Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Overlooked Misogyny Embedded in Trump's Xenophobic and Racist Attack On 4 Female Congresswomen

 The U.S. has a president who doesn't bother masking his quite virulent, deeply felt, lifelong racism.

Trump "won" election by campaigning  on two main themes: "lock up" Hillary Clinton, and Hispanic immigrants are a mass of criminal invaders. He has just launched his reelection campaign with a savage, racist attack on four female, non-"white," Democratic members of Congress, demanding in vitriolic language that they "go back where they came from." (Three "came from" the U.S., and one, Ilhan Omar, came to the U.S. at the age of 12 from Somalia, and is a naturalized U.S. citizen.)

Trump began his vicious, racist assault on the four Congresswomen on Sunday, July 14th. [1] We should note, although no public commentator or politician has to my knowledge done so, that Trump could have included male non-"white" Congresspeople considered progressive, such as Ro Khanna, in his vulgar attack, but did not. Another Democratic male antagonist Trump has ignored: Congressman Al Green, who introduced articles of impeachment against Trump in the House of Representatives. (It was voted on by the House and lost.) Trump singled out four women only.

This should be understood in the context of Trump's lifelong misogyny and sexism, such as his vulgar verbal assaults on Rosie O'Donnell ("fat pig") and Megyn Kelly ("bleeding out of her, whatever") and others. So his attack on the four Congresswomen wasn't just racist. 

Trump's "base" of white racists (aka "nationalists"), bigots, and xenophobes were "energized" (excited) by his assault, as polling showed. Nine out of ten Republicans approve of his demagogic, racist attack. 

Republican politicians, for their part, are either silent or supportive of Trump in this.

When will "respectable" bourgeois commentators and the corporate media finally admit what has been apparent since Nixon's "Southern strategy;" that the Republican Party is the party of white racism?

It could only get more obvious if the Republicans and Trump stop lying about it and denying they're racist. Their denials are tissue-thin, transparent lies. Just another example of their utter dishonesty.

But like Hitler, another notorious liar, they are sincere to the depths of their souls about some things. Namely their racism and xenophobia. And can we say proto-fascism? Trump has expressed his deep solidarity with the murderous Filipino autocrat Rodrigo Duterte and the fascist death squad loving president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro.

Trump's xenophobia, and his racist supporters enthusiasm for him, is mind-exploding in its hypocrisy. Trump, the man who is crazed with hostility for immigrants, has more than a few immigrants in his family- his current wife, one of his former wives (Ivana), his father-in-law. mother-in-law, his grandparents, and his own mother.

Can anyone be a bigger piece of hypocritical, cynical, demagogic piece of shit than Donald J. "Jackass" Trump?

1] The four victims of Trump's demagogic vitriol are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). Talib's parents are Palestinian, Ocasio-Cortez' are Puerto Rican, and thus U.S. citizens to begin with, Pressley is African-American, and Omar came from Somalia at age 12. Three are native-born American citizens, Omar is a naturalized citizen.

Trump is not faking the hate just to get reelected. His hatred is genuine.

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