20, 2019

Violent Rapist Sits on U.S. Supreme Court- But Jeffrey Epstein Is The Devil!

[Helpful Hint for the Reading Comprehension Impaired: This is NOT a defense of Jeffrey Epstein.]

Brett Kavanaugh. Remember him? He violently assaulted and attempted to rape a 15-year-old girl, Christine Ford. Now an adult, she gave a very credible, detailed account of what Kavanaugh and a crony did to her. Didn't stop the U.S. Senate from making Kavanaugh, already a Federal Appeals Court judge, a Justice for life on the U.S. supreme Court, the highest court in the land and one that increasingly wields extreme power.

That's all down the memory hole. The BIG OUTRAGE is some rich guy, Jeffrey Epstein, between 15 and 17 years ago, paid a stream of teenage girls to massage him and watch him masturbate or give him hand jobs and let him fondle them in their underwear. (One now accuses him of raping her on one occasion.) He did have to serve jail time for that and register for the rest of his life as a sex offender.

But now it is Establishment Consensus that he got away with it and that nothing less than life in prison is "justice." To prove he's unrepentant, much is being made of "thousands" of photos of naked females seized from his mansion by FBI raiders. (No charge, just inference, that they are photos of teenagers.)

So the Federal government is reneging on the plea arrangement it entered into years ago and bringing "new" charges for crimes alleged to have occurred between 2002-2005. (What's that, you say? What about statute of limitations? I really don't know. Most Federal crimes have a 7 year time limit for bringing charges. But I haven't heard or read ONE WORD in "the" media, or "alternative" media for that matter, about statute of limitations in this case.)

A Federal judge just denied Epstein bail on grounds that he is a flight risk (as if being under house arrest with an electronic monitoring bracelet. and media and cops camped outside, and guards inside, somehow would allow him to escape) and a danger to society. (No assertion that he's had illegal sexual contact with minors since 2005, and of course with the massive publicity and scrutiny he's under, impossible he could now.)

But a known rapist on the supreme Court? Not a problem!

America's demented contradictions can make anyone lose their mind.

When you strip rights away from one person, you strip them from all. There are no longer rights, just privileges. And privileges are very weak and leave everyone vulnerable. Power systems always strip rights from unpopular people first, those regarded as loathsome. It's the first step down the slippery slope.

Who's the bigger menace to society? Who has the power that affects over 300 million people? It ain't Jeffrey Epstein!

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